Montague’s Message for Sunday, 9th September 2012
An important message for Humanity
What you have been observing lately is
the dividing line between good and evil, with governments making
decisions that affect every one of you. It is time to find your voice,
or be led, like sheep to the slaughter. The decisions that are being
made are too important to be left to corrupt politicians. You do not
want a world war with the mindless slaughter of millions of human beings
on your conscience. This plan for war is the last effort to gain
complete control of your planet. Is this what you want? It is time for
you, the slaves, to find the courage, to realise who you are, and to
exercise your right as human beings on Planet Earth. The evil ones leave
no stone unturned to achieve world domination. They do not belong in
your world. This is why they make such efforts to change it to suit
themselves. You have all stood idly by and watched them take control of
everything. It was done by stealth. They took their time as they did not
want the sheep to wake up and see what they were doing. They fooled you
into believing you had enemies through clever brain-washing techniques.
How they laughed at you as you bought into every lie - hook, line and
sinker. The only thing they did not bargain for, was mankind waking up
to the great deception.
We in Spirit are assisting you to see for
yourselves, and to open your eyes and see clearly how you have been
manipulated by the few who want to control the masses. You are the
masses and you have now decided that you no longer wish to be treated as
slaves; for you are quite capable of running your planet for the good
of all and not just for the few, as it is now. Everything is opening up
for you to do this. You are being shown the way forward.
Their weapon is MONEY. But soon you will
not need their money. It was created by them as a weapon to control you
and it has worked until now.
Good people are coming forward to lead
the way to a better and just world for all. You are taking back your
world from the usurpers. Once you make the decision to step forward, all
will be made clear and assistance will be provided. The people of other
planets are standing by: watching and waiting to come to your rescue
with everything you could possibly need. Look up in your skies and you
will see them. Why do you think your governments are using chemtrails to
block your view, as well as to block the wonderful energy of light that
is beaming down on you from on high.
You are on the greatest adventure
imaginable and all are welcome. Sadly, some are still locked into
three-dimensional thinking, where the acquisition of money is paramount.
They are frightened to leave the rat race.
Our plans, on the other hand, are moving
forward beautifully. We have no doubt that we will be successful. Each
step is taken when guided, and one day, you will understand why it had
to be done in this way. There has never been so much evil in your world
as there is now. Care must be taken to get everything absolutely right.
Act only when guided to do so. Only have people with you that you can
trust; if there is any doubt, then you must act on it, as there is a lot
at stake. It is time for all good people to come together in love and
Soon the bastions of evil will be exposed
for all to see. They will be removed from Earth forever. You cannot
keep a rotten apple in the bowl, it contaminates everything that touches
it. The cleansing of your planet has begun. There will be no hiding
place for those evil creatures who have destroyed so much. They will not
be allowed to hide in their underground lairs. They will not be welcome
on Planet Earth: underground or overground. They will be removed as
their time is up.
Look forward to getting to know fellow
human beings from parts of the world that are not familiar to you.
Remember that divisions of religion and race were weapons used by the
Cabal to prevent you from discovering your real enemy. It turned human
beings against human beings while the usurpers took control. You have to
admit, it worked. They thought that all they had to do was to bide
their time until the right moment for the TAKE OVER to come. How
arrogant of them to believe that they would be allowed to take a planet
and use the beings on it for their own purposes. Their LIES are no
longer accepted without question. They are getting worried about what
the man in the street will do when he realises what has been done to
him. They will not have to wait long. Those are the people who have
manipulated everything to deceive and control you. They wrote "Holy
Books" to control your minds; they wrote history that is not true and
has left you confused.
There are wise countries which now want
to know the truth. They are researching it for themselves. We will guide
them. Always remember what I told you when I first passed to Spirit:
NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS. Everything is the exact opposite. Your soul is
who you are, not your body; the body is just the vessel containing your
soul. You have had many bodies over time, some very different to what
you have today. The soul enjoys many different experiences of life. You
will begin to remember different lives and experiences that make you the
person you are today.
Concentrate on truth and light and the
coming together of all who wish to live in peace and harmony on Earth.
Create in your minds the world you want for the future. There is much
that I cannot disclose now. We cannot show our hand, otherwise our
enemies would take action. One big step needs to be taken, and it will.
We are prepared.
My dear wife has much to do. She does see
the full picture. I surround her with love and I am with her always.
Love is what drives her forward to follow my guidance and to trust my
judgement on matters pertaining to our mission on Earth. When people
come together in love, everything is possible. It is time to say GOODBYE
to the past: the future is ours.
Trust your judgement, my dear. Your adoring, Monty.
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