I hope many have their hearts open for feeling the truth that this "rant" behold.
Especially Washington and London punish unpopular States using this method very much like what equals an economic war.
Did you know, for example, 'Made in Germany' was imposed by the British export economy before the First World War, so everyone could identify and boycott German products more easily ?
Yes, but later turned into a positive, and this designation is a mark of quality.
Sadly today we almost can almost everywhere see the description 'Made in the EU'.
Parsifal, May 09 , 2013
Conversely, one may of course not dare to boycott the countries who think the world belongs to them and they can impose their will on everyone.
Since they understand no fun.
So it is totally okay to ask for very harsh sanctions against The Iran, and to cut off all imports and exports,
It is therefore not anti-Iranian.
On the other hand, it is a crime to call for a boycott of Israel, because of the proven theft of Palestinian land by the 'settlers', the 700km long wall of separation and the blatant discrimination against the Palestinian population.
Who has boycotted the Zionesia Apartheid Regime, clearly is an 'anti-Semite'.
The reason why I am raising this sickening double standard is the actuality, because of the famous British scientist Sir Stephen Hawking has refused the invitation to participate a scientific congress in Israel in June, which is under the patronage of the President of Israel, Shimon Peres.
The reason: He does not agree with the treatment of the Palestinians by Israel and has connected in the protest movement, the academic institutions in Israel boycotted because of that.
Professor Hawking boycotting Israel
Finally, a well-known figure shows morals and decency and not intimidated by the all-powerful Zionist lobby and creep into like everyone else.
Immediately reported by a spokesman of the University of Cambridge in the usual chumming way, the rejection of Hawking has to do with his health and is not politically motivated.
This has the recipient of numerous honors, including the 'Presidential Medal of Freedom,' presented at the White House by dictator Obama to him in 2009, written in a letter to the organizers:
'I accepted the invitation to the meeting of the President with the intention of it would not only allow me to express my opinion about the prospects of a peace agreement, but because it would allow me to give a lecture in the West Bank. (At the University of Palestine).
But, I have received numerous emails from Palestinian academics.
They all agree that I should respect the boycott.
For this reason, I have to withdraw from the conference.
Had I attended, I would have brought to express the policy of the Government of Israel will lead to a disaster.'
The news of the cancellation of its participation caused angry reactions from the Israeli side.
The chairman of the conference, Israel Maimon, called the decision Hawking as 'unfounded and false.'
He said: 'Israel is a democracy where everyone can express his opinion, whatever it may be. A boycott - decision is not compatible with an open democratic discourse'.
(... a moment, I just spilled my vitamin-drink on my keyboard, because I had to laugh out loud at this absurd statement ... never mind, it goes on ... Oh, you can express any opinion in Israel ?
Sure, except those criticizing the racist regime, as we now see.)
When entering the country you will be subjected to interrogation and at the slightest indication of criticism and put in deportation.
The Secret Service has checked the names on the passenger lists against everything you have ever said on the internet and entry is refused.
Welcome to the one and only democracy in the Middle East.
The Israeli ambassador in London, Daniel Taub, described the cancellation as 'big shame' and added: 'Instead of yielding to the pressure of political extremists an active participation in such an event would promote a much more constructive way to progress and peace.'
He stressed former leaders such as Bill Clinton, Mikhail Gorbachev and Tony Blair have the intention to participate.
The only extremists here are those who deny the Palestinians the human rights for over 65 years and they have driven from their homes with murder and manslaughter.
A more impudent and fact twisting defamation takes place.
Only the Palestinians have NO right to exist and only they are wiped off the map.
Then, the peace, the mass murderer Peres, Clinton and Blair mean, we know, and the master traitor Gorbachev also.
Reason alone to boycott the conference and not to be in a room and to deal with these Satanists with the blood of millions sticking on them.
That Peres presided over an academic peace conference goes beyond any 'chutzpah'.
The guy is a pathological liar and unrepentant hypocrite.
He is the father of the Israeli atomic bomb Israel blackmailed and threatened all neighboring countries.
His party Kadima consists mainly of terrorists and war criminals that would land in any other country in prison for lifetime.
Peres neither as Prime Minister nor as the President during his tenure apologized for the terrible deeds or thought to compensate the families of the victims.
