Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Russia Warns Obama: Monsanto

Russia Warns Obama: Monsanto

The shocking minutes relating to President Putin’s meeting this past week with US Secretary of State John Kerry reveal the Russian leaders “extreme outrage” over the Obama regimes continued protection of global seed and plant bio-genetic giants Syngenta and Monsanto in the face of a growing “bee apocalypse” that the Kremlin warns “will most certainly” lead to world war.
According to these minutes, released in the Kremlin today by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (MNRE), Putin was so incensed over the Obama regimes refusal to discuss this grave matter that he refused for three hours to even meet with Kerry, who had traveled to Moscow on a scheduled diplomatic mission, but then relented so as to not cause an even greater rift between these two nations.
At the center of this dispute between Russia and the US, this MNRE report says, is the “undisputed evidence” that a class of neuro-active insecticides chemically related to nicotine, known as neonicotinoids, are destroying our planets bee population, and which if left unchecked could destroy our world’s ability to grow enough food to feed its population.
So grave has this situation become, the MNRE reports, the full European Commission (EC) this past week instituted a two-year precautionary ban (set to begin on 1 December 2013) on these“bee killing” pesticides following the lead of Switzerland, France, Italy, Russia, Slovenia and Ukraine, all of whom had previously banned these most dangerous of genetically altered organisms from being used on the continent.
Two of the most feared neonicotinoids being banned are Actara and Cruiser made by the Swiss global bio-tech seed and pesticide giant Syngenta AG which employs over 26,000 people in over 90 countries and ranks third in total global sales in the commercial agricultural seeds market.
Important to note, this report says, is that Syngenta, along with bio-tech giants Monsanto, Bayer, Dow and DuPont, now control nearly 100% of the global market for genetically modified pesticides, plants and seeds.
Also to note about Syngenta, this report continues, is that in 2012 it was criminally charged in Germany for concealing the fact that its genetically modified corn killed cattle, and settled a class-action lawsuit in the US for $105 million after it was discovered they had contaminated the drinking supply of some 52 million Americans in more than 2,000 water districts with its “gender-bending” herbicide Atrazine.
To how staggeringly frightful this situation is, the MNRE says, can be seen in the report issued this past March by the American Bird Conservancy (ABC) wherein they warned our whole planet is in danger, and as we can, in part, read:
“As part of a study on impacts from the world’s most widely used class of insecticides, nicotine-like chemicals called neonicotinoids, American Bird Conservancy (ABC) has called for a ban on their use as seed treatments and for the suspension of all applications pending an independent review of the products’ effects on birds, terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates, and other wildlife.

“It is clear that these chemicals have the potential to affect entire food chains. The environmental persistence of the neonicotinoids, their propensity for runoff and for groundwater infiltration, and their cumulative and largely irreversible mode of action in invertebrates raise significant environmental concerns,” said Cynthia Palmer, co-author of the report and Pesticides Program Manager for ABC, one of the nation’s leading bird conservation organizations.
ABC commissioned world renowned environmental toxicologist Dr. Pierre Mineau to conduct the research. The 100-page report, “The Impact of the Nation’s Most Widely Used Insecticides on Birds,” reviews 200 studies on neonicotinoids including industry research obtained through the US Freedom of Information Act. The report evaluates the toxicological risk to birds and aquatic systems and includes extensive comparisons with the older pesticides that the neonicotinoids have replaced. The assessment concludes that the neonicotinoids are lethal to birds and to the aquatic systems on which they depend.
“A single corn kernel coated with a neonicotinoid can kill a songbird,” Palmer said. “Even a tiny grain of wheat or canola treated with the oldest neonicotinoid — called imidacloprid — can fatally poison a bird. And as little as 1/10th of a neonicotinoid-coated corn seed per day during egg-laying season is all that is needed to affect reproduction.”
The new report concludes that neonicotinoid contamination levels in both surface- and ground water in the United States and around the world are already beyond the threshold found to kill many aquatic invertebrates.”

Quickly following this damning report, the MRNE says, a large group of group of American beekeepers and environmentalists sued the Obama regime over the continued use of these neonicotinoids stating: “We are taking the EPA to court for its failure to protect bees fro...
And to how bad the world’s agricultural system has really become due to these genetically modified plants, pesticides and seeds, this report continues, can be seen by the EC’s proposal this past week, following their ban on neonicotinoids, in which they plan to criminalize nearly all seeds and plants not registered with the European Union, and as we can, in part, read:
“Europe is rushing towards the good ol days circa 1939, 40… A new law proposed by the European Commission would make it illegal to “grow, reproduce or trade” any vegetable seeds that have not been “tested, approved and accepted” by a new EU bureaucracy named the “EU Plant Variety Agency.”
It’s called the Plant Reproductive Material Law, and it attempts to put the government in charge of virtually all plants and seeds. Home gardeners who grow their own plants from non-regulated seeds would be considered criminals under this law.”

This MRNE report points out that even though this EC action may appear draconian, it is nevertheless necessary in order to purge the continent from continued contamination of these genetically bred “seed monstrosities.”
Most perplexing in all of this, the MRNE says, and which led to Putin’s anger at the US, has been the Obama regimes efforts to protect pesticide-producer profits over the catastrophic damaging being done to the environment, and as the Guardian News Service detailed in their 2 May article titled “US rejects EU claim of insecticide as prime reason for bee colony c...” and which, in part, says:
“The European Union voted this week for a two-year ban on a class o...
To the “truer” reason for the Obama regimes protection of these bio-tech giants destroying our world, the MRNE says, can be viewed in the report titled “How did Barack Obama become Monsanto’s man in Washington?” and which, in part, says:
“After his victory in the 2008 election, Obama filled key posts with Monsanto people, in federal agencies that wield tremendous force in food issues, the USDA and the FDA: At the USDA, as the director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Roger Beachy, former director of the Monsanto Danforth Center. As deputy commissioner of the FDA, the new food-safety-issues czar, the infamous Michael Taylor, former vice-president for public policy for Monsanto. Taylor had been instrumental in getting approval for Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone.”
Even worse, after Russia suspended the import and use of an Monsanto genetically modified cornfollowing a study suggesting a link to breast cancer and organ damage this past September, theRussia Today News Service reported on the Obama regimes response:
“The US House of Representatives quietly passed a last-minute addition to the Agricultural Appropriations Bill for 2013 last week – including a provision protecting genetically modified seeds from litigation in the face of health risks.
The rider, which is officially known as the Farmer Assurance Provision, has been derided by opponents of biotech lobbying as the “Monsanto Protection Act,” as it would strip federal courts of the authority to immediately halt the planting and sale of genetically modified (GMO) seed crop regardless of any consumer health concerns.
The provision, also decried as a “biotech rider,” should have gone through the Agricultural or Judiciary Committees for review. Instead, no hearings were held, and the piece was evidently unknown to most Democrats (who hold the majority in the Senate) prior to its approval as part of HR 993, the short-term funding bill that was approved to avoid a federal government shutdown.”
On 26 March, Obama quietly signed this “Monsanto Protection Act” into law thus ensuring the American people have no recourse against this bio-tech giant as they fall ill by the tens of millions, and many millions will surely end up dying in what this MRNE report calls the greatest agricultural apocalypse in human history as over 90% of feral (wild) bee population in the US has already died ....

