Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Fun With Reptoids !

by Zen Gardner
They come in all shapes and sizes.  They have many disguises, but love places of power and position, and especially anything to do with money and any type of energy.
They also love the military as that’s their main play thing, along with science and advancements in eugenics, since death and destruction are such a thrill to their bloodthirsty species.
You can spot them several ways. Here are 10 ways to get you started.
Gotta warn you, they’re a very strange lot. And they’re preying on humanity.

1. They’re Often from Elite Bloodlines, and are Known to Stalk Their Prey.

The Raptor look. Renowned degenerate Prince (of Darkness) Philip circling and sizing up a competitive species with Queen Lizardbreath eyeballing a tasty morsel.

Ah, the royal bloodlines, taking them back to such bloodsucking illuminaries as Vlad the Impaler, the true blood-lusting vampire behind the Count Dracula story.

2. Their Smiles Don’t Work

Dick Cheney in one of his better photos….still doesn’t work. No wonder with hate and destruction in your eyes.
Stoogetary of War Leon Panetta. A laugh?…or is that little snaky tongue about to snatch a fly….;;

3. Their Affiliations With Extremist Militant Societies

…and Freemasonry, Zionism, the Trilateral Commission, Committee of 300, etc. etc.
They also like foundations, think tanks, Universities, government and non-government agencies to hide and play their perfidy, like their eugenics programs.

4. They Like To Be Worshipped Religious Leaders

Pope Benedict the Evil. Serious disconnect here…
Typical American Freemasonic stooge job…one of the worst frauds, so-called evangelist Robert Schuller.

5. They’re A Psychopath

Tony’s “dark and denser vibration” seemed to have the better of him since early on.
This is before he perfected the smiley face cover-up characterized below:

Nasty duo who wreaked havoc worldwide. Psychos in power. There are many. Nice look from Georgey there, eh? Such caring “leaders”.

6. They Just Plain Look Like Reptoids

John D. Reckefeller
Larry “the cockroach” Silverstein – Zionist 9/11 blood profiteer.  Just happened to not show up for his usual breakfast at the top of the towers that fateful day, and made billions on his double insurance policy he just happened to take out a few months earlier when he took over the place. But who’s looking.
J. Paul Getty – dirty billions, dirty life.
Zbigniew Brzezinski…classic Reptoid predator. Cold blooded killer and eugenicist.

7. They Periodically Display Black or Slit Eyes

Hillary. Black out under way..
Ehud Barak – Isreali War minister and alleged 9/11 co-conspirator — emanates darkness.
Speaks for itself. The Bushmaster snake is the longest of the deadly pit vipers. How fitting.
…which fits nicely into this characterization….

8. They Like to Break People and Things

Netanyahu. Bad to the bone. These reptoids are incapable of empathy. Driven by very dark forces.
We might as well throw in the whole reptilian driven City of London while we’re at it.

9. They Scheme A LOT – Reptoids Are A Very Sneaky Species…

Lenin and Stalin
Lenin and Stalin plan the Russian takeover, social destruction and mass genocide. But it wasn’t a conspiracy, remember.
Just think of all the tyrants and despots and the world’s sordid history of unimaginable atrocities and massive pogroms. These were engineered by this breed.

10. They’re A Satanic Rothschild

The lovely “Baroness” Philippine W.P. de Rothschild sporting her satanic jewelry and loving eyes…wink wink…
Another Baroness, Marie Helene de Rothschild, doing some occult entertaining.
Current head cheese “Lord” Jacob Rothschild in front of humble Waddesdon Manor, one of many. Sick all by itself.  They like to live in big, spooky castles and vast estates with secret tunnels and stuff to do their evil reptoid rituals, very important.
Their fixation on controlling and living off of our energy is the problem on our planet and it must be stopped.
It will backfire. But not without our help. Each of us must do our part to expose and confront these bastards and not participate in any of their schemes.
Feel free to laugh at these pathetic entitles, knowing they’re slaves to their own overlords of darkness. They will never know the love and freedom we already have and which they can never take away from us.
Celebrate that. No fear.
Keep on keeping on.
Love,  Zen

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