Thanks to Parsifal~ for his researches and post this on one of our BRIDGES.
What do we know about John Kerry, since February 1. 2013 was appointed Foreign Secretary of the United States and the successor to Hillary Clinton ?
Is known, he was a senator for Massachusetts, chairman of the Committee for Foreign Policy and 2004 he was the Democratic candidate for the U.S. presidential elections.
He lost as the designated loser against the incumbent George W. Bush.
He is married to Teresa Heinz, heir to Henry John Heinz ketchup factory, which will have a fortune close to a billion dollars.
Kerry holds a degree in political science at Yale University, and he was like his 'rival' and classmate Bush also a member of the Satanic Skull & Bones fraternity.
Parsifal, July 27, 2013 (poor formatting, cant fix, please scroll down past both youtube videos to continue reading, sorry for the inconvenience)
Image top: Two criminals put their heads together about 'peace'
Less well known is his origin and that his real name actually is John Kohn, as described here
This also explains why he was one of the most ardent 'Israel-First' U.S. senators.
His current peace initiative, in which he's flaunting around in the Middle East, therefore, is a farce and is only advocating USrael’s interests against the Palestinians.
He is certainly not a true or impartial mediator but a traitor to both: His homeland America and meddling into the affairs of the (real Muslim's) world.
But is the least known fact, John Kerry or actually Kohn as Army- officer has committed terrible crime in the Vietnam War, although he then pretended to be anti-war, which was pure political opportunism.
The majority of Americans were against the war at that time, so it adapts to the trend.
Driven by ambition, he has always had the goal to be president.
To play peace broker in the Middle East is now therefore in a double sense make the gardener the goat.
Reported in 1966 by Yale Kerry volunteered to serve in the U.S. Navy, where he was trained to become an officer, confirming his military base setting the first time.
Bush in contrast shirked his military service, and rather was dealing with coke on the Yale campus.
Kerry's brief period of service in Vietnam and Cambodia was marked by brutal acts and his own participation in massacres that would normally - if not American soldiers had committed the murders - were considered war crimes.
During his first period of service on the USS Gridley in the Pacific, Kerry received the news that his best friend Dickie Pershing, grandson of General Pershing after the infamous missile would have been named, died in Vietnam.
Kerry was upset about the death so he swore vengeance on the Vietnamese, as his biographer Douglas Brinkley later in the book 'A Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War' recorded, based on diaries and letters that Kerry had written.
The Sound Of Silence
Kerry immediately requested his transfer to the war zone and arrived there on 17th November 1968, where was assigned commander of a 'Swift boat', a fast patrol boat.
He led with his assigned 'Swift Boat # 94' numerous military operations.
As part of the elimination program 'Phoenix' in response to the Viet Cong Ted Offensive, the U.S. Navy developed its own destruction program, called 'Operation Sea Lords'.
It was a 'seek and destroy' the task of the 'Swift boat', but what meant track and liquidate in reality.
With the heavily armed patrol boats, the channels and backwaters of the Mekong Delta were ransacks, especially near the Cambodian border, with the order given, to destroy everything that moves there on the water or on the shore without questioning.
The entire area except for some 'friendly villages' were declared 'free fire zone', which meant the Americans were allowed to kill anyone at will, men, women and children, and they could count them as Vietcong-enemy.
Photographed from Swift Boat # 94 water skying, apparently with a signature of Kohn source
Day and night, plowing the 'Swift Boats' the waters and shot at everyone and everything, killing at livestock, villagers, fishermen and agricultural workers.
In this program of destruction to decimate the population, because only a dead Vietnamese certainly was not a Viet Cong (homeland - defender), Kerry was notorious for his excessive zeal.
One of his fellow officers, Lieutenant James R. Water described him enthusiastically with the words:
'Kerry was an extremely aggressive officer like me. I liked that he brought the fight to the enemy that he was tough and brave, not afraid to shed blood for his country.'
Here the scene 'War is hell' from 'Full Metal Jacket', which exemplifies murderous procedure in Vietnam against the population:
Just in his first patrol on December 2, 1968 upstream, the crew discovered at midnight, a sampan, a typical flat, wide rowing or sailing boat from Southeast Asia.
The rules did not include any warning, no need to consider who and what was on board.
Kerry shot a flare into the sky to open the signal for his team the fire with the two M16 machine guns and assault rifles.
Kerry described the scene later, the fishermen 'jumped like gazelles.'
