Former Prime Minister Edward Heath, Satanist, paedophile and serial child killer, exposed by David Icke in The Biggest Secret in 1998 along with Father George Bush.
British establishment responds to Savile revelations.
'With all the people coming forward and alleging that Savile raped or molested them, there is little doubt as to what he was. What is not coming out is the much bigger story that he was a procurer. He supplied vulnerable kids to Prime Ministers, and was also a regular and welcome visitor at The Palace. No wonder they're running media stories/reports to draw peoples' attention away from the role that Jimmy Savile played as a procurer of children for sexual abuse by others, and focus on the obvious and well known fact that he was an abuser in his own right.'
This below is from the Site David is linking to
I blogged this a week ago, mentioning Jimmy Savile, as sent in by Gordon Logan - as follows -
This was this morning's email from Gordon Logan writing in Beijing.
Hi Tap,
I googled 'northern ireland' Whitelaw paedophile' and found some relevant hits. It's quite well known.
Willie Whitelaw
He may well have been involved in the Northern Ireland children's home scandal. He certainly didn't look normal on TV. Heath was another one. Gross sexual abnormality is a big plus on the CV of British politicians. They're used to push major controversial decisions. Excellent traitors. Very pliable. It used to be referred to as 'lack of moral fibre'.
Winston Churchill
Churchill was another one according to T. Stokes, who worked for MI5. He used to spend a lot of money in Morocco.
Local Government Officials
If you do a search for paedophilia on this site, there's a lot of it in local government.
Also here
And here.
Edward Heath
You have no doubt heard of the Haut de la Garenne scandal on the Channel Islands. They found the bones of a child that had been 'snuffed'. Heath used to go there on Morning Cloud. Jimmy Saville used to deliver boys at Broadstairs.
Tony Blair
In 1999, an international investigation of child pornographers and paedophiles run by Britain’s National Criminal Intelligence Service, code named Operation Ore, resulted in 7,250 suspects being identified in the United Kingdom alone. Some 1850 people were criminally charged in the case and there were 1451 convictions. Almost 500 people were interviewed “under caution” by police, meaning they were suspects. Some 900 individuals remain under investigation. In early 2003, British police began to close in on some top suspects in the Operation Ore investigation, including senior members of Blair’s government.
However, Blair issued a D-Notice, resulting in a gag order on the press from publishing any details of the investigation. Blair cited the impending war in Iraq as a reason for the D-Notice. Police also discovered links between British Labour government paedophile suspects and the trafficking of children for purposes of prostitution from Belgium and Portugal (including young boys from the Casa Pia orphanage in Portugal).
Paedophilia to become legal
Paedophiles are the next group of 'persecuted victims' that will become untouchable. Sociologists will refer to criticism of paedophiles as ignorant 'moral panic' and the public will be silenced with new diversity legislation, which all three parties will miraculously support, because they are all managed from behind the scenes. After that, with the poverty that is resulting from the Rothschilds' bailouts, parents will be expected to sell their children into prostitution, as in Thailand, so that progressive politicians like Peter Mandelson can get their hands on them.
Best regards,
TAP - horrible topic, but one which explains why our top politicians have mostly been traitors, bar a very few. As you say, Gordon, they are selected because they are child rapists, and have to comply with the wishes of the powerful, or be exposed. The link between Blair's fondness for child abuse and his rush to start the Iraq war is instructive. His using a former child sex slave was his denouement. When Gordon Logan revealed that Blair had borrowed one of George Bush's favourite male prostitutes at The White House, Johnnie Gosch (Guckert, Gannon), the Germans were no longer willing to back his bid to be President of Europe.
That said, Belgium does appear to be a world centre for child abuse and abduction. The EU runs on paedophilia as well.
Why did Savile's colleague announce his death in 1994?
One of Britain's most famous 'characters', Jimmy Savile, at the infamous Haut de la Garenne children's home in Jersey which he claimed to have never visited.
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