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

If Children Are Used for Propaganda

Thanks to Parsifal that posted this on one of our BRIDGES

About Democracies and dictatorships
As reader of my blogs you've noticed now, one of my main concerns is to show the double standards and hypocrisy of the Western media and politicians.
Parsifal, May 20, 2013

If the West does something, then it is justified and good.
How for instance to recruit, and arm terrorists and send them to countries to commit terrorist attacks there.
Then there are not terrorists but 'rebels' who are fighting for human rights, as in Syria. Would one of the countries on the list of 'axis of evil' doing the same, then that would be a declaration of war.
Just as it is with sanctions.
The West must punish unpopular countries that do not bow to the dictates with sanctions and boycotts.
But conversely, no country should boycott the West, because that is considered an act of war.
It is thus clear if two do the same then that is not the same.
Therefore, we look at an actual example.
The German Spiegel yesterday reported a visit by Kim Jong Un in a school and refers to this as staged propaganda.
'It is the perfect staging, Kim Jong Un knows that since children’s eyes full of tears of joy, clapping hands, cheering and he in the middle...
North Korea's dictator as the friendly father figure in the group picture with all the children he sits up front, right next to him sits his wife Ri Sol-Ju.
She holds the hand of a child.
These are the latest propaganda images from North Korea.
Kim visited a camp for children in the province of North Phyongan and the state news agency KCNA took the photos in the public which should say...:
Look, this is Kim, caring and not warmongering'.
Kim Jong Un is portrayed by the 'idiot-newspaper of the intellectuals', which is controlled by the CIA and the BND since the foundation to spread disinformation a warmonger.
Ah, what wars he runs because to earn this title ?
Please Spiegel editorial, explains to us.
Against which country North Korea is at war ?
Hello, we want to know now.
No sound because the answer is, namely, to NO country.
What does North Korea is addressing only warnings against an attack by the West and demonstrates the willingness to defend itself.
But we know a country which is threatened by the West with a war should not defend itself.
Just the willingness to do so is turned into perverse and interpreted as aggression.
Countries have kindly to lie on their back, to spread their legs and to be raped.
Who does not want to enjoy this is evil.
The rapist, who penetrates with his oversized militarized phallus, is good.

Obama waring against other countries or does Merkel ?
Yes, definitely, both.
The wars which Obama makes almost can not list, so many are.
If you list all the countries where Washington is directly or indirectly martial involved, waring itself or conduct war through third parties, then you get to about 70 !

Yes, in fabulous 70 countries American war machine is in use.
For this, Barack Obama has been awarded well in advance the Nobel Peace Prize.
Always gets the Nobel Prize namely the one the used most of the products of the Dynamit Nobel corporation.
Alone with his killer drones Obama, the Angel of Peace makes every day in 10 countries murderous war.

Obama is prosecutor, judge and executioner.
For Merkel, it is similar.
The German army is waging a war in Afghanistan, because as was told to us as the reason a long time ago, Germany's democracy has to be defended in the Hindu Kush.
That said, the then Defense Minister Peter Struck (Socialist Party) on December 4, 2002 as the reason.
German soldiers are now more than 10 years there and Merkel for 8 years approved fighting a war in Afghanistan.
As Federal President Horst Köhler in a moment of truth on the flight back from his visit to Afghanistan said the army would be used to safeguard German business interests, he had to resign.
Yes, the real reason for the illegal deployment of the Bundeswehr one should not tell. 
Besides, many other Bundeswehr missions are not known to a wider audience.
The army is stationed in thirteen countries worldwide.
Currently there are around 7.500 German soldiers for international missions from Central Africa to the Hindu Kush applied.
Besides Kosovo, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Lebanon, Djibouti, Kenya, Seychelles, Somalia, Uganda, South Sudan, Darfur, Congo and Mali.
So who are the real warmongers ?
Certainly not Kim Jong Un, but our oh so beloved, and peace-loving leaders who also practice absolutely no personality cult around themselves.
The Spiegel is lying and misrepresenting the reality, but that's the whole purpose of this lowbrow journal to scam the people of Germany, to mislead and deceive.
They portray themselves as the good guys and others as evil.
Obama constantly surrounds himself with children for press.
Photos with children in front of the White House are of course not orchestrated.
But it goes further.
The article referred to the meeting of Kim Jong Un with children as directed propaganda to falsely show him as a caring father of his country.
Ah, but if Obama and Merkel exactly do the same, then that's different.
Why is that ?
Because he is a child-dear man ?
Ridiculous, no, because he can kill children every day.
In Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and where still the hellfire missiles are fired from the air on civilians, there are always children killed.
Obama is a child murderer !
It would never occur by the media, but to call him a warmonger.
American air strikes killed children in Afghanistan.
And what about Angela Merkel ?
She likes to be photographed with children.
Herself she has no and her lap has never and will never experience a birth.
These images of Merkel with children but are also the only image building, propaganda and distraction.
Already forgotten Merkel has promoted Colonel Georg Klein, who commanded the bombing of civilians in Kunduz, on September 4, 2009, where more than 125 civilians were killed, a majority of them children, to brigadier general.
Yes, Merkel has someone that killed children decorated and not demoted or punished.
This Klein testified in February 2010 before a committee of the Bundestag, as a Christian he would often suffer allegations that women and children had died by his actions.
Who is calling himself Christian and goes to to kill people in war is no Christian, period !
One of the whole-body-burned children from Kunduz bombing 
We see the media go forth and report one-sided and make judgments.
They are basically biased and constantly trying to pull the readers in the direction they want to direct.
It is drummed into the media consumers, who has been regarded as villain and who not.

I am talking here not about to defend Kim Jong Un, but show when two do the same they will be treated differently and referred to by the media.