It was Christmas 1968, when Kerry led a patrol on a canal along the Cambodian border, although a truce during this time was agreed and therefore the question alone is entitled to ask what they were doing there.
They spot two sampans, and drove them in a small fishing village.
Reportedly, shots were fired and Kerry ordered the machine-gunners to open fire.
This immediately killed an old man, leading a water buffalo.
He and the animal were simply blown away by the salvos.
Later it turned out, Kerry's boat shot up one of the few friendly villages, which also housed a garrison of South Vietnamese soldiers.
Two of the soldiers were wounded by the Americans.
In general it was always shot first and then asked.
There were 'enemies' literally sought and again and again innocent civilians injured and killed, what would normally be described as a massacre.
Only, in the diaries and letters of Kerry is not to find a word about regret or guilt.
A few weeks after the event at the Cambodian border went Kerry's boat along the Cua Lon River, 'sampan ahead !' cried one of the crew.
Kerry ordered to shoot on the fishing boat.
When the boat stopped, he and his crew came on board and they only found bags of rice and a woman carrying with a baby in her arms.
Beside her child lay face down, his body was riddled with machine gun bullets.
Kerry refused to look at the dead child, and he said, 'his face will burn into whole life and I do not even want to know if it was a girl or boy.'
Here is an example from APOCALYPSE NOW:
'I told you don't stop !'
John Kerry during a medal award for his work in Vietnam source Wikipedia
For these crimes against the Vietnamese population Kerry was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts (for three wounds).
Only, these wounds were rather mild in nature, which made him fail not one day of the assignment, but brought him home early.
Instead of one year was already finished his tour in Vietnam after four months.
About 200 of his former comrades later joined together to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
They charge Kohn aka Kerry making false statements about his Vietnam deployment and to have received a portion of his awards wrongly.
Kerry also has said the later 'we have only following orders' and he added, 'we had to destroy all the boats we saw.'
Only, at least since the Nuremberg Trials of German war criminals that 'following orders' excuse no longer applies.
But with 'victors' is of course different, because everything is allowed.
Who wants to accuse ?
The U.S. government has even threatened if a U.S. soldier should ever come before the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague, the city is attacked.
The world accepts this outrageous threat and does not mind.
>How can John Kohn, as a war criminal murdering civilians in Vietnam, be U.S. Secretary of State, received with honor everywhere, play the moral high ground and countries dictate how they should behave !
His biography is a typical example of how utterly perverted, inhuman and immoral America works.
Since World War II the United States in the countless wars and conflicts Washington has done caused the death of over 20 million people.
3 million in Vietnam alone.
But they're the 'good guys'.
What adds up, the Vietnam War was based on a lie, just like the wars against Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, as U.S. warships were never attacked by North Vietnamese speedboats.
The so-called 'Gulf of Tonkin event' was fictitious by the Pentagon and was never even held.
All wars are based on lies, we know, and the center of lies-materializes is in Washington.
The Jewish-Zionist politician Kohn is the right hand of Benjamin Netanyahu.
He had to change his Jewish name Kohn to Kerry in order to be considered as a pure American.
image: Kerry meets Syrian opposition leader Ahmed Mouaz al-Khatib and pledges USD 60m in aid
Recently, a conference was held behind closed doors about whether to proceed to Syria after the Syrian army (which attacked the Al-Nusra front raging in Northern Aleppo keeping imprisoned thousands of Aleppoans and marooning from vital supply for weeks), directly as Libya two years ago.
Kerry favored the military option, but General Dempsey, who brought Kohn into line against such intervention and accurately presented how many millions and billions would cost (eg the establishment of a No Fly Zone...) Obama then followed Dempsey, his Chief of the General Staff.
Would Kohn have succeeded, now would be bombed Damascus from F16 fighters to the delight of Israel and Israel could stay out of the bombing, which would otherwise have to perform themselves.
Kerry is just as dangerous as Brennan, Obama's new CIA director, with whom he goes through every Tuesday at the White House the kill list to decide who should be the next candidate by a drone to experience the afterlife.
Even Hillary Clinton seems to be still moderate compared to Kerry.
And he’s a sly forked tongued person.
While he was in Moscow, he met with Putin holding previous talks before the Geneva Conference and for a negotiated solution on Syria.
Obama's concession for the refusal of warmonger Kohn’s proposal of a just U.S. military intervention against Syria: His approval for the direct arming of terrorists, including Al Qaeda.