Bill has requested that his eBook be released without charge to all who are interested in reading his story and receiving the assistance required at this time to open the heart chakra and participate in the ascension. We have included the link below for you to download this important and timely work. For those of you who can afford to do so, we have enclosed information in the back of the ebook concerning how you may make a donation for this work. Please know that all contributions are gratefully accepted with appreciation, thankfulness, and love.
Sunday, 30 June 2013
The Great Awakening ~ Free E-Book from Bill Ballard
Bill has requested that his eBook be released without charge to all who are interested in reading his story and receiving the assistance required at this time to open the heart chakra and participate in the ascension. We have included the link below for you to download this important and timely work. For those of you who can afford to do so, we have enclosed information in the back of the ebook concerning how you may make a donation for this work. Please know that all contributions are gratefully accepted with appreciation, thankfulness, and love.
Blessings to you all!
Monday, 24 June 2013
Secret NASA Document Says All Humans Will be Killed !
Glenn Canady
Human beings have now been officially classified as the enemy by NASA and they will be killed!
A researcher has found and analyzed a NASA document titled, "The Future is Now" that blows the lid on everything!
This document ties together so many things. This evil document says that humans are too expensive to maintain so they are going to kill us! They say how they are going to do it using things such as smart dust, smart meters, robots, electronic frequencies!
They say they will dole out poisonous foods and that only the dummies will eat it! This document is so evil and in your face that it must be exposed now! Get out the word to everybody! They are dumbing us down and killing us and they we now have the proof!
Here's the video about this NASA document!
This information ties in with information about the shadow government as talked about by Stew Webb and Gordon Duff!
If you aren't familiar with Stew Webb and Gordon Duff, please watch this video as this woman's information ties in with everything they have talked about on
Watch this video on Stew Webb and Gordon Duff and spread this information everywhere!
Gordon Duff and Stew Webb: Blasting the Truth! Commercial Free Version
Gordon Duff really blew our socks off in this three hour interview that we thought would be only be about an hour. Gordon covered everything that we could think to ask him! Some of the things covered were the Wanta funds, Leo Wanta, Leonard Millman, Larry Mizel, Free Energy, Bush/Clinton/Obama Crime Syndicate, the Death Ray used on 9/11, A Decapitation attack, Obama purges and so much more! This is one of those shows you'll want to hear again! It's the best interview we've done.
Please join our website at so we can reach you!
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email from Glenn Canady to all NSearch members:
I just found out about a NASA document that was found that ties in together everything we talk about on Project Nsearch.
This document basically says that humans are the enemies and will be killed in many ways that they list right in the document. Some things such as smart dust, smart meters, chemtrails, food, vaccines, viruses, electronic frequencies and much more!
They say in the document that they will control your kids through school and brainwash them.
If you want a smoking gun, you have it now! That's why I'm sending you this information today by email.
Spread this article that I posted in two locations everywhere you can. Spread this story around to your email list, facebook, twitter and every other website you have an account on! The truth must come out about this NASA document now! We need Congressional hearings on this NOW! You guys did a GREAT job spreading the word about the Illuminati sacrifice and now more people know about it than at any time in history! Thank you for your support.
Here is the article to share around the planet! Get the word out any way you can!
Share these articles - watch the video - it will SHOCK you!
I am unable to confirm this story but I like to share with you and not withhold the info, but add here an other Video and below two links where the Document as PDF can be downloaded - SiNeh~
Published on 23 Jun 2013 by jon clem
SOURCE for Download the PDF Document-
An other Link to download the Document Download NASA-The Future Of WarSunday, 23 June 2013
Protecting Whistleblowers: It’s Up to Us
Protecting Whistleblowers: It’s Up to Us
Posted by Steve Beckow on June 23, 2013![]() Bradley Manning |
Back in 1975 it was revealed that the CIA had a poison dart that could cause a heart attack. The dart itself melted away and left no residual evidence for a coroner to detect. (See video below.)
