As reader of my blogs you've noticed now, one of my main concerns is to show the double standards and hypocrisy of the Western media and politicians.
Parsifal, May 20, 2013
If the West does something, then it is justified and good.
How for instance to recruit, and arm terrorists and send them to countries to commit terrorist attacks there.
Then there are not terrorists but 'rebels' who are fighting for human rights, as in Syria. Would one of the countries on the list of 'axis of evil' doing the same, then that would be a declaration of war.
Just as it is with sanctions.
The West must punish unpopular countries that do not bow to the dictates with sanctions and boycotts.
But conversely, no country should boycott the West, because that is considered an act of war.
It is thus clear if two do the same then that is not the same.
Therefore, we look at an actual example.
The German Spiegel yesterday reported a visit by Kim Jong Un in a school and refers to this as staged propaganda.
These are the latest propaganda images from North Korea.
Kim visited a camp for children in the province of North Phyongan and the state news agency KCNA took the photos in the public which should say...:
Look, this is Kim, caring and not warmongering'.
Kim Jong Un is portrayed by the 'idiot-newspaper of the intellectuals', which is controlled by the CIA and the BND since the foundation to spread disinformation a warmonger.
Ah, what wars he runs because to earn this title ?
Please Spiegel editorial, explains to us.
Against which country North Korea is at war ?
Hello, we want to know now.
No sound because the answer is, namely, to NO country.
What does North Korea is addressing only warnings against an attack by the West and demonstrates the willingness to defend itself.
But we know a country which is threatened by the West with a war should not defend itself.
Just the willingness to do so is turned into perverse and interpreted as aggression.
Countries have kindly to lie on their back, to spread their legs and to be raped.
Who does not want to enjoy this is evil.
The rapist, who penetrates with his oversized militarized phallus, is good.
Obama waring against other countries or does Merkel ?
Yes, definitely, both.
The wars which Obama makes almost can not list, so many are.
If you list all the countries where Washington is directly or indirectly martial involved, waring itself or conduct war through third parties, then you get to about 70 !
Yes, in fabulous 70 countries American war machine is in use.
For this, Barack Obama has been awarded well in advance the Nobel Peace Prize.
Always gets the Nobel Prize namely the one the used most of the products of the Dynamit Nobel corporation.
Alone with his killer drones Obama, the Angel of Peace makes every day in 10 countries murderous war.
For Merkel, it is similar.
The German army is waging a war in Afghanistan, because as was told to us as the reason a long time ago, Germany's democracy has to be defended in the Hindu Kush.
That said, the then Defense Minister Peter Struck (Socialist Party) on December 4, 2002 as the reason.
German soldiers are now more than 10 years there and Merkel for 8 years approved fighting a war in Afghanistan.
As Federal President Horst Köhler in a moment of truth on the flight back from his visit to Afghanistan said the army would be used to safeguard German business interests, he had to resign.
Besides, many other Bundeswehr missions are not known to a wider audience.
The army is stationed in thirteen countries worldwide.
Currently there are around 7.500 German soldiers for international missions from Central Africa to the Hindu Kush applied.
Besides Kosovo, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Lebanon, Djibouti, Kenya, Seychelles, Somalia, Uganda, South Sudan, Darfur, Congo and Mali.
So who are the real warmongers ?
Certainly not Kim Jong Un, but our oh so beloved, and peace-loving leaders who also practice absolutely no personality cult around themselves.
The Spiegel is lying and misrepresenting the reality, but that's the whole purpose of this lowbrow journal to scam the people of Germany, to mislead and deceive.
They portray themselves as the good guys and others as evil.
Photos with children in front of the White House are of course not orchestrated.
But it goes further.
The article referred to the meeting of Kim Jong Un with children as directed propaganda to falsely show him as a caring father of his country.
Ah, but if Obama and Merkel exactly do the same, then that's different.
Why is that ?
Ridiculous, no, because he can kill children every day.
In Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and where still the hellfire missiles are fired from the air on civilians, there are always children killed.
Obama is a child murderer !
It would never occur by the media, but to call him a warmonger.
And what about Angela Merkel ?
She likes to be photographed with children.
Herself she has no and her lap has never and will never experience a birth.
These images of Merkel with children but are also the only image building, propaganda and distraction.
Already forgotten Merkel has promoted Colonel Georg Klein, who commanded the bombing of civilians in Kunduz, on September 4, 2009, where more than 125 civilians were killed, a majority of them children, to brigadier general.
Yes, Merkel has someone that killed children decorated and not demoted or punished.
This Klein testified in February 2010 before a committee of the Bundestag, as a Christian he would often suffer allegations that women and children had died by his actions.
Who is calling himself Christian and goes to to kill people in war is no Christian, period !
We see the media go forth and report one-sided and make judgments.
They are basically biased and constantly trying to pull the readers in the direction they want to direct.
It is drummed into the media consumers, who has been regarded as villain and who not.
I am talking here not about to defend Kim Jong Un, but show when two do the same they will be treated differently and referred to by the media.
It is then said as an excuse for this discrimination, yes, but to compare with Merkel the leaders of North Korea is wrong, because Kim Jong Un is elected by the communist party and not by the citizens.
North Korea is a dictatorship and a Germany a democracy.
Oh, yeah ?
I have to laugh.
Since when can you elect the Chancellor ?
Is not possible.
This also will be chosen by the party he or she belongs.
In Germany there is no direct election of the Chancellor.
Even the president can not directly be elected.
And not members of the government as minister.
And either not important positions such as the Bundesbank president or the Constitutional Court judges.
Germany is the most indirect indirect democracy there is.
In fact, it's a party dictatorship and the parties are in turn controlled by corporations, lobbyists and political interests.
No matter which party, if they are in power they all do the same.
Nothing changes the status quo.
The democracy they mean is you can choose who makes a patsy of you.
So before you point the finger at other countries and their form of government, one should first clean up their own shop and the dirt on the own doorstep.
This one has enough to do.
Matthew 7:3 - 'Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?'
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