Monday, 24 September 2012

Perhaps Change the Channel

Perhaps Change the Channel 

2012 September 24
Posted by Steve Beckow

If the channel tilts at windmills, change the channel

I anticipate emails about a recent channeling that says the following:
“Only those who desire the ultimate in consciousness can ascend. When you are called to move out of the world you cannot take the world with you. Friends, family, animals, containers of items and all appearance choices must be left behind.”
I’d rather avoid light wars so I won’t mention the channel, but the person in question is not credible. But I do say that this reading was circulated by a lightworker so we do continue to be misled, I’m afraid. And the same channel continues to be posted on discussion groups as a recommended source.
It isn’t necessary to desire the ultimate in consciousness to ascend. Many people may have no idea of what the “ultimate in consciousness” is and they will still ascend.
What concepts you hold in your mind is not what finally determines who ascends or not. Choosing to ascend and leading a decent life so as to assimilate sufficient light to tolerate the more refined conditions of 5D is what is important. And that takes in large groups of people.
There is no need to “leave behind” family, friends, or animals. Pets are automatically assumed to be innocent and will ascend. Granted some family and friends may choose not to ascend, but those who do and have assimilated the needed light will surely go with you.
Ascension is inclusive, not exclusive, unifying not separating.  Ascension is not about leaving love behind, or loved ones. Not per se. Some loved ones will choose not to go, but that isn’t the same as what this channel is implying.
For some reason, I’ve been receiving a lot of mail in the last few days about all the channels who disappoint. In light of that, perhaps I can make the following general comments.
(1) A channel who disparages others, calls anyone stupid or foolish, makes threats, makes dire predictions, or says that we are lost, that few are going to make it, etc., is on a balance of probabilities not credible. Higher-dimensional beings do not judge or disparage. A huge congregation of higher beings from other dimensions and the far reaches of space are here to see that nothing dire occurs in these last 90 days.
We wouldn’t eat a food that tasted bad to us; in the same way, perhaps, set aside a channel who does not sit well with you. There are plenty of really good channels and channelers: the Arcturian Group, SaLuSa, Marlene Swetlishoff, Linda Dillon, Suzy Ward, Ronna Herman, to many a few.
(2) Your heart is an honest broker. Your heart is your connection with your guides, your Self, and God.  The spiritual heart or hridayam (not to be confused with the heart chakra) is a pinprick on the other side of which sits the soul, Self, Atman or Christ. It’s your direct connection with Divinity.  The more you cultivate listening to it, the greater your connection with it grows. I consider it the final word on matters of truth, ethics, etc.
(3) Listen for consistent indications of dimensionality. If you hear gruff, mundane or objectionable statements that the fellow down the block would make, chances are you’re listening to a Third-Dimensional entity; usually the channeller’s own mind. There’s little benefit in listening to Third-Dimensional sources. They’re wrong as often as they may be right and they’re certainly well within the influence of the ego.
(4) On occasion it’s possible to tell a false source by their mangled cosmology. I remember one who said that the cosmic male decided to make a galaxy and called it “Andromeda” while the cosmic female decided to make one and called it the “milky way” after a mother’s milk. The cosmic male is formless, motionless, in a state of constant repose. It creates nothing. Only the cosmic female – the Divine Mother, the creative universal vibration called Shakti or the Word, Aum, the spirit that moves upon the waters – creates.  Such a source has no deep knowledge and is bluffing.
That makes emails on four channels who disappoint in two days.  And some of these have been channeling for years. I’m sorry that we have to wade through so much disinformation and misinformation to find the true nuggets. The Third Dimension is the only dimension, as I said a few days ago, where we find the good, the bad, and the ugly rubbing shoulders. Everything gets sorted out on the Fourth Dimension (the astral planes) and nothing negative can enter the Fifth (the mental planes).  We won’t have to be so cautious in 5D.
That having been said, even the best channels can be affected by illness, fatigue, personal beliefs, etc. There is no substitute for relying on one’s own personal discernment no matter who one listens to. And the best channels know this. A good channel will acknowledge when he or she is too fatigued to do a good job and not channel that day. That does not mean he or she is not a good channel; on the contrary, it’s our best assurance of quality.


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