Saturday, 12 October 2013

9/11 – The Consummate Exposé

By Julius Sequerra
I just finished watching an absolutely brilliant 9/11 documentary on YouTube: “September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor“, produced and directed by the acclaimed Italian filmmaker Massimo Mazzucco. (No worries: the video is in English — and superbly narrated to boot.)
I believe I own virtually every 9/11 video produced. If I don’t have the DVD, it’s only because I haven’t heard of it, or because hard copies aren’t for sale. And when they’re not, I download the videos from YouTube and burn my own.
Thus prefaced, let me be perfectly, unequivocally, unambiguously, clear:
This is the best — THE BEST — 9/11 video I’ve ever seen. Period. Finis.
And I’ve only watched Part 3 (of 3). But my full set of DVDs is on its way.
Purchase a copy TODAY from Amazon:
$29 for the 3-DVD set.  (I’d have gladly paid that just for Vol. 3, it’s that powerful. See content details of all three further below.)
Then, duplicate and distribute WIDELY. (The video states: “Free duplication and distribution of all DVDs is encouraged.”) If copying all three discs is too much of a chore, just burn #3. It’ll do the job quite nicely. That one alone will blow every other 9/11 video out there clear out of the water.
More importantly, it will absolutely DESTROY every single debunker out there.
Point by point, this video takes all the nonsensical arguments made by the Presstitutes at Popular Mechanics, as well as the assorted pseudo-experts in Europe and elsewhere, and makes utter mincemeat of every one of them.
The game is over. Case closed. This is the video we’ve all been waiting for.

9/11 Truth Movement – Uniting on the Fundamental Issue Will Restore Momentum

But I would add one caveat. There’s an important lesson implicit in this video: We’d better wrap up all our pet “theories” and leave them at home.
To wit, I found the following two comments by YouTube viewers to be particularly noteworthy (emphasis mine):
[By “eyevolution smith”]:
“By far the best and most comprehensive doc on 9/11 I have ever seen, and believe me I’ve seen a few. Unfortunately, I feel the 9/11 movement has weakened significantly since its peak in 2006/07 due to infighting and a deliberate obfuscation of the facts from the mainstream media and others. The movement descended into a shouting match between proponents of various theories all arguing over who was right whilst being collectively laughed at by those who believe the official story blindly. Sad but true.”
Now, here’s a comment that cuts closer to what we in the 9/11 Truth movement really need to do:
[By “AmerikanTube”]:
“It’s not hard to imagine that, the weapons science being so far advanced — much more than we ordinary citizens can even guess — they could have used many types of advanced technologies that are out of our reach to comprehend. But nevertheless one thing is completely clear: It was an inside job.”

That Is All We Need To Covey

And there you have it. As I’ve been screaming from my little minaret for years, THAT IS ALL WE NEED TO CONVEY!
And this video does that in spades.
So, all you folks with your favorite “theories”: Ask yourselves this crucial question: What’s more important to you:
Finding out HOW 9/11 was done? Or,
Conveying to the unwashed masses the demonstrable FACT that what they’ve been fed is a monstrous LIE?
The former will do nothing except stroke your egos. The latter will get us to critical mass in no time.
Yes, we have a choice: We can all convene at our monthly meetings and argue ad infinitum about planes, no-planes, nanothermite, DEWs, micronukes…
Or, we can shut up, make copies of these DVDs and distribute them to everyone we know. And let reason, logic, common sense, and irrefutable facts do the work.
[NB: Regrettably, any reference to Israeli orchestration of 9/11 is conspicuously absent. Yes, it’s a big price to pay, but given the overall brilliance of this video, that unfortunate exclusion is temporarily tolerable. Fear not; once the masses wake up, they’ll soon figure out who was behind it. But that discovery can wait; let’s not put the cart before the horse (or throw the baby out with the bathwater). What this video proves beyond any doubt is that 9/11 was an inside job. The ‘who’ and ‘how’ will ensue naturally once the lid’s blown open. Introducing any of these distractions at this stage will only succeed in perpetuating the very problems that have left us spinning our wheels for the past twelve years.]

The Importance of Convincing the Fence-Riders

There’s another important group this video addresses. Aside from the millions of Sheeple who’re totally asleep, we all know people who’ve dipped a distant toe into the world of 9/11 truth only to walk away unconvinced. Many have even studied the cover-up in some depth and are familiar with the plethora of inconsistencies and holes in the official conspiracy theory (OCT). Yes, they remain suspicious, yet are unconvinced. As a result, they fail to actively engage in spreading the word. This dormant group represents a huge loss to the momentum of the movement.
It’s absolutely imperative these fence-riders be convinced beyond a doubt. To this end, here’s another comment on YouTube by a chap who’s evidently studied 9/11 and suspected a cover-up all along, but hadn’t quite made up his mind. Well, looks like this video finally made a believer out of him…
[By “Cohen Peas”]:
Anyone not convinced after watching this: you are part of the cover-up.
I finally had a chance to sit down and watch all 3 parts. Great documentary!
I love how the producer took the time to thoroughly expose the official version.
This is the first documentary to completely sway me to the other side.
- the supposed cell-phone calls made by passengers.
- the manner in which the towers collapsed.
- the supposed 911 independent panel
- the Pentagon and Shanksville incidents just do not add up
- the put options on the 2 airlines
- the Gov’t, FBI cover up.
I called Popular Mechanics today, and cancelled my subscription!