It is then said as an excuse for this discrimination, yes, but to compare with Merkel the leaders of North Korea is wrong, because Kim Jong Un is elected by the communist party and not by the citizens.
North Korea is a dictatorship and a Germany a democracy.
Oh, yeah ?
I have to laugh.
Since when can you elect the Chancellor ?
Is not possible.
This also will be chosen by the party he or she belongs.
In Germany there is no direct election of the Chancellor.
Even the president can not directly be elected.
And not members of the government as minister.
And either not important positions such as the Bundesbank president or the Constitutional Court judges.
Germany is the most indirect indirect democracy there is.
In fact, it's a party dictatorship and the parties are in turn controlled by corporations, lobbyists and political interests.
No matter which party, if they are in power they all do the same.
Nothing changes the status quo.
The democracy they mean is you can choose who makes a patsy of you.
So before you point the finger at other countries and their form of government, one should first clean up their own shop and the dirt on the own doorstep.
This one has enough to do.
Matthew 7:3 - 'Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?'

#OpIsrael: Mossad Website breached, Personal Details of over 30,000 Agents Leaked by Anonymous

Thanks to Parsifal that posted this on one of our BRIDGES
The below does not necessarily prove, Anonymous is NOT a CIA/Mossad.ops. However currently it would appear INDEPENDENT splinter group(s) of Anonymous have hacked the Mossad.
Attention !
The hosted files could either be infected or provided for other reasons.
This is not to encourage you to click any of the links below. Download on your own account - Parsifal
The article:
Several online hackavist groups have joined their forces against Israel by attacking the official website of Israel Secret Intelligence Service Mossad  by distributed denial of service attack and claiming to leak personal information of over 30,000 Israeli officials from military, police, politicians and employees within the agency. 
The groups that took part in the attack were Sector404, Anonymous and RedHack, where Sector404 initiated distributed denial of service attack while Anonymous and RedHack breached into the site, leaking highly sensitive information on Twitter and Google Docs.
Leaked data contains personal details such as IDs, emails, full names, Zip codes, phone numbers, cities and states where the agents live or stationed.
Since the data is leaked, it is hard to keep it online, as it has been reported and deleted by authorities.
As for now, the leaked data can be downloaded from below given links.
The attack was conducted under the flag of #OpIsrael, which was started in 2012 against the Israeli bombing of Palestinian territory
Earlier, I had reported that hackers of the world have joined their forces against Israel under the banner of #OpIsrael on 7/04/2013, for now there are still some days in restarting the operation yet today’s attack gives us the glimpse of what can be done on 7th April 2013.
UPDATE to clarify that the data leak is not directly linked to the DDOS attack launched on the Mossad website.
UPDATE: An Israeli current affair and news website MAKO has said that after examining the data, it has been found that these are the details of 35 thousand Mossad agents.
NOTE: The translation of MAKO article was done with Google Translator, hence errors can be part of it.
However, officials at Mossad said that at this very moment, they will not comment on this matter nor the Prime Minister of Israel.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Syria: it’s not a ‘civil war’, it’s an imperialist war

Thanks to Parsifal that posted this on one of our BRIDGES
‘Civil war’ is a totally inaccurate label for what’s going on in Syria.
I think we should start calling it what it is: an imperialist war of destabilisation, where the aggressors’ fighting has been outsourced to sectarian religious terrorists.
May 20, 2013 - theagentofchange
This outsourcing follows the same logic as any other type of outsourcing: it’s cheaper.
The political and economic cost of pushing thousands of Iraqi, Libyan and Saudi (etc) terrorists in Syria’s direction is extremely low, at least in the short term. Imagine if it was European and North American soldiers coming home in body bags - there might actually be a viable anti-war movement in the west!
And people the world over would know exactly who was to blame for the shameful destruction of a beautiful nation - for the needless deaths of thousands, for the forced migration of hundreds of thousands, for the reversal of decades of progress, for the brutal attack on thousands of years of civilisation.

And of course the ‘civil war’ narrative has another very important function: it contributes to our general prejudice that “these Arabs” (much like “these Africans” and “these Asians”) are inherently barbaric people who simply can’t get along. And it sends out a message that any attempt by a third world nation to follow a path of resistance to imperialism and zionism will inevitably end in murderous in-fighting - for which the civilised, sophisticated, modern imperialist states of course cannot reasonably be blamed.

So to call it a civil war is to take part in a vast deception.

Monday, 20 May 2013

With Money, You Can Buy EVERYTHING ! (G.R.A.P.H.I.C. - Warning)

Thanks to Parsifal that posted this at one of our BRIDGES

The small emirate of Qatar in the Persian Gulf is one of the most criminal dictatorships in the world, next to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, which are even worse.
Parsifal, May 19, 2013
Although 1.7 million people live on the peninsula, there are only having 250.000 the Qatari citizenship.
The vast majority are foreigners serve as slaves of the privileged minority.
This ruling clique lives in unimaginable wealth, while 90 percent of the population vegetate in deepest poverty - and exploited.
The state 'religion' is Wahhabism, the radical form of Sunni Islam, as in Saudi Arabia, see
'The Wahhabis Destroy Mecca Unopposed'

and is, indeed a more perverted offspring of Zionism.
This could explain why Israel AND the Wahhabi States are the USSA's best allies...

The Sharia is the main source of legislation.
A parliament or political parties do not exist and there are no human rights.
But the West will tolerate this and keep silent, because the absolutist ruling Emir bought himself the favor of Western politicians and media with a seemingly inexhaustible source of money consisting of the revenue from oil and gas.
Washington also supported the regime, because Qatar allowed two U.S. military bases there and pays for 60 percent of the cost of deployment.

The Emir of Qatar, rich and dangerous Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (image above) came in 1995 by a coup against his father (while he stayed in Geneva) in power.
That alone shows this guy's character.
Since the Emir is driven by a boundless ambition, to put his mark on the country and the world;
he believes that money can buy anything and everything, which is actually like that.
Whether major sporting events such as the 2006 Asian Games, the Tennis ATP Tour, the Moto GP, the Golf Masters or now even the soccer World Cup in 2022, he has thus held the corrupt sports officials in the pocket of the events in the hot desert sand.
Or cultural or political conventions that are brought to Qatar as the Doha Climate Change Conference November 2012, it's all part to gain prestige and notoriety for themselves.
To host a UN climate conference in Qatar is an absolute farce, because the country has by far the world's highest CO2 emissions per capita.
On average, each inhabitant of Qatar caused 31 tons of CO2 per year, with twice as much emission as a U.S. citizen, three times as much as a German citizen, and four times as much as a Chinese citizen.
With money they can redeem there too. 