Meet the Press anchor Tim Russert had a heart attack and died the day before he intended to say that he too believed 9/11 was an inside job. Other people, intending to expose the manner in which Diebold machines threw the 2000 election over to George Bush were killed in airplane explosions. John Kennedy Jr. was also killed in the same manner. Stanley Meyer invented a water car which would have ended our reliance on oil and was killed for his efforts on our behalf.
![]() Edward Snowden |
And now here we are, the cabal having been defeated but still able to inflict wounds. And whistleblowers will continue to come forth, risking all to inform us of the truth.
I can’t say with more gravity how I consider it our sacred duty as lightworkers to do everything we can to save these brave individuals from being punished for attempting to alert us to the heinous crimes and treasonous acts that have been going on to subdue the citizens of our countries.
![]() Julian Assange |
With that one act, one’s life changes forever. I imagine that everyone who’s taken such a step does so hoping that the rest of us will appreciate their sacrifice and rally round them.
Have we rallied round Assange, Manning and Snowden? It’s up to us to see that nothing happens to Edward Snowden. It’s too late to prevent Bradley Manning from harsh mistreatment but we can save him from a worse fate. And we need to rally around Julian Assange as well to ensure that nothing happens to him.
In the United States, one takes an oath upon entering the military, if I recall correctly, to protect the country against its enemies, domestic and foreign. Whoever would have thought that the government itself would have shown itself to be the enemy of the people?
Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and Julian Assange should be awarded medals rather than being hunted down, imprisoned and tortured.
In my view, it’s incumbent on us to do anything we can to pressure the government to release Bradley Manning. And it’s incumbent on us to do anything we can to protect Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. To do otherwise is to prolong the time when corrupt governments can harm their citizens.
To all who have sacrificed their lives, security and comfort for the people:
We the People Folk Music Group, Blow, Whistle, Blow
(See Footnote 2)
Just as Turkey and Brazil have joined other nations of the world in expressing their desire to throw off their chains, so we here also have to throw off the chains that the cabal in general or certain individuals like the Koch Brothers or Rupert Murdoch have tried to bind us with.
Did something similar kill Tim Russert? How many more must die?
Please realize that a concerted effort was launched in the U.S. under Operation Mockingbird to have the CIA take over the mainstream media and it’s been wildly successful. In-depth investigative journalism was killed. The media reports only what the cabal wishes it to. Granted that all of this is ending, still we have the moral duty to give it a good, hard push.We can’t expect to find a kind word being said about Snowden, Manning, or Assange. We can’t wait for the mainstream media to come to their defence. That falls to us.
In my opinion, we need to do everything we can to defend Manning, who did everything he could to defend us. To protect Snowden and Assange from arrest is one very direct and effective way we have of saying we will not be enslaved. There are a lot of fine words in the Constitution of the United States but they’re simply words on paper without our actions in support of them.
Yes, it isn’t our future to be enslaved. But our withdrawal from captivity can be a long, slow process or a much quicker one, depending on our resolve to express our opposition to and disapproval of the activities of the cabal to take away our civil rights, impoverish us as workers, and deny us due process of law. Now here we have three people whose defence can show that the rest of us care and are willing to risk along with them. I urge everyone to do whatever they can to show our support for Snowden, Manning, and Assange.
(1) If you doubt that the cabal had a plan to take over the world, then perhaps listen to Dr. Carol Rosin:Jim Corrigan, Producer
Heartlight Studio Nashville
Nashville, TN 37204


I may add here following that just a few minutes before I posted this Article was coming in.
'Internet under Siege: The more data they get, the more we should fear'
Published on 23 Jun 2013 by RussiaToday
The plane carrying whistleblower Edward Snowden has landed at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport. The former CIA contractor, who left Hong Kong in a bid to elude US extradition on espionage charges, is on his way to a 'third country' via Russia. Loz Kaye, leader of the UK Pirate Party, thinks people shouldn't focus on Snowden, but on the revelations he made - READ MORE
Friday, 21 June 2013
Erdogan looking for a diversion of nationwide protests ?
Thanks to Parsifal for the researches, the analysis of the situation and posting this on one of our BRIDGES as well as the allowance to repost it for all of us to know.
There are two factions in the United States, fighting for supremacy in foreign policy.
