As an instrument Hollywood movies and music videos are used, which employ more perverse and blasphemous means to offend the faithful and to serve as a satanic tool.
Parsifal February 18, 2013
Image above: Walz shoot down a Roman with a shotgun blast
Nothing is sacred anymore.
This destruction of spirituality is declared as freedom of expression and art.
With Christians and Muslims can do it with not impunity.
With the chosen of course not, it never happened, or at the slightest breeze is menaced with 'the haunch'.
The latest piece of work in this direction is a 'parody' of the ultra-revenge films like Tarantino's 'Kill Bill', 'Inglourious Basterds' and 'Django Unchained'.
The strip is called 'DJesus uncrossed' and is known in the U.S. satirical show 'Saturday Night Live' was shown last Saturday an audience of millions.
< Walz splits the skull of a Roman with a sword
In this 'trailer' Jesus Christ awakens from the dead from the grave and takes revenge in typical Tarantino blood orgy with sword and gun against which brought him to the cross. Jesus is played by German-Austrian actor Christoph Walz, where many believe he is apparently mutated into a Hollywood hooker and for money, fame and Oscar accepts any role, no matter how repulsive.
Here he splits as Jesus skulls and kill as many Romans as possible.
The commentator in the background says, 'He is risen from the dead and preach anything but forgiveness.'
Like all Tarantino's bloody revenge garbage here is celebrated in the most violent form, the opposite of the Christian message.
That should be fun and entertainment ?
SNL presents DJESUS UNCROSSED Official Trailer
The same U.S. media which tremendously exciting because of the massacres in schools and call for a general prohibition of the possession of firearms, but show this glorification of violence, and on top of that blasphemy.
Even if one does not see the utter disregard for human life as amusement must evoke outrage.
Hey, to show in all details how people in revenge slaughters is so funny.
Western culture is very civilized.
What do you think ?
World War Z is coming towards us
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