Thursday, 2 May 2013

The Origin Of Feminism

Thanks to Parsifal that posted this ENLIGHTENING Article on one of our BRIDGES
It's maybe hard to believe, but the feminist contingent should know that their 'movement' was originally created, launched and sponsored by the Rockefeller and Ford Foundation.
Parsifal, Nov 17, 2012
These powerful forces have used various media and magazines that belong to them, to bring the feminist idea among the women.
And it worked just fine.
Even the CIA in the 60's started various 'left' women's magazines and financed, as a chief editor has confessed.

Somebody or something with over-arching control of our government and media had silently declared war against our families by targeting women with the message that marriage and motherhood were forms of enslavement to be avoided at all costs.
But why?
Why would anyone want women to believe that spreading their legs from one sexual encounter to the next would lead to feminine 'equality' and 'enlightenment' ?

How would denigrating men lead to 'happiness' in the most twisted ways possible ?

As time rolled on the answer became painfully simple and sinister…
Divide and Conquer.
United we stand (with family), divided we fall (without).
Alienate the masses in order to manipulate and control them.
Independent of each other, dependent on the state…

Feminism has been skillfully packaged to appeal to Women's natural instincts for empathy.
And after 40 years of this non-stop packaging, feminism has sadly become a perceived 'pillar' or modern society.

Many of us have already known feminism to be an ever-present and powerful form of indoctrination and brainwashing.
It is especially successful when women themselves incorporate its destructive ideology into their very identities.

Why would the big capital and the intelligence community, so, the machinery of power want that where it would at first sight be against their interests ?
'Family life was and always will be the foundation of any civilization.  
Destroy the family and you destroy the country.' -  Erin Pizzey

During times of war military planners would refer to this type of covert action as 'Psy-ops'.
But the rest of us know this as…
Psychological Warfare.

Nicholas Rockefeller said the following:
Excerpt from Aaron Russo’s last interview before his death in 2007:
Well, one of the things he told me was that.. he was at the house one night and we started talking and he was laughing and he said,
'Aaron what do you think women's liberation was all about ?'
And I had pretty conventional thinking about it at that point and I said,
'I think it's about women having the right to work to get equal pay with men just like they won the right to vote.'
He started to laugh and he said,
'Your an idiot.'
And I said,
'Why am I an idiot ?'
And he said,
'Let me tell you what that was about. 
We the Rockefellers funded that.'
'We funded women's lib and we're the ones who got it all over the newspapers and television (through) the Rockefeller Foundation…'
And he says,
'You wanna know why ?
There were two primary reasons.
And one reason was we couldn't tax half the population before women's lib and the second reason was now we get the kids in school at an early age..
we can indoctrinate kids on how to think and with it break up their family.
The kids start looking at the state as the family..
As the schools as the officials as their family.. not the parents teaching them.
And so those were the two primary reasons for Women’s Lib.'

'Which I thought up to that point was a noble thing.
But when I saw their intentions behind it.. where they were coming from when they created it and the thought of it..  
I saw the evil behind what I thought was a noble venture..'

Nickolas Rockefeller continued:
'Feminism is our invention for two reasons. Previously only paid half the population taxes, now almost all the women go to work because it also destroyed the family and we are thus given the power over the children.. they are under control of our media and get our message drummed into are no longer under the influence of the intact family, in which we incite the women against the men and destroy the partnership and the community of the family, we have created a broken egoists society (where)  they go to work (for the alleged career), consume (fashion, beauty, brands), thus are our slaves and then find it still good.'

Here is the interview with Aaron Russo where he describes how Nick Rockefeller tried to 'recruit" him and as proof 'of their power,' he told that the Rockefeller Foundation had invented feminism.
Other statements in the interview are astonishing - 9/11 is a self-made, self-directed aggression and the 'war on terror' is a farce - it is the intention to provide all people with a chip:
You may view the short version just on feminism at the bottom of my article:

Feminism is masquerading as movement for women's rights.
In reality, feminism is directed against women, a cruel lie in which they are told, their natural biological instincts were 'designed' to suppress them.

But how can the natural role of women be a bad thing ?

In fact, feminism has been invented by the elite, conscious social reconstruction to neutralize both sexes, in which one makes women masculine and feminine men.
As a result, women are set against the marriage and motherhood, and men find no women who want to start a family.
It is told to them, the 'career' is more important than the traditional mother role and the controlled by the elite media spread these lies messages.
Just what kind of career is that ?
Sit in an office and move paper from left to right ?
Stand on a machine and always make the same gesture ?
Or if it even comes up then, as leader to push and exploit other colleagues ?

The Rockefellers AND Rothschilds have invented feminism to destroy the family and to poison the man-woman relationship.
A typical issue of divide and conquer.
Their goal is to create a population of selfish individuals who represent the ideal controllable consumers.
In addition, they also want to depopulate the world in which fewer children are born.
And they want to establish a one world government which determines everything and control.

Why ?
Because this global money elite thinks they are gods because they, with their central banks can create money out of nothing.
Money rules the world is their motto.
This and the compound interest system and total debt to enslave humanity.
Each of them stands in the way of these objectives will be destroyed.

If feminism was genuine, then it has already disintegrated, since the end of discrimination against women.
So this ideology still accomplish more as a tool of the elite to their agenda of destabilization, population control and the destruction of Western society.

Continued in my next article, where I describe how women were taken to smoking.
Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society
video credits:
video 1:
Hollywood director and documentary film maker Aaron Russo has gone in-depth on the astounding admissions of Nick Rockefeller, who personally told him that the elite's ultimate goal was to create a microchipped population and that the war on terror was a hoax, Rockefeller having predicted an "event" that would trigger the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan eleven months before 9/11. Rockefeller also told Russo that his family's foundation had created and bankrolled the women's liberation movement in order to destroy the family and that population reduction was a fundamental aim of the global elite.
video 2:
Aaron Russo Explains What Rockefeller Revealed
my website
"Throughout modern history Illuminati bankers have used "sexual liberation" to subvert society and establish their subtle tyranny.
As Masonic revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini said, "we corrupt in order to rule."
The Illuminati bankers need to introduce "world government" to translate their unjust monopoly over credit into total world control.
They realized that they couldn't take control until they destroyed the family.
This was a main plank of the Communist Manifesto in 1848, along with the creation of a private central bank.
Every major "revolution" in modern history has increased Illuminati banker control and the sexual revolution is no exception...
read on:
R.I.P Aaron,
Just imagine what this information matters.
For (married) couples, partnerships.
What has feminism done to the relation of the sexes ?
It has only destroyed so much, put people in dependence and ruined millions of lifes
It is both: man - and woman hating agenda....
Here's a sample of a swiss 'super' market (Migros) chain's advertisement 'we return your bottles (deposit)
...just imagine the clamor, the opposite would be ...... :( ... or here - the castration of men (a Cadillac propaganda - made accidentally ?)

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