Some are controlled by the Zionist neo-cons who desperately want a big war in which Syria and The Iran should be attacked.
The others are the moderates, mainly in the military who know what a huge disaster this means.
So far could prevail the latter...
Parsifal, June 21, 2013
Not because they are peaceful and generally against war but in their eyes it is not yet opportune; the disadvantages are greater as the benefits.
Thus there is a constant back and forth, between the warmongers and those with less belligerence.
The question I ask myself because of the protests in Turkey is:
Are there external forces that are at work and what intentions they have ?
If the West wants, for example, a change of regime in Turkey, as already completed as in the Arab countries ?
Wanting someone better who dances to their tune ?
I do not think so because Erdogan makes everything he is ordered to.
The deputy of Erdogan, Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan, was also at Bilderberg in Watford, which suggests that the West stands to Erdogan.
The demonstrations appear to be a genuine expression of discontent in Turkey.
What is possible, Erdogan will try to find a distraction because of the nationwide protests.
The only distraction available to Erdogan is which is the distraction all despots using when they have big domestic problems.
A war with an external enemy.
Therefore, it is very likely Erdogan will command the invasion of Syria with Turkish troops soon.
He has tried several times through provocations to justify an attack, namely the penetration of the Phantom jet in Syrian airspace, the fire of their own territory with NATO grenades and with the assertion behind the terrorist attack of Reyhanli blaming the Syrian intelligence.
These false flag operations but have been sussed and have not led to real success.
If the protests continue in Turkey and the regime in Ankara can not suppress the riots, then Erdogan has to access the tools of distraction and accomplish the invasion of Syria.
Even some staged incident, for example, with poison gas they can easily blame Syria.
The only reason why no attack has taken place against Syria is because Washington did not signal the green light to do so.
There are forces there who think the risk is too great and the time is not ripe yet, mainly due to the resistance of Russia.
But the Zionists want an invasion of Syria in order to provoke Iran and also to persuade Russia to respond to.
It is quite clear, when Turkish troops invade Syria then Iran and Russia must act against Turkey.
This in turn results in a fall of the NATO alliance and a whole chain reaction of consequences with the inclusion of America.
But exactly the Zionists want the Great War, then the two power blocs eventually can collide in the world.
The goal is a complete mutual destruction and the Zionists remain as a Laughing Third Party, to take over all the power.
According to my observations and analysis could soon lead to a civil war in Turkey.
Namely, between the supporters of Erdogan plus the forces that want the Islamisation and those who defend a strict separation between religion and state, according to Atatürk.
A fight between the Islamists and the Secularists.
The pent-up emotions are so strong and the hatred between the parties as large, the conditions for a civil war are given.
This hateful emotions I experience every day by the fanatical supporters of Erdogan, the bombard me with emails and have even threatened with death, just because I criticize their 'dear leader'.
I've never seen something equal at a criticism of a government.
If I criticize Merkel, Obama or Cameron, then no German, American or Englishman feels insulted and threatened me for that.
They can distinguish between the government and the country.
Not if it is about Turkey.
As if one stir up a hornet's nest attack the assault troops of Erdogan and consider a criticism of his policies as a personal affront and an insult to the country.
Real bad these fanatical overreactions.
So I think at this intolerance and blind hatred of any who thinks otherwise, a civil war is likely.
Most likely.
If both sides in Turkey are completely intransigent and stubborn, Erdogan referred to the opposition as terrorists and enemies of the state and the opposition of Erdogan calling him a dictator which restricts the freedoms that it can only end in a bloody civil war.
The same happened in Muslim Broderhood (made in Britain) ruled Egypt and by the way there is an explosive mixture concocted.
Egypt clearly cruising into a civil war.
In Turkey, a civil war will immediately attract all radical Islamist forces from outside as opposed to Egypt.
What makes Erdogan with Syria infiltrate foreign terrorists into the country will happen with Turkey itself.
I have long warned that the policy of Erdogan will bring terror into his own house.
Who deals with the Islamist ideology knows their way of thinking and their goals.
They want to liberate Turkey from NATO and from the secular infidels.
They refer to the prophecy of Muhammad; a Muslim army will conquer Constantinople for the second time when the end has come.