Thus its strategy and vision is translated into action, he founded and financed in 1996 the news channel Al Jazeera to influence and manipulate the opinion of the people in the Arab world.
Yes it costs just ridiculous USD 400 million a year.
Initially, the station brought especially good and independent reporting with its English Channel especially after 9/11 about the war in Afghanistan.
But in recent years, the station has become a media disinformation, which practically translates only the specified line of the royal family in foreign policy concerns.
In addition, Al Jazeera may only report on foreign revolutions, reports on the conditions in their own country are taboo.
Therefore, many journalists have gone away because they could no more agree with their conscience the one-sided coverage of the so-called Arab Spring and especially on the conflicts in Libya and Syria.
Since the war against Libya, Qatar has become one of the main supporters of radical Islamic terrorists.
This will be recruited from all over the world and introduced into the target countries to carry out a regime change.
The goal is to replace secular governments by Islamic Wahhabi model.
After Libya was done and was turned into a chaotic debris field where arbitrariness and terror now reigns, the Emir has turned to Syria to topple Dr. Assad.
While both families were close friends and often met.
But as shown above, when he coups away even his own father, then he certainly has no scruples to eliminate 'friends' too.
According to well-informed sources who are close to the Qatari government, the emir has invested USD 3 billion in the conflict in Syria.
On one hand, in which he well paid mercenaries and on the other side in which he endows them with more expensive logistics, weapons and ammunition.
The Sheikh of Qatar with his wife is welcomed by Bashar and Asma al-Assad in Syria in 2008. At that time they were close friends. 

In an interview with the Financial Times, a leader of the terrorists in Idlib added: 'Qatar has a lot of money and can buy everything with money and influence, and puts his hand on everything.'
Qatar is the only country which has established a diplomatic mission for the so-called Syrian opposition.
Former Syrian opposition activists and traitors Moaz al-Khatib and the Qatari Foreign Minister Khalid al-Attiyah jointly opened in Doha in March 2013 an embassy, but de facto can not represent Syria and has only a symbolic meaning.

The terrorists from 29 countries now rage in Syria so make it mainly for money and not because of their faith.
The only way to explain why they slaughter their fellow Muslims, rape and kill women and children, blow up mosques and shrines and in general massacre the Syrian civilian population.
Described in the bought media as peaceful protesters or rebels....
a FSA ('Free Syrian Army') executioner @ work, just killing twelve captured Syrian soldiers
Where they will control a territory introduced a regime of terror and all the supposed opponents publicly executed in mass executions.
Either where tied the victim chops off the heads or shoot in the neck from behind.
What does that have to do with Islam and the Koran can not be understood, even though they rely on Allah with their incredible crimes.
For all these mass murders and crimes against humanity, the Emir of Qatar is directly responsible.

It is therefore incomprehensible why the West is still regarding Qatar as a normal member of the international community to this enumerated list of crimes and treated.
But as I said, with money you can buy everything.
As well as the football club FC Barcelona gets fabled 170 million euros for the period of five years, by the Emir of Qatar which established the Qatar Sports Investment for Jersey-advertising for the Qatar Foundation.
Also only to distract of the worst crimes and the support of wars.
The best footballer of the world advertising a criminal regime

The news channel CNN has been purchased by a generous advertising budget of Qatar with USD 30 million.
Instead of impartially report on Qatar, CNN operates almost exclusively public relations for the regime and shows only good matter about the ruling family.
Even in CNN journalists are increasingly turning away in disgust, and therefore leave the station.
In addition, the viewing figures have plummeted dramatically.
The public is not stupid and realize to what CNN has degenerated, the CIA news denominator.

Qatar's AlJazeera Host Writes about Syria Airstrikes Hours Before they Took Place 4-5-13
The Qatari policy of ambitious influence far beyond the actual size of the country is formulated and carried by the emir, his son and Crown Prince Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad, Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim and the aforementioned Foreign Attiyah.

Bishara's bizarre role in the Syrian war
The greatest influence on the thinking of the emir in concern of Syria had Azmi Bishara, was a former Arab member of the Israeli Knesset.
He fled into exile to Qatar, after the Israeli government accused him in the war against Lebanon, to have provides information to Hezbollah.

He was heavily involved to form the Syrian National Coalition, the parent 'summary' of the Syrian opposition from Doha.
He also was a friend of Bashar al-Assad until he betrayed him.
So the Emir took advice to a multiple of traitors, which again says a lot about his character.

As with all conflicts it is for the Qatari regime about power, control and business.
The removal of Assad to weaken The Iran, the largest competitor in the gas business.
Qatar sits together with The Iran on the largest gas reserves in the world, located in the Persian Gulf.
When it was announced, Syria, Iraq and Iran had agreed on a gas pipeline, the 'Friendship pipeline' that deliver Iranian gas to the West and put into service in June 2013, the fall of Assad was decided.

When it comes to this, the previous USD 3 billion for the overthrow is no brainer.
Qatar wants to install a puppet government in Damascus, which not friendly on The Iran but does what the Gulf states want.
The gas will go from Qatar to Europe and not from The Iran.
The wants the West too.
The oil ministers of Iraq, The Iran and Syria signed the contract on July 25, 2011 in the industrial region of Assalouyeh in the southern Iranian province to Buscher, to build the 10 billion pipeline.

Equipped with foreknowledge started previously the infiltration and support of terrorists to Syria, accompanied by massive purchased propaganda over all the TV stations, with the message, how bad Assad addresses the Syrian people.
The terrorist snipers shooting at protesters but were paid mercenaries from Qatar.
But so they could put down the Assad government and its security forces as the perpetrators and the whole world fell for it.
As I said, with money you can buy everything, even world opinion who is the good and who is evil.
Qatar by the end of 2011 started to purchase weapons in Libya and of the Eastern European countries and flew the cargo to Turkey, where agents of the various Western, Turkish and own intelligence distributed these across the border to terrorists in Syria.

The deliveries were extended as Saudi Arabia jumped on the train and helped via Lebanon and Jordan to infiltrate mercenaries, and smuggle logistics, weapons and ammunition to Syria.
The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, who registered weapons delivery worldwide, says alone between April 2012 and March this year 70 military cargo flights from Qatar to Turkey took place.

Here you see the traitor-dictator and Kurds mass murder Erdogan dressed as Saudi Emir
That is, we can assume, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan is reasonably bribed by Qatar when he betrayed his friend Assad and possibly enabled his fall.
With money you can ... but we already know.

