Friday, 3 May 2013

Who commits most of terrorist attacks ?

Thanks to Parsifal that researched and posted this at one of our BRIDGES
This may is an eye opener for many. Please share it as far you can. Thanks!
It is always interesting to compare the public perception with the actual facts.
According to the American media, the most terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims.
Also produced in the Hollywood films in the last 20 years, there are Arabs that are considered the bad guys.
In this case, if one analyzes the statistics exactly, this conveyed impression is false at all.
What do you think of how many terrorist attacks Islamic extremists in the United States from 1980 to 2005 were responsible ? 
For all ?
Or 80 percent ?
50 percent, it must have been at least, right ?
No, according to figures from the FBI, only 6 percent of all terrorist attacks of them were made.
For 94 percent of all terrorist attacks, others are responsible.
It is even so, 7 percent of which have Jewish extremists carried out, more than the Muslims.
This fact completely contradicts what most people think.
Parsifal, May 3, 2013

People should believe all terrorists are Muslims, while the figures show, 94 percent are not.
Americans live in a constant fear of Islamic extremists, a fear that is constantly spread by the Islamophobes.
What is true for America, also applies in Europe.
Here's the figures from Europol for 2010 (the TE-SAT 2010)
In 2010, a total of 249 terrorist attacks were executed or thwarted.
Only three of them go to the account of Islamists.
294 terrorist attacks took place in 2009, it was not a single perpetrated by Islamists.
Behind the vast majority stuck separatists, or left-or right-wing groups.
The TE-SAT 2011 from the Europol and TE-SAT 2012 are available here and here as .pdf
How is it possible when an attack happens somewhere, they immediately accused the Muslims as perpetrators ? 
Is there a media-driven campaign ?
Will someone let the Muslims look bad ?
Who benefit immediate to point the finger in a certain direction ?

So it was, for example, in Oslo in 2011.
When the first reports of a bomb attack on the office building of the Prime Minister arrived, which killed eight people and ten people were injured, and about two hours later on the rampage on the island of Utoya the monstrous message came, 69 people have been killed in cold blood, all experts on TV screens spoke of an Islamic terror attack.

Only they can have been the perpetrators.
Only later came out that the perpetrator was a Norwegian, a right-wing Christian fundamentalist and Freemason, who performed the act of anti-Islamic motives.

The Islamophobes claim that Islam is in content a terrorist religion.
As evidence, they state, almost all terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims.
Only, that's not true at all.
As I have shown above, in the U.S. there were according to the FBI from 1980 to 2005, only 6 percent, and in Europe less than 1 percent of cases.
The false claim that all Muslims are terrorists, but without being punished you can emit about this religion.
Let us imagine, someone would proclaim the truth and say that in America, most of all terrorist acts are committed by Christians ? 
Or one would say, much more than of Muslims are terrorist attacks of Latin Americans, environmental extremists, animal rights activists, communists, left-wing extremists, right-wing extremists ...  even committed by Jewish extremists ?
Imagine the outcry ! 
One would immediately be branded as a liar, a racist and an anti-Semite in the latter case.

Yes, the truth one may not pronounce it and it is not pronounced.
It is totally politically correct to portray the Muslims as a great danger that kill innocent people.
While 'only' 33 people have been killed by Islamists since 9/11 in the 12 years in America.
At the same time, however, 180.000 Americans have been killed, for reasons that have nothing to do with terrorism. 
Much more likely to die violently by all other possibilities, due to a car accident while crossing a road by an electric shock, during a fall from a ladder, through a robbery or because of a jealous husband than by terrorism.
When analyzing another database of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), (Browse By Perpetrator) which covers all acts of terrorism in the period from 1970 until 2012, then we arrive at the following result:
There were 2.400 terrorist attacks perpetrated on American soil, 60 of which were carried out by Muslims. 
These are just 2.5 percent.
The others by groups like
the Ku Klux Klan,
Medellin drug cartel,
Irish Republican Army,
anti-Castro groups,
extremist Mormon,
Jewish Defense League,
May 19 Communist order,
Chicano Liberation Front,
Jewish Armed Resistance,
American Indian Movement,
Gay Liberation Front,
Aryan nation,
Jewish Action Movement,
National Front for the Liberation of Cuba, or
Fourth Reich Skinheads.

118 terrorist attacks, or 4.9 per cent were committed by Jewish groups, such as
the Jewish Armed Resistance,
Jewish Defense League,
Jewish Action Movement,
United Jewish Underground and
Thunder of Zion.
So twice as many as by Islamic groups.
168 attacks, or 7 percent have done alone abortion opponents who can be counted among the Christians.
That is, political, atheist, Christian and Jewish groups commit with 97.5 percent, most acts of terrorism in America and not Muslims.
Nobody will tell us, but drummed on only one side anti-Islamic fear-mongering and propaganda.

No one wants to belittle the terror in general or of radical Islamists.
It's about correcting the false impression that is common and spread in America and Europe by the media and politicians.

Well, there IS an exception to the rule
Many terrorist acts are seen actually performed worldwide by Sunni Muslims.
Only the victims of this terror are Muslims themselves.
We see it in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Mali, Libya and Syria.
The completely paradoxical here is that the U.S. and NATO support the majority of radical Sunni terrorist groups, especially the perverted version of Wahhabi who commit attacks against their own fellow Muslims and blow mosques in the air.
At the same time, however, is told us, America fought in the 'War on Terror'.


Here is a current message that confirms my prediction that terrorists of the so called 'Free Syrian Army' (FSA) will bite the hand that feeds them and attack neighboring countries.
It was a rabid dog released to overthrow Assad, but who then turns against the supporters.

Members of the FSA on the Turkish-Syrian border have opened fire on Turkish border officials and civilians.
The Turkish police did not want them to enter Turkey because they had no passports there.
A policeman was killed in the fighting.
Eleven other security officials and civilians were seriously injured.
Source: German Turkish news.

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