Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa 11-May-2012 - The NewAgeMovement Exposed
You will have so much to enjoy in the near future, as you realize that you are being freed from the clutches of the dark Ones.
With the governmental changes there will again be some surprises in store for you, as you will see those who are of the Light take positions of power and authority.
The US Government will still have Barack Obama amongst those retained, because as we have stressed many times, he is a great soul of the Light.
He is already taking actions that will aid our allies, in bringing the cabal to answer for their crimes ..."
read more (if you have not enough of BS)
Working for the New World Order, as War-Is-Peace-in-Chief-Obama is being pushed as a Light Bringer.
Tell that to the dead in Libya, Egypt, Syria.
Tell that to the dead in Afghanistan or Iraq and the soldiers who died valiantly for the wrong cause, lied to by the Govt who refuse to legalize drugs so they can supply most of the world with poppy.
Say All Lies- USA.
I decided to post this article from May 2012 also here in OV in order to do my part speeding up the awakening process. Albeit not new, it is still newsworthy - Parsifal
already member Beyond Illusion ?
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