Leaders of terrorist groups wreak havoc in the northern province of Aleppo have divulged there run around Saudi and Qatari representatives with bags full of money and distribute bundles of the notes.
'The groups get money from both Qatar and Saudi Arabia, but they deceived thereby their sponsors,' said an expert on the scene.
Since it is mainly the mercenaries to wage war in Syria for money, they change their loyalty depending on who supported them financially most.
Therefore, there is also no real cohesion or agreement as opposition.
It ravage hundreds gangs in Syria, some change from alliance to alliance, always to the best paid.
The West also mixes up so well with money for the Islamist mercenaries.
Therefore, it is an illusion, if the Qatari regime believes it can topple Assad soon and in the end they will be able to install a government that follows its commands.
Those who work only for money are not loyal and can not be trusted.

It is still another problem, namely the rivalry between the Saudis and Qataris who do not trust each other and everyone's following its own interest.

There's only one thing is certain the Syrian population is terribly suffering from all this power games from all sides.
The country is destroyed, thousands killed and injured countless forced to flee, and the future completely destroyed especially for the youth.
Infra structures annihilated and industrial plant such as food production sold abroad.
Poor Syria. 

But we in the West are just as complicit in the endless suffering.

Either because we believe the lies that tell the purchased media on Syria, or because we go on vacation to the sheiks at the Gulf or because we look at the sporting events that take place there.
We also do nothing against the oppression of the population and human rights violations in Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
Our governments provide them with tons of weapons and suck up the despots for the money, oil and gas they have.
Angela Merkel last time was there in April 2013 and said at an investor conference, Germany wants to put more in the future on gas supplies from Qatar.
And, will you ask now, has Angie addressed the human rights and democratization ?
Certainly not, they only asked for ensuring reliable legal framework for doing business with German corporations.
Human Rights but Merkel give a damn.
Except it comes to the government of a country which is on the hit list.
Morality can be bought and Qatar buys everything and everyone.
This is what the USSA and its cringing Western allies support.
The Zionesia Apartheid State is continuously introduced as a 'blueprint for democracy’ in the ME; and the Gulf Monarchies are obviously a bunch of terrorists:
Morality can be bought and the Gulf-States buy everything and everyone.
Zionism and Wahhabism are two sides of the same coin - Parsifal

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Can we ever stop those 'farts' having such fart ideas?

Can we ever stop those 'farts' having such fart ideas?

400 PPM: Can Artificial Trees Help Pull CO2 from the Air?

Although capture technologies show promise, pulling CO2 out of the air is unlikely to reduce greenhouse gas concentrations soon

AIR CAPTURE: Could this plastic embedded with resin help draw down atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide? Image: © David Biello
Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have touched 400 parts per million for the first time in at least 800,000 years. The jagged saw-toothed line of the Keelings' father-and-son measurements climbed above that milestone briefly this month before the budding growth of the Northern Hemisphere's spring began sucking CO2 back out of the sky. But human greenhouse gas pollution looks set to continue to rise—and photosynthetic plants on land or at sea can only do so much. As greenhouse gas levels increase further, could machines help wash the skies of the excess CO2?

On an early spring day touched with the promise of warmth plus the threat of rain, I headed up to Columbia University's Mudd Building and the lab of physicist Klaus Lackner, formerly of Los Alamos National Laboratory. His hearty chuckle belies his formal German diction and physicist's habit of obfuscating with numbers. Girding myself for potentially indecipherable jokes, I'm here to see Lackner’s potentially world-saving technology: a plastic resin that can capture carbon dioxide directly from the air.

The resin rests outside a clear greenhouse bearing basil plants, bamboo, a houseplant and cucumbers that glow an eerie purple-red under ultraviolet light. The plants' leaves rustle in the breeze from a Dyson bladeless fan. Next to the big tank, a computer monitor charts CO2 levels and a tube on one side separates the environment within the greenhouse from the outside world. With the UV light on, the plants are busily sucking in CO2 to make leaves, roots and vegetables. "The cucumber got fat on the CO2," Lackner notes and chuckles.

A pale beige polypropylene plastic embedded with 25-micrometer particles of the resin is inserted into the tube in the form of a long-haired shag carpet sample and, almost immediately, CO2 levels inside the greenhouse begin a steady march downward as the resin binds CO2 to form bicarbonate, a kind of salt produced. This type of salt, more familiar perhaps as baking soda when there's a sodium atom involved, holds the CO2. The resin sucks in CO2 even more powerfully than the plants do, as a function of the relative humidity of the material. That makes the process reversible; just add water to get the CO2 back out again.

This is no joke. A polycarbonate plastic bottle used to store some of the resin ended up scarified. "They broke the plastic," Lacker says of his lab co-conspirators, showing me the streaked, cloudy, hard plastic bottle. The resin pulled CO2 out of the polycarbonate in its vigorous quest for chemical equilibrium.

Lackner calculates that more than 700 kilograms of CO2 passes through an opening the size of the door to this lab over a 24-hour period when the wind is up, courtesy of another Dyson or just a windy building top. That's how much a sheet of this material might pull from the air. Or it could be refashioned into a brushlike or folded checker configuration, exposing more of the resin.

Of course, 700 kilograms of CO2 only equals the breath of 13 people for one day and night. There would need to be a lot of these resin machines to make a significant impact on pulling this trace greenhouse gas out of the atmosphere to lower atmospheric concentrations; Lackner estimates 10 million such artificial “trees” would be required to drop atmospheric concentrations by 0.5 ppm per year. Each machine would require roughly 1.1 megajoule of electricity for pumping and compressing per kilogram of CO2 captured. That's not to mention all the water required to wet the filters (and evaporate) in order to get the CO2 back out again so the resin can be re-used to capture yet more CO2. The compressed and captured CO2 can then either be used for industrial purposes, like enhanced oil recovery to improve the economics of all this, or buried deep beneath the surface of the planet. In other words, a vast industrial infrastructure of air-capture machines would be required to remedy the effects of our vast, industrial infrastructure for fossil fuels.

