Notice to readers: This week we return to pre-written material as I finish my holiday outside of the digital information matrix. Next week I will be back in Tokyo and will report the latest news about the upcoming autumn offensive against the cabal.
For those who wish to do their own fact checking there is a way to show the West is ruled by a secret totalitarian regime. Take a look at the ownership control of the Fortune 500 companies that dominate the economy. It can all be traced, as can the ownership of the Federal Reserve Board and the 12 largest banking corporations to four entities: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity. The ownership by a few families (the usual suspects like Rockefeller, Rothschild, Warburg, Morgan etc.) of most economic activity of course includes ownership of the media, text-book publishing and educational institutions of import. This control matrix will be systematically dismantled over the coming months and years.
To understand how the control matrix set up by these families works let us look at the mild version they run in Canada. The official Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and other corporate propaganda media outlets (remember fascism is the dictatorship of corporations) are the most obvious examples.
Reading their “newspapers” and watching or listening to their broadcasts you begin to enter a surreal world in which Russia’s Vladimir Putin is not a democratically elected leader but rather a tyrant, where Barak Obama does not represent a government that tortures and murders with impunity and where Al Qaeda is either an ally or an enemy depending on which country they are talking about.
Many of my otherwise well-educated and intelligent family and friends here seem to think, for example, that homosexuals (or whatever the latest politically correct label is) are jailed and persecuted in Russia. This is because of relentless and increasingly crude propaganda about a law that makes it illegal to promote homosexuality to minors. In the West, of course, there are severe jail terms and persecution in place for people who promote heterosexuality to minors (it is labeled pedophilia). In any case, the people who rely on corporate and government media (including much of my family) for information in Canada have been left with the untrue impression that homosexuals were being imprisoned and tortured in Russia. This is fascist propaganda at its most blatant.
The must surreal example I saw was an Ottawa, Canada reality show that follows police as they go about their work. In the show I saw police were seizing “unregistered weapons” from a “purse thief.”
The police in the report were saying the suspect was arrested for stealing a woman’s purse and that the firearms were found in a subsequent search of his house. The police said the man stole the purse and fled alone in a taxi. However, in the show the Taxi driver, speaking in accented English, unmistakably repeated that the woman who supposedly had her purse stolen from her house was with the suspect e entire time. The weapons were old ones the “suspect” had inherited. It was an obvious case of trumped up charges being used as a pretext to seize weapons. The propaganda was so crude the shows’ producers apparently did not realize the policeman was lying on air and that the taxi driver’s testimony proved it. If I try to talk to my family about such things or events like 911, they become extremely agitated and refuse to listen.
It is the sort of -you cannot believe it is happening in Canada- event that is becoming all to frequent. The media are lying, the government is falling into the hands of thugs and, people with a vested interest in the system are in denial.
Fortunately the control matrix set up by these families has a fatal flaw. Western civilization is extremely militarized in its organization. Military power structures are characterized by highly centralized control and command. People are trained to follow orders, obey rules and go along with the public agenda. While the “I was just following orders,” excuse was supposed to have been debunked at the Nuremberg trials, a more insidious system has now replaced it. People involved in the military and the agencies or in the corporate government repeatedly use the phrase “that is above my pay grade,” to shut their minds and concentrate on their immediate orders.
The implication is that the more money somebody gets paid, the more they are allowed to know. What happens though is that if you seize the tiny group of people who control the money distribution process then suddenly you are above the pay grade of all these order obeying aparatchiks.
Seen from outside of the West, what is happening now is that the European Union and the United States are bankrupt vis a vis the rest of the world. Or, more accurately speaking, the families that own the rights to print dollars and Euros are also bankrupt.
So, if the creditors to these people are willing (and they say they are) then the financial control mechanisms are about to change hands. The implications are historical. Whoever controls the money controls, first of all, the wages of all the military and agency personnel in Europe and the US. Secondly they will get control of the corporations and the corporate propaganda matrix. Thirdly they will get control of all the scientific and educational funding as well as the scientific and educational publishing (publish or perish and all that).
Needless to say replacing one secret group with another is not going to make any long term difference. Instead, we need to make the power transfer as public and transparent as possible without endangering innocent lives.
Finding a new way for our species to chart its future is what we will work on this autumn.
Why the “just following orders” mentality allowed the fascists to take over the West
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