Monday, 14 January 2013

Ta’Kaiya Blaney 11 years young: Say No to Big Oil

Ta’Kaiya Blaney: Say No to Big Oil

The children of Nova Earth will play an inordinate role in what’s to come. Here Ta’Kaiya Blaney, one of the younger members of Yinka Dene Alliance Freedom Train, urges her people to vote no on a treaty that would open Indian lands to Big Oil. Thanks to Kathleen.

Ta’Kaiya, 11, lives in North Vancouver, B.C., and is from the Sliammon First Nation. She has spoken at events, festivals and schools around BC in 2011. She spoke and sang at the Comox Earth Day festival, at the Canada Day celebration in Powell River, the Bella Bella school and Gathering Voices Environmental Film Festival in Bella Bella.
She spoke and sang at the Marine Protected Areas Congress in Victoria, the Father’s Day Pow Wow, and recently at the Rhizome Cafe in Vancouver for Solidarity Night with the Dene Suline. She was chosen as one of 20 “We Canada” Champions, an organization putting pressure on Canada to show leadership at the UN Earth Summit 2012 in Rio De Janiera.
The video write up.
Ta’Kaiya says Vote no to treaty because Sliammon signing a treaty opens up our Indian lands to development by big oi Enbridge, Plutonic Energy, etc. We have negotiators, cousellors, and the chief all but bought out by these corporations. Ta’Kaiya loves the land and waters… We need to protect them from greed including those people who would work for the corporations to destroy the land for their own financial benefit. No to treaty; No to pipeline, No to super tankers.
 Here she sings another song at TedxEDx, a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience: Earth Revolution.

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