So there you have it.

It’s time to get cracking and make this video go viral.
Caveat emptor: This documentary will leave you very angry. Some of the footage is utterly sickening — especially a zoomed-in clip where you can actually see some poor human being blown out of a tower by an explosive squib. After twelve long years, it takes emotive punches like this to remind us of something we all tend to forget:
The monsters who perpetrated this unspeakable crime walk freely amongst us today. And many of them are our fellow Americans.

September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor

by Massimo Mazzucco

Outline of all 3 DVDs

[Parts 1 and 2 of the Video follow below]

DVD 1:
0.01:02 – 12 parallels between Pearl
Harbor and September 11
0.14:10 – The debate: main issues
0.14:55 – Where are the interceptors?
0.16:12 – The “incompetence theory”
(radars, transponders)
0.22:00 – The military drills
0.29:40 – Specific warnings
0.33:08 – The chain of command
0.38:10 – Promotions, not punishments
0.39:50 – The Mineta case
0.47:38 – Debunkers: “Mineta was mistaken”
0.53:18 – The Mineta case – A summary
0.57:15 – “Piss-poor student pilots”
0.59:38 – Marwan al-Sheikki (UA175)
1.01:52 – Ziad Jarrah (UA93)
1.03:06 – Hani Hanjour (AA77)
1.04:00 – The debunkers’ positions
1.06:00 -  2 simulations of the Pentagon attack
1.13:10 – Someone knew?
1.16:40 – Airport security cameras
1.20.15 – The missing black boxes
1.26:50 – Passenger planes or military drones?
1.28:20 – Impossible speeds
1.37:30 – What happened to the passengers?
1.38:35 – The cellphone calls
1.48:30 – The debunkers’ position
1.50:38 – If not from the planes, from where?
DVD 2:
0.02:35 – Downed light poles
0.03:30 – The missing plane
0.04:30 – The official version
0.05:24 – Problems with the official version
(wing, ailerons, tail, engines)
0.13:09 – The mystery hole
0.14:10 – The debunkers’ explanations
0.16:20 – Conclusions on damage analysis
0.17:00 – The missing tapes
0.18:30 – Security video analysis
0.23.40 – Pentagon summary
0.24.15 – The empty hole
0.28.00 – The debunkers’ explanations
0.33:00 – Plane crash or bomb explosion?
0.34:50 – The debris field
0.37.20 – The shootdown hypothesis
0.38:50 – The small white plane
0.41:40 – “Let’s roll”
0.44:25 – Summary of Flight 93
0.45:10 – Introduction
0.47:45 – The Towers’ small dirty secret
0.53:10 – Larry Silverstein
0.56:15 – NIST vs. Architects & Engineers
0.58:00 – Robust or fragile buildings?
1.04:45 – The initial collapse – Explanation #1
1.05:45 – The initial collapse – Explanation #2
1.07:35 – Problems with the official explanation
1.18:00 – The full collapse – No official explanation
1.18:50 – Law of physics violated
1.20:50 – The Twin Towers and freefall
1.27:50 – Debunkers’ response to A&E
DVD 3:
(Twin Towers continued)
0.00:20 – The hypothesis of controlled demolitions
0.01:08 – Debunkers: “Impossible to place explosives”
0.07:34 – Explosions in the Twin Towers (witnesses)
0.15:00 – “Fuel in elevators shafts” theory
0.23:25 – Debunkers: “Explosions not recorded by tv cameras”
0.30:26 – Squibs
0.33:00 – Explosive force (montage)
0.35:00 – Ejecta
0.38:00 – Diagonal cuts
0.40:15 – What happened to the hat trusses?
0.42:20 – Extreme temperatures
0.45:30 – Debunkers’ explanations
0.46:45 – Twisted and mangled beams
0.47:40 – Molten steel
0.51:05 – Molten concrete
0.53:50 – Pulverization
0.57:40 – Victims vaporized
1.02:20 – Conclusion on the Twin Towers
1.05:10 – Introduction
1.06:35 – Official version by NIST
1.09:36 – Collapse computer simulation
1.11:00 – Fire computer simulation
1.12:20 – Debunkers: “Building 7 weaker”
1.14:25 – Preknowledge
1.19:00 – Symmetry
1.20:00 – Freefall
1.22:30 – John McCain
1.24:35 – The last word
Thanks to Zen Gardener for the find and posting on his BLOG

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