Just how the resin operates is the focus of the other experiment in this lab. Hidden inside a Styrofoam cooler—with a dark blue Columbia necktie as de facto latch—the resin is exposed to water and CO2 and precisely weighed while temperature is kept constant. The idea is to keep CO2 steady at 400 ppm with no temperature variation and then change the conditions to determine how well the resin works.
Read more at page 2 HERE

Monday, 13 May 2013

Benjamin Fulford 5-14-13… “New moves afoot to break financial deadlock”

Benjamin Fulford 5-14-13… “New moves afoot to break financial deadlock”
The ongoing battle over control of the global financial system has entered a new phase with some heavy under the radar maneuvers, according to Chinese government, Illuminati, CIA and Asian secret society sources. Despite the departure of the old pope, the surrender of the Rothschilds and the neutering of the Bush family, a stalemate has continued with the Rockefellers, the new Pope, Queen Elizabeth, Obama, the Japanese Emperor and other old world order power-brokers refusing to finance a major campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
In order to break this deadlock and free human potential, a secret campaign has now been started to identify and deal with the precise obstacles to freeing humanity from financial slavery. This will mean more and more prominent people will be suddenly vanishing from public view, according to members of several different secret societies.
For example, have either George Soros or Nat Rothschild been seen in public recently? Also, Japanese right wing politician Shintaro Ishihara has dropped out of view again despite the appearance of a reported double on TV following his long “hospital stay.” We do not condone “disappearing” people and hope they all make a public appearance soon so that we can confirm they are alive and safe.
Nonetheless, some very dangerous people are justifiably angry at various mass murder campaigns carried out at the behest of the Sabbatean mafia, are very impatient with the ongoing deadlock and are not easily held back.
To try to prevent a bloodbath among the elite, action is being taken to ensure a major campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction begins sooner rather than later. That is why there will be a push to break the freeze on lawsuits aimed restoring the rights to the world’s historical treasure to the legal owners. This is a tricky process because it involves undoing 100 years of secret Sabbatean Mafia global financial control via privately owned central banks. For that reason, the US agencies, the Chinese government, Asian Secret Societies, the Gnostic Illuminati, the Vatican and the Swiss, among others, are being consulted about the best way to go forward.
The best research indicates that rights to 85% of the world’s historical treasure belong to Asian royal families, notably Chinese dynastic families like the Qing, Ming, Lee and Sung.
Neil Keenan, who claims to have the backing of the Pentagon and US agencies, says there is a (sic) “Xing” Empress who is fully in charge of, and managing the rights to, 85% of the world’s money. However, Chinese government and Asian Secret Society sources have not been able to confirm this. Nor does it appear to be the reality on the ground. We await further confirmation on this issue from Asian sources but since this requires non-digital communications, it will take time.
Also, our own research indicates the “Dragon family” appears to be the Merovingian, i.e. European, royal families. The head of a major royal Asian secret society claims not to have heard of a “Dragon family.”
In any case, historical rights to treasure is one thing, current geopolitical reality is another. Even if the Asians have historical rights to 85% of the world’s treasure, Western governments are not about to stand by and let them translate that into control of 85% of the world.
Nonetheless, the situation at present is that the people de facto in charge of the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central bank got control by defrauding Asian royals of their gold and need to be removed. However, this needs to be done in a way that does not lead to the dysfunction of the financial system subsequent collapse of Western civilization.
The best way to go about this is to systematically audit the books of all financial organizations and remove fraudulently created money, especially derivatives created via astronomical leverage and complex computer algorithms. Traditional futures markets should be restricted to the maximum 10 times leverage that historical experience shows is the limit needed for long term market integrity. It is time to go back to plain vanilla.
It is also necessary for Western governments to recognize that most of them have been borrowing from the rest of the world, especially Asia, at an unsustainable rate for the past 30 years or longer. They need to negotiate a restructuring of their overseas debt.
There also needs to be a major realignment of currencies. The Euro needs to shed Southern Europe and become a Northern European Mark. The Southern Europeans need their own competitive currency. That is the cultural and economic reality. It will mean cheap Greek holidays for Germans and expensive Mercedes limousines for rich Greeks until the natural balance is restored.
Also, and I cannot repeat this too often, the U.S. dollar is not and never was American and the United States government needs to start issuing its own greenbacks. The only other choice, and this is the one made by Sabbatean Mafiosi who run the US government, is to wait until 90% of Americans’ incomes to fall to Chinese levels.
The bottom line for Europeans and Americans is that no matter how hard they try to avoid it, reality has a way of catching up.
On the bright side, once an agreement is reached on new financial architecture, humanity has the potential to experience a spurt of growth and progress on par with the birth of agriculture and the start of the industrial revolution.
Finance is the process of deciding what we as a species do in the future. That has been stolen from us by a family mafia of religious cultists obsessed with turning ancient prophecies into reality. Once these people are removed from control of the creation of dollars and Euros humanity will be able to decide its own future.
Traditional political and religious organizations can play a major role in this process once the financial rot (bribed politicians etc.) is cut out. The Vatican, the British Commonwealth, the restored Republic of the United States and other such venerable power centers have the institutional ability to carry out vast projects.
We also need to build entirely new institutions from the ground up to work in harmony with existing ones. The White Dragon Society has proposed that these new institutions be run on the basic principles of equality and finding win-win solutions.
Asian financial leaders have already agreed to generously finance non-military Western ventures once the financial stand-off ends. There is plenty to do. China, for example, needs Western expertise to clean up its increasingly toxic environment. Turning the deserts green and replenishing the oceans are other big projects waiting to start.
Western technology and science also now stand at the brink of accomplishments that will outstrip our imaginations. Immortality, super-powers, exploration of other dimensions, the creation and colonization of new digital realities and much more are now within our reach. What are we waiting for?
~ Benjamin Fulford – May 14, 2013

Sunday, 12 May 2013

AVAAZ' Pro War Mission

Thanks AGAIN to Parsifal for posting this on one of our BRIDGES
Very important issue - do not sign AVAAZ (or petitions.
These organizations are everything but grassroot but tools for the elites.
It is also hard to unsubscribe from AVAAZ and so your voice is easily misused, creating a false image of the con.
Why - for instance would the right hand of Rottenschild - George Soros, the $$atan (so-to-say) himself and WallStreet/City Of London locust, kingpin, capo di capi-banxter ask to sign a petition to arrest banxters past LIBOR scandal ???)
Thank you very much Parsifal~
Have Libyans asked for a No-Fly-Zone ?
As a reminder for Peace Acticists - do not sign AVAAZ petitions !
TOP IMAGE: AVAAZ calling for a No-Fly-Zone over Libya (a camouflaged - but direct declaration of war, the warmongers could never proclaim unvarnished)
AVAAZ - the controlled 'opposition' - support by deceit.
AVAAZ was created by (among others) Ricken Patel, who is, according to French Wikipedia, a former consultant for the International Crisis Group, UN, Rockefeller Fundation, Havard University, Gates Fundation, CARE International, Soros Network...

