BEYOND TIME - The Shift into Timelessness
By Julie Redstone
By Julie Redstone
December 1, 2012
It is not necessary to leave time entirely to perceive the timeless, and, indeed, it is not the soul-purpose of most to do so. It is necessary to see oneself as a citizen of a vast and mysterious spiritual universe that contains all that is, a universe of which the physical is only a small part.

Winter Solstice, 2012 - This is the beginning of a change that all have been waiting for, the movement into a higher dimensional reality, the awareness of the spiritual realms as present, the knowing that God is real. The heart cries out for such knowledge, for such assurance, even while the mind often doubts and asks for proof.

Now, in this coming wave of cosmic expression, the shift shall begin to be more tangible for many, for the sense of time itself shall be altered by the presence of the timeless.

What is the timeless?
It is the underlying reality of time itself. It is the ‘beyond time’ of which time is a part. For we may consider time and space to be lenses in which we view and experience a portion of that underlying reality, not the whole, but a portion. It would be as if humanity, based on the construction of the brain, has been wearing polaroid lenses that eliminated a certain portion of the spectrum of light, yet remained able to see the rest, thinking that this was all there was. So it is with perceiving time within the timeless. We perceive the portion of reality that our lenses allow us to perceive, and do not perceive the rest.

What is the timeless and how does it change perception?
Imagine any moment in which you have become lost in thought or in action, where the surroundings disappeared and you were immersed in the intensity of your own preoccupation, whether mental, imaginative, or physical. The timeless is similar in that it allows the immediacy of the present moment to increase to such a degree that it becomes, literally, all that is. It is where we reside with a sense of completion and completeness, there being nothing else outside it and nothing else that is needed.

Human experience approaches such an experience of the timeless in moments of great love, or of passion, or of devotion to something that is beyond oneself. And yet these moments resolve into a next moment in which time again resumes its place within consciousness. Yet the perception of the timeless is a place in which the human soul lives and the embodied self can learn to live, a place which is complete in itself, analogous to what has been called the ‘eternal present.’ We cannot think with our minds of what the ‘eternal present’ means. But we can know with our experience that in those moments when we have been most deeply immersed in something, especially something sublime, that all else disappeared and there was only THAT. This is true of the eternal present. It is all there is, and we have come to not see it because of the lenses we wear which act as filters of perception over our vision.

There is a change that is coming with regard to these filters of perception. This change is not something that we initiate through our will or through our actions. It is a change initiated through Divine action that will progressively eliminate the perceptual filters so that we can perceive the timeless even while living within time. It is not necessary to leave time entirely to perceive the timeless, and, indeed, it is not the soul-purpose of most to do so. It is necessary to see oneself as a citizen of a vast and mysterious spiritual universe that contains all that is, a universe of which the physical is only a small part. This shift alone will allow human beings to move progressively into the higher stages of spiritual perception where all lenses no longer operate or are needed. Just the shift to perceiving oneself as primarily a citizen of a spiritual universe rather than of a physical one is a beginning.

All help is being given at this time to establish and create openings for this shift in perception on both individual and collective levels. All within the realms of light who are involved with the Earth’s transition are shepherding this change in the perception of time so that the transition can proceed smoothly and so that fear, where it occurs, can be dissolved.

May all beings come to live freely, now, without blinders, without lenses, without the need to limit the magnificence of who they truly are. May all embrace their true citizenship as beings of Divine creation within the vast landscape of all realms of being.

Winter Solstice, 2012 - This is the beginning of a change that all have been waiting for, the movement into a higher dimensional reality, the awareness of the spiritual realms as present, the knowing that God is real. The heart cries out for such knowledge, for such assurance, even while the mind often doubts and asks for proof.
Now, in this coming wave of cosmic expression, the shift shall begin to be more tangible for many, for the sense of time itself shall be altered by the presence of the timeless.
What is the timeless?
It is the underlying reality of time itself. It is the ‘beyond time’ of which time is a part. For we may consider time and space to be lenses in which we view and experience a portion of that underlying reality, not the whole, but a portion. It would be as if humanity, based on the construction of the brain, has been wearing polaroid lenses that eliminated a certain portion of the spectrum of light, yet remained able to see the rest, thinking that this was all there was. So it is with perceiving time within the timeless. We perceive the portion of reality that our lenses allow us to perceive, and do not perceive the rest.
What is the timeless and how does it change perception?
Imagine any moment in which you have become lost in thought or in action, where the surroundings disappeared and you were immersed in the intensity of your own preoccupation, whether mental, imaginative, or physical. The timeless is similar in that it allows the immediacy of the present moment to increase to such a degree that it becomes, literally, all that is. It is where we reside with a sense of completion and completeness, there being nothing else outside it and nothing else that is needed.
Human experience approaches such an experience of the timeless in moments of great love, or of passion, or of devotion to something that is beyond oneself. And yet these moments resolve into a next moment in which time again resumes its place within consciousness. Yet the perception of the timeless is a place in which the human soul lives and the embodied self can learn to live, a place which is complete in itself, analogous to what has been called the ‘eternal present.’ We cannot think with our minds of what the ‘eternal present’ means. But we can know with our experience that in those moments when we have been most deeply immersed in something, especially something sublime, that all else disappeared and there was only THAT. This is true of the eternal present. It is all there is, and we have come to not see it because of the lenses we wear which act as filters of perception over our vision.
There is a change that is coming with regard to these filters of perception. This change is not something that we initiate through our will or through our actions. It is a change initiated through Divine action that will progressively eliminate the perceptual filters so that we can perceive the timeless even while living within time. It is not necessary to leave time entirely to perceive the timeless, and, indeed, it is not the soul-purpose of most to do so. It is necessary to see oneself as a citizen of a vast and mysterious spiritual universe that contains all that is, a universe of which the physical is only a small part. This shift alone will allow human beings to move progressively into the higher stages of spiritual perception where all lenses no longer operate or are needed. Just the shift to perceiving oneself as primarily a citizen of a spiritual universe rather than of a physical one is a beginning.
All help is being given at this time to establish and create openings for this shift in perception on both individual and collective levels. All within the realms of light who are involved with the Earth’s transition are shepherding this change in the perception of time so that the transition can proceed smoothly and so that fear, where it occurs, can be dissolved.
May all beings come to live freely, now, without blinders, without lenses, without the need to limit the magnificence of who they truly are. May all embrace their true citizenship as beings of Divine creation within the vast landscape of all realms of being.
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