The phrase 'mea culpa' does not exist in the vocabulary of the Zionists and compassion or heart seems to be a foreign word.
In the term of Bill Clinton's presidency half a million children have died from the nearly 10-year-long sanctions against Iraq and the lack of medicine.
The mass murderer has this on his conscience.
About the Balkan war he instigated against my former country I will not say anything.
Except that wide parts of the former Yugoslavia in this perfidious war were contaminated forever with Depleted Uranium.
For the financial crisis, also responsible, so much misery he has caused, because he has the law on separation of banking (Glass-Steagall) repealed in 1999.
And Tony Blair, this dirty liar who told us that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and could attack Europe within 45 minutes with nuclear missiles has with his accomplice George W. Bush waged a criminal war of aggression that killed 1.4 million Iraqis and 4 mio forced to escape.
And, as usual, where the war criminals hit, large parts of Iraq is contaminated by radioactive uranium munitions, which caused the terrible illnesses and birth defects.
But it suits official Israel to invite such a mass murderer to a conference, which is headed by a mass murderer, and then to talk about peace.
The only peace they know is the peace of the cemetery !
Samia al-Botmeh of the Palestinian Bir Zait University in the occupied West Bank described Hawkings decision as 'fantastic'.
'We tried to communicate with him two points,' he said.
'First, Israel is a colonial entity that violates the rights of the Palestinians, including the academic freedoms.
And then we asked him to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian academic colleagues, which have called on the international academic community to a boycott of Israeli academic institutions.'
The slander inflationary used was immediately circulated on the Internet, 'So, so you're also an anti-semite, Professor Hawking !'
Sure, everyone is criticizing the policies of Israel is anti-semite.
On the other hand, even the Israeli media had to admit:
'It is difficult to brand Stephen Hawking as anti-semitic, after he has visited Israel four times.
His motives show, Israel has become a place to rather avoid', Haaretz wrote.
Yes, they can dish out but do not bear a single blame these sniveling players of a victim.
The Israeli government is that which has called for the most severe sanctions and even tougher boycott of Iran and constantly does.
They even demanded 'crushing' sanctions against Iran, which is tantamount to a declaration of war.
But they themselves are furious when in reverse they are boycotted; a boycott, entirely justified because of the treatment of the Palestinians.
This one-sided handling of an instrument to punish countries expressed most clearly by the fact at July 11, 2011, the Knesset passed a law in which it is forbidden to call for a boycott of Israel or the illegal settlements on Palestinian territory.
Any person or organization calling for the boycott of Israel or the settlements can be held liable for damages in unlimited amounts without proof of actual damage.
The amount of damage determines an Israeli court.
So we can not do the same with Israel, what Israel does with others -- to call for sanctions and boycott.
What did the President of the Conference, Israel Maimon say above ?
'Israel is a democracy where everyone can express his opinion, whatever it may be.
A boycott decision is not compatible with an open democratic discourse.'
Hello, this law however proves, one can just NOT in Israel or against Israel express his opinion.
This construct is therefore NOT democracy and Maimon is a hypocrite and a liar.
How can someone talk about peace if he constantly and again throw bombs on his neighbors and killing people ?
One of the few Knesset representatives who voted against the law at that time was Nitzan Horowitz of the Meretz Party, who called it scandalous and disgraceful.
'We have a law here which is a shame for the democracy of Israel and it will be people around the world asking, whether it is at all a democracy here,' he said.
Ilan Gilon, another deputy of the Meretz said the law will even more 'delegitimize' Israel.
The legal adviser to the Knesset, Eyal Yanon, published its legal assessment, saying that the law would come into the vicinity of 'illegality and would go even further.'
He warned that the law would 'damage the core of freedom of expression in Israel.'
If one calls for a boycott of Israel because of its racist apartheid policy, or boycott the products of the Jewish extremist that rob Palestinians their country and evict from their homes, then you will be punished anyway and in any case considered an anti-Semite.
Conversely, it is quite different.
Israel, with impunity may call for sanctions and boycott of other countries as it wants.
It all depends on whom you should boycott and whom not.
Stephen Hawking Confirms Support of Israel Boycott
Günter Grass - What Must Be Said (audio)
Boycott Israel 2012 (Shopping Can Kill Campaign)
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