They regularly tackled subjects like 'global climate change', or (last months) war in Syria, with a pure MSM point of view... - Parsifal

the articles (all excerpts)
  • AVAAZ -  Mission Creep To Creepy.
March 11, 2011 By SocTrap
Never thought I would become anti AVAAZ.
The concept seemed so great.
To enable the voices of thousands, millions of people around the world to be heard.
Sometimes by the right people, but sometimes simply by others.
A recent article in the Guardian (see here) questioning the wisdom of AVAAZ in calling for a No Fly Zone, generated a response by many (for and against) but also Ben Wikler, the AVAAZ Campaign director.
His comments can be found in the comments section, but basically his comment (through my interpretation) goes like this…
1. AVAAZ has decided on regime change, and has agents working on the ground with the rebels.
2. AVAAZ now requires NATO/US/UN to engage militarily to support our program of regime change.
3. AVAAZ uses crowd sourcing to solicit large numbers to back it, and funds for its programs.
As already said, (apart from 3.) this is exactly the methods used/promoted by the CIA and the NeoCons over the last few decades.
If the CIA were doing this, would huge numbers support it.
Of course not.
But AVAAZ gets support through deceit.
I also was seduced by it early on.
The deceit is that people believe it is a civilian action group, like protesters.
But this is a direct campaigning for military attacks on a foreign government.
I have already spoken of the difficulty I have with this organization. Currently they have over 7 million people from all over the world who have registered themselves, email, name, location and their political beliefs with the US government.
I can’t understand that being the smartest thing in the world (I have, because I was one of those on a previous campaign.
(Can’t delete now).
AVAAZ is acting as a organisation for the promotion of US Hegemony through covert Soft Power manipulation.
Strong statement, but difficult to dismiss.
UPDATE: 29/05/2012 – It seems as though Jillian Cork from the EFF also has her doubts on the organisation and how they run politically (and incorrectly and damagingly)
  • AVAAZ's role in Syria:
The Great Escape: Has One NGO Been Lying About Its Role in Syria?
Around 8 a.m. on February 22, Syrian security forces attempting to prop up the Bashar al Assad regime shelled a makeshift media center in the Baba Amr neighborhood of Homs, killing the American war reporter Marie Colvin and the French photographer Remi Ochlik.
Four other journalists who survived the blast, including Colvin’s Irish photographer, Paul Conroy, (note by Parsifal: P. Conroy, is a MI6 operative) and French Le Figaro journalist Edith Bouvier, were transported to a nearby hospital and treated for serious shrapnel wounds.
Bouvier’s colleague, the French photographer William Daniels, accompanied them, while Spanish El Mundo reporter Javier Espinosa stayed behind to report near the now-decimated center.
For almost a week, the surviving journalists remained trapped in Homs. 
On the morning of February 28, the activist organization Avaaz reported that it had coordinated Conroy’s escape to Lebanon and that 13 activists within its network had been killed in the effort. “This operation was carried by Syrians with the help of Avaaz,” read the press release. “No other agency was involved.” By the end of the day, Avaaz founder Ricken Patel had been interviewed on CNN and the BBC, and The Guardian had published a short profile titled, “The activist organisation behind Paul Conroy’s rescue in Syria.” Admiring profiles in Time and on NPR soon followed.

  • Avaaz is a lobbying organization
Apart from Syria, I have two remaining criticisms about Avaaz.
The first is this: They are not a 501(c)(3) (non-profit) organization, rather, they are a 501(c)(4), the classification of organization that can lobby, engage in political campaigns, and don't have to name their major donors.
To put this in perspective, the 501(c)(4) designation applies to PACs, leading Stephen Colbert to label 501(c)(4)s “spooky PACs.”

Experiment - Derail Soros Anti-Syria Consensus Generator
more of AVAAZ Syria defamation (pro NWO) campaigns:
EU: End the terror in Syria

India and US - Stop Syria's death dealer

Syria: stand with the protesters

The only way to defeat Assad

Image source:

Friday, 10 May 2013

Whom We Should Boycott And Whom Not - Parsifal’s Rant (Warning)

Thanks to Parsifal that posted this at on of our BRIDGES
I hope many have their hearts open for feeling the truth that this "rant" behold.
If the Western Rogue States think that a state does something wrong in their eyes and does not bow to their demands, then quickly called for a boycott and sanctions. 
Especially Washington and London punish unpopular States using this method very much like what equals an economic war.
Did you know, for example, 'Made in Germany' was imposed by the British export economy before the First World War, so everyone could identify and boycott German products more easily ?
Yes, but later turned into a positive, and this designation is a mark of quality.
Sadly today we almost can almost everywhere see the description 'Made in the EU'.
Parsifal, May 09 , 2013

Conversely, one may of course not dare to boycott the countries who think the world belongs to them and they can impose their will on everyone.
Since they understand no fun.
So it is totally okay to ask for very harsh sanctions against The Iran, and to cut off all imports and exports, to freeze Iranian bank accounts (steal Iranian money) almost worldwide, because of the imputed and non-existent nuclear weapons program.
It is therefore not anti-Iranian.
On the other hand, it is a crime to call for a boycott of Israel, because of the proven theft of Palestinian land by the 'settlers', the 700km long wall of separation and the blatant discrimination against the Palestinian population.
Who has boycotted the Zionesia Apartheid Regime, clearly is an 'anti-Semite'.

The reason why I am raising this sickening double standard is the actuality, because of the famous British scientist Sir Stephen Hawking has refused the invitation to participate a scientific congress in Israel in June, which is under the patronage of the President of Israel, Shimon Peres.
The reason: He does not agree with the treatment of the Palestinians by Israel and has connected in the protest movement, the academic institutions in Israel boycotted because of that.

Professor Hawking boycotting Israel
Finally, a well-known figure shows morals and decency and not intimidated by the all-powerful Zionist lobby and creep into like everyone else.

Immediately reported by a spokesman of the University of Cambridge in the usual chumming way, the rejection of Hawking has to do with his health and is not politically motivated.
This has the recipient of numerous honors, including the 'Presidential Medal of Freedom,' presented at the White House by dictator Obama to him in 2009, written in a letter to the organizers: 
'I accepted the invitation to the meeting of the President with the intention of it would not only allow me to express my opinion about the prospects of a peace agreement, but because it would allow me to give a lecture in the West Bank. (At the University of Palestine).
But, I have received numerous emails from Palestinian academics.
They all agree that I should respect the boycott.
For this reason, I have to withdraw from the conference.
Had I attended, I would have brought to express the policy of the Government of Israel will lead to a disaster.'

