The U.S. regime pretends for a long time, rational arguments, logic, and the Law does not count for them.
America's actions can not be explained by normal scales and are completely contradictory.
At the latest, all started with the wars against Afghanistan and Iraq.
As many common people think I thought at that time in 2002, WHAT exactly has 9-11 to do with Afghanistan and Iraq ?
Why America fight war against these countries, when 16 of the 19 alleged terrorists come from Saudi Arabia and Osama bin Laden, accused the head of the operation, was also a Saudi ?
Parsifal, September 7, 2013
Above: The gallery of Saudi terrorists, except the one in the middle, to this day along with Mossad and CIA stuck behind all the terrorist attacks and finance the Al - Qaeda and the war against Syria.
Not one of the terrorists came from Afghanistan or Iraq.
Would it not have been logical reason to attack Saudi Arabia and to punish them ?
Ah yes, the justification for the war in Afghanistan was and still is, because the Taliban have 'housed' Osama Bin Laden.
The Taliban themselves had nothing to do with 9/11 and have not attacked America.
But just provided an 'accommodation' of the al-Qaeda leader was sufficient reason for the Bush administration to start the bombing campaign against the country and the invasion.
Wait a minute, the leader of the hijackers should have been Mohammed Atta, who lived from 1992 to 2001 in Hamburg, Germany and studied there for almost 10 years up to 9/11.
Why not then Hamburg was bombed by the Americans, but when the city granted this terrorist 'home' ?
I mean, where is the consequence of their twisted logic ?
The responsible for 9/11 counter-terrorism Secretary in the White House, Richard Clark said after his retirement from office, the decision by Bush, in response to the attack of the Saudi terrorists to America to start a war in Afghanistan, would be so as if America had declared war to Mexico after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
He himself was really surprised how the Bush administration came forward to waring against Afghanistan.
But especially where the Taliban were ready to hand-over Osama bin Laden if the U.S. authorities have provided evidence of his guilt.
They have not done the same but dropped bombs.
Cheney and Bush Asked Tom Daschle Not To Investigate 911
But the illogic continues.
Although a complete no-fly zone was established after 9-11 over America and it was about Saudi terrorists, according to U.S. government, all high-ranking Saudi nationals who stayed in the United States were allowed leaving.
A plane gathered the people at various airports and brought them to the Middle East.
No one else was allowed to fly.
A few days later even allowed the members of the Bin Laden family, without being controlled or questioned to depart with private jets, organized and paid for by ... three times guesses ...
Osama Bin Laden…
The Bush administration has just let escape from the land the very same people who they accused of having carried out the attack on America.
America is waging a war against the people of Afghanistan for 12 years, the country has been bombed into the stone age and killed hundreds of thousands, because Saudi citizens reportedly on September 11, 2001 have attacked America.
Where is the logic ?
How can they do such a thing ?
Why the world let that happen ?
Why does George W. Bush still run around and why he has not been indicted as a war criminal and mass murderer ?
Germany and other NATO countries are called 'coalition of the willing' participate in this illegal war and just as guilty.
Lets but wind forward now as we will look how the Obama administration justified the impending war against Syria:
It is indeed in their eyes a 'civil war' and not an invasion of terrorists to overthrow the Syrian government on behalf of the Saudis.
Calling Syria A Civil War Is A Vast Deception
Summing it up, then the argument of the White House looks like this:
Because the 'bad' Syrians (Assad) have killed the 'good" Syrians (rebels aka cut-throat terrorists), now the Americans have to mass murder the innocent Syrians (civilians) with bombs and missiles, so after the 'good' Syrians can even more kill the 'bad' Syrians as they do now.
Sounds perfectly logical, right ?
Obama wants to bring the raging terrorists of Al- Qaeda in Syria to power, but his dictatorship pretend to fight them else where.
They tell us for years, with the whole war on terror it is about to destroy the Al- Qaeda.
This is why Obama sent anywhere killer drones to kill terrorists from the air.
But here he wants to attack Assad and the Syrian army, which do exactly repel and defeat the terrorists of Al- Qaeda.
So illogical sounds the logic of the Nobel Peace Prize Ticketed.
Then we are told by U.S. Secretary of State Kerry (Kohn), Obama would not have to ask the Senate and Congress for permission for war against Syria.
Because it would be no act of war, and only a limited air attack on military targets of the Syrian army, without the use of ground troops.
Aha, that's how it is !
Before I mentioned Pearl Harbor - (in fact just an other false flag operation) but …
How the logic was applied there ?
Have the Japanese not made exactly the same as the Americans are going to do now ?
The attack on Pearl Harbor was also only a limited air strike (from aircraft carriers) on military targets (American Pacific Fleet) without the use of ground troops.
Why then so has America declared war against Japan and Germany if it was not an act of war of the Japanese, even after today's logic ?
Do we need to rewrite the entire history of World War II now ?
Was the Empire of Japan not an aggressor, just as America sees itself NOT as an aggressor against Syria ?
If the Washington regime makes a war of aggression, then it's not.
It is just a police action or diplomacy with harder means or even better, a humanitarian peace mission to protect the public.
Yes, it is said then completely trivialized by the apologists.
Warning, it's raining peace bombs that do absolutely not kill !
But it goes further
Since the UN Security Council not to approve military action against Syria because Russia and China veto, Obama wants to attack Syria without UN mandate.
The U.S. government says the United Nations system has failed in the Syria issue.
Moscow and Beijing have repeatedly prevented in the past two and a half years resolutions, which were directed against the Form of Democracy in Damascus.
This logic is but completely twisted when it comes to Israel.
After all, how many vetoes, the U.S. has appealed in the UN Security Council, when resolutions were directed against the Apartheid Zionesia state ?
One can not even count it.
Have then Russia and China also said that the United Nations system have failed at the Israel question and thus now are slammed ?
We see the criminal regime in Washington does what it wants, adheres to no rules, but in the contrary applies new harsh rules to the whole world every time a new self-made terror-threat occurs, each twisted logic is completely irrational and acting like a psychopath.
The only one still reasonable, calmly and logically involved here is President Putin.
He has been virtually alone prevented a war against Syria, which can very easily escalate into a world war.
What he gets in return from the western politicians and media for his peace efforts ?
Only insults and dirt kicked into his face.
In contrast, the dictator and warmonger Obama will be praised and all that he is lying will be uncritically accepted.
In this case, the United States all over the world try their kink Pax Americana to enforce their imperialist hegemony and its arbitrary exercise of power.
Obama wants to perform a war of aggression against international law in support of Al- Qaeda.
He wants to bomb Syria and strengthens all of the extremists who massacred civilians like rabid dogs.
This is the logic of the illogic of U.S. war policy.
Why would the world community agree upon this contradiction ?
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