Tuesday, 30 July 2013

NSA Chief Alexander is a Bilderberg ...

Thanks to Parsifal~ that researched and posted this on one of our BRIDGES HERE
Since August 01, 2005 General Brian Keith Alexander is the director of the National Security Agency (NSA), the secret American organization that spies on all citizens of the world and stores all the data.

Has appointed him the god father of global terror and war criminal Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense and main responsible co-conspirator of the self-staged 9/11-attack and the hence 'justified' resulting wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq.
Parsifal, July 29, 2013
Image top: The NSA chief and Bilderberg Keith Alexander has lied before the U.S. Congress
In May 2010, Alexander was promoted to four-star general and took over the leadership of the United States Cyber ​​Command.
What many biographies about him intentionally omit, Alexander took part in the 2009 Bilderberg conference in Vouliagmeni/Athens, Greece, 14-17 May 2009 and thus also belongs to this criminal gang.
See 'List of Bilderberg participants 2009'.

But Alexander is not only a member of the Bilderberg Group and head of the largest eavesdropping and intelligence apparatus in the world, he is also a liar.
In March 2012, he has answered to questions at a congressional hearing that appealed to the information of the former NSA employee James Bamford, the NSA would make voice - and digital records of U.S. citizens, the NSA does not store such data.

Here is an excerpt of the questions of the Congressman Hank Johnson:

Eavesdrops the NSA U.S. cell phone calls?

Alexander: No.

Johnson: Google searches?

Alexander: No.

Johnson: text messages?

Alexander: No.

Johnson: Amazon.com orders?

Alexander: No.

Johnson: bank transactions?

Alexander: No.

General Alexander 14 times answers with no to any question whether the NSA stores domestic phone or internet data, such as the whistleblower Bamford has claimed.
Here, the NSA chief was under oath.

Here's the video of the lies and perjury:
At July 9, 2012 he was asked by the press, if the huge data center in Utah
(click to enlarge, source wikipedia)
is to be used to store information about American citizens.
Alexander replied: 'No I can not go into the details of the data center in Utah, but we do not store any data of U.S. citizens..'

At the DEFCON 2012 Conference Alexander was the keynote speaker.
During the question and answer session, he was asked: 'Stores the NSA data about each and if so, how can I see mine ?'
Replied Alexander: 'Our work is the collection of foreign information.'
He added: 'Those who spin the tale, we have millions or hundreds of millions of dossiers on citizens, are completely wrong, in my view is complete nonsense..'

Then the following happened.
On June 6, 2013, after the Washington Post and the Guardian transmitted parts of the documents published about the PRISM program without revealing Edward Snowden's identity, the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper published the following confession:
Yes, the NSA collects metadata, including outgoing and incoming phone numbers, and the time and duration of all telephone conversations of American citizens.

Meanwhile, more insider information has been published by Mr. E. Snowden on the gigantic scale of the global absorbtion and storage of data.
Also the collection of communications data of all U.S. citizens.
Neither the NSA nor the U.S. government deny it any longer.
Obama or whatever the name of the puppet sitting in the White House is, makes no bones about and defends the eavesdropping operations with the usual 'war on terror' fairy tale, sound fascists use to apply in such case.
How, then, but the NSA chief Alexander dare to remain in office, when he found guilty to the repeated lies and perjury ?

Only is to be expected such a criminal kind from a Bilderberg.
This world-criminals have neither conscience nor scruples.
They are also traitors, spy on their own citizens, although forbidden by the U.S. Constitution.
For this, the whistleblower Mr. Snowden for theft of government property, disclosure of secret information, and espionage is wrongful accused but could get the death penalty for it.

It is always the same.
The criminals go free, and those who expose the crimes being hunted.

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