The news of the cancellation of its participation caused angry reactions from the Israeli side.
The chairman of the conference, Israel Maimon, called the decision Hawking as 'unfounded and false.'
He said: 'Israel is a democracy where everyone can express his opinion, whatever it may be. A boycott - decision is not compatible with an open democratic discourse'.

(...  a moment, I just spilled my vitamin-drink on my keyboard, because I had to laugh out loud at this absurd statement ...  never mind, it goes on ...  Oh, you can express any opinion in Israel ?
Sure, except those criticizing the racist regime, as we now see.)

When entering the country you will be subjected to interrogation and at the slightest indication of criticism and put in deportation.
The Secret Service has checked the names on the passenger lists against everything you have ever said on the internet and entry is refused.
Welcome to the one and only democracy in the Middle East.

The Israeli ambassador in London, Daniel Taub, described the cancellation as 'big shame' and added: 'Instead of yielding to the pressure of political extremists an active participation in such an event would promote a much more constructive way to progress and peace.'
He stressed former leaders such as Bill Clinton, Mikhail Gorbachev and Tony Blair have the intention to participate.

The only extremists here are those who deny the Palestinians the human rights for over 65 years and they have driven from their homes with murder and manslaughter.
A more impudent and fact twisting defamation takes place.
Only the Palestinians have NO right to exist and only they are wiped off the map.

Then, the peace, the mass murderer Peres, Clinton and Blair mean, we know, and the master traitor Gorbachev also.
Reason alone to boycott the conference and not to be in a room and to deal with these Satanists with the blood of millions sticking on them.

That Peres presided over an academic peace conference goes beyond any 'chutzpah'.
The guy is a pathological liar and unrepentant hypocrite.
He is the father of the Israeli atomic bomb Israel blackmailed and threatened all neighboring countries.
Then he ordered for his involvement in the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1996 air attack on the UNIFIL headquarters in Qana in southern Lebanon, what a bloodbath.

His party Kadima consists mainly of terrorists and war criminals that would land in any other country in prison for lifetime.
Peres neither as Prime Minister nor as the President during his tenure apologized for the terrible deeds or thought to compensate the families of the victims.
The phrase 'mea culpa' does not exist in the vocabulary of the Zionists and compassion or heart seems to be a foreign word.

In the term of Bill Clinton's presidency half a million children have died from the nearly 10-year-long sanctions against Iraq and the lack of medicine.
The mass murderer has this on his conscience.
About the Balkan war he instigated against my former country I will not say anything.
Except that wide parts of the former Yugoslavia in this perfidious war were contaminated forever with Depleted Uranium.
For the financial crisis, also responsible, so much misery he has caused, because he has the law on separation of banking (Glass-Steagall) repealed in 1999.

And Tony Blair, this dirty liar who told us that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and could attack Europe within 45 minutes with nuclear missiles has with his accomplice George W. Bush waged a criminal war of aggression that killed 1.4 million Iraqis and 4 mio forced to escape.
And, as usual, where the war criminals hit, large parts of Iraq is contaminated by radioactive uranium munitions, which caused the terrible illnesses and birth defects.

But it suits official Israel to invite such a mass murderer to a conference, which is headed by a mass murderer, and then to talk about peace.
The only peace they know is the peace of the cemetery !

Samia al-Botmeh of the Palestinian Bir Zait University in the occupied West Bank described Hawkings decision as 'fantastic'.

'We tried to communicate with him two points,' he said.
'First, Israel is a colonial entity that violates the rights of the Palestinians, including the academic freedoms.
And then we asked him to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian academic colleagues, which have called on the international academic community to a boycott of Israeli academic institutions.'

The slander inflationary used was immediately circulated on the Internet, 'So, so you're also an anti-semite, Professor Hawking !'
Sure, everyone is criticizing the policies of Israel is anti-semite.
On the other hand, even the Israeli media had to admit:
'It is difficult to brand Stephen Hawking as anti-semitic, after he has visited Israel four times.
His motives show, Israel has become a place to rather avoid', Haaretz wrote.

Yes, they can dish out but do not bear a single blame these sniveling players of a victim.
The Israeli government is that which has called for the most severe sanctions and even tougher boycott of Iran and constantly does.
They even demanded 'crushing' sanctions against Iran, which is tantamount to a declaration of war.
But they themselves are furious when in reverse they are boycotted; a boycott, entirely justified because of the treatment of the Palestinians.

This one-sided handling of an instrument to punish countries expressed most clearly by the fact at July 11, 2011, the Knesset passed a law in which it is forbidden to call for a boycott of Israel or the illegal settlements on Palestinian territory.
Any person or organization calling for the boycott of Israel or the settlements can be held liable for damages in unlimited amounts without proof of actual damage. 
The amount of damage determines an Israeli court.
So we can not do the same with Israel, what Israel does with others -- to call for sanctions and boycott.
What did the President of the Conference, Israel Maimon say above ?
'Israel is a democracy where everyone can express his opinion, whatever it may be.
A boycott decision is not compatible with an open democratic discourse.'

Hello, this law however proves, one can just NOT in Israel or against Israel express his opinion.
This construct is therefore NOT democracy and Maimon is a hypocrite and a liar.
How can someone talk about peace if he constantly and again throw bombs on his neighbors and killing people ?

One of the few Knesset representatives who voted against the law at that time was Nitzan Horowitz of the Meretz Party, who called it scandalous and disgraceful.
'We have a law here which is a shame for the democracy of Israel and it will be people around the world asking, whether it is at all a democracy here,' he said.

Ilan Gilon, another deputy of the Meretz said the law will even more 'delegitimize' Israel.
The legal adviser to the Knesset, Eyal Yanon, published its legal assessment, saying that the law would come into the vicinity of 'illegality and would go even further.'
He warned that the law would 'damage the core of freedom of expression in Israel.'

If one calls for a boycott of Israel because of its racist apartheid policy, or boycott the products of the Jewish extremist that rob Palestinians their country and evict from their homes, then you will be punished anyway and in any case considered an anti-Semite.
Conversely, it is quite different.
Israel, with impunity may call for sanctions and boycott of other countries as it wants.
It all depends on whom you should boycott and whom not.

Stephen Hawking Confirms Support of Israel Boycott
Günter Grass - What Must Be Said (audio)
Boycott Israel 2012 (Shopping Can Kill Campaign)