Bosnia Pyramid Carbon Dated
at 25 Thousand Years Old
at 25 Thousand Years Old
A recent carbon dating performed on a pyramid in Bosnia, proves it to be at least 25 thousand years old.
Most scientists and historians however believe that human civilization started about 5,000 years ago with the Sumerians and Babylonians. That is, until artifacts were found, which predate them. These discoveries suggest, that there was a pre-historical civilization around the world- one that must have been highly advanced.
Two Italian archaeologists, Dr. Ricarrdo Brett and Niccolo Bisconti found a piece of organic material on the Bosnian Pyramid.
They were able to carbon-date the material and with it the pyramid itself. This carbon dating puts the pyramid 20 thousand years before the Sumerian and Babylonian "civilizations."
When the Bosnian Pyramid was first discovered in 2005, researchers could only measure the age of the topsoil covering the pyramid, which is about 12 thousand years old.
[Dr. Semir Osmanagich, Researcher of Bosnian Pyramid]:
"The organic materials found on the Sun Pyramid and biological analysis are telling us that the pyramids are older than 12 thousand five hundred years. The oldest on the planet."
You may be wondering how such a huge pyramid could have remained undiscovered in Europe for so many years. Until its discovery it was just known as Visoko hill. That's right, they thought it was a hill, which is not surprising considering it's size, and the fact that it is covered with topsoil and vegetation.
No entrance to the pyramid has been discovered so far, but an intricate network of tunnels underneath the pyramid are slowly being uncovered.
[Dr. Semir Osmanagich, Researcher of Bosnian Pyramid]:
"Under the valley of the pyramids in Bosnia, there is the most extensive underground tunnel network. It runs for tens of miles. And in those tunnels, the discovery of huge ceramic blocks reaching 18-thousand pounds in mass."
There are still scientists and archaeologists who appose the idea of ancient civilizations before five thousand years ago.
However this latest finding supports the theory that highly advanced civilizations existed before the beginning of our current one.
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