But to conquer Constantinople, a civil war in Turkey is necessary as a prerequisite.
Should decide Erdogan, his retention of power is only possible with a war against Syria, the Civil War is given.
He shows yes no compromise and understanding towards his critics, whom he referred to as scum and terrorists that need to be cleared away by force.
The use of the army against the opposition he has also announced, which definitely would be a fatal step.
Erdogan sees himself as a great warrior who must lead battles.
He also refers constantly to the warlords of the Ottoman past.
Anyone who is not with him is an enemy which must be destroyed.
He is not a conciliatory personality which combines all Turks.
With his rhetoric he divides, splits and poured more gasoline on the fire.
How warlike Erdogan thinks is the choice of meeting place last Sunday where he said to his followers.
He gave the speech on a field on the outskirts, where 'Mehmet the Conqueror' launched his attack on Constantinople.
Erdogan sees the part of his own people who criticize him as mortal enemies that he must destroy militarily.
These are ordinary citizens who rebel against Erdogan, young and old, women, men, workers, employees, academics and students.
No more the militant left-wing groups or the Kemalists as in the past.
People realize the clique surrounding Erdogan is busy only with intrigue, power struggles and corruption, rather than to stabilize the country democratically and economically.
He himself leads practically an absolutist regime that tolerates no opposition.
He also is conducting a creeping Islamization of laws that restrict life.
But many do not want.
Even the pro-government newspaper 'Zaman' writes 'ErdoÄŸan inflicted the 'national psyche' an 'enormous damage'.
We have to see the whole situation in the historical context in Turkey and Syria.
Who knows the Qur'an and deals with the content of 'SÅ«rat al-Rum' knows what I mean.
It's about the war between Byzantium and Persia, and later the Ottomans, by the conquest of Constantinople.
With 'RÅ«m' which then meant 'Rome' and 'Byzantium' that we can understand NATO today.
The official name of Istanbul, the city was anyway given as late as 1930.
Do not forget the massacre of the Christian population of the Ottoman Empire at Constantinople in 1453, the transformation of the then 1.000 years old largest and holiest Christian Church, Hagia Sophia, into a mosque by the Ottomans what the true teachings of the Qur'an completely contradicts because Christianity is considered 'scriptural religion' and must be respected.
The misguided among the Muslims have since made a big mistake.
Every true Muslim adheres to the Koran is to defend the Christians, and as the massacre now taking place in Syria by the terrorists including the destruction of churches and monasteries, condone in no way.
Therefore, the so-called 'guardians of Islam' as the al-Nusra brigades and others who commit the worst atrocities in the name of 'Allah' are no Muslims, but vile and wicked criminals.
They will have to repent their mortal sins in eternal damnation.
Who the chop or cut off the heads and slice bodies of defenseless prisoners and eats their hearts and liver, has nothing to do with a believer in God.
The ruling sheikhs of the Gulf States that finance and arm, are puppets of the Zionist traitor to Islam and only worshipers of Mammon.
Who destroyed as the Wahhabis in Mecca and Medina, the entire Islamic history from the time of Muhammad, and blow into the air to build supermarkets and hotels it is not a Muslim.
An attack by Turkey against Syria will cause an unimaginable change in the region.
A Civil War is then the result.
In multi-ethnic state consisting besides the Turks Kurds, Zaza, Syrians, Laz, Armenians, Greeks, Circassians, Albanians, Bosnians, Arabs, Chechens, Jews, Roma and numerous other ethnicities, old resentments will come forth and violently then discharged and lead to a similarly torn State as the neighboring Syria.
Plus, this Civil War as said above will be attracting a large number of radical jihadists from everywhere.
Erdogan has already established a gathering place for them on the border with Syria.
Just as they spread their terror in Syria, they can then raging in Turkey.
But it will not only cause a violent commotion in the whole region, it will unavoidably bring about the beginning of World War III.
It will let the two superpowers clash and as said above, this is just what the Zionists want.
The protests continue in Turkey, but it is another method used.
The state violence has chased away the protesters, but the will to express themselves remains.
There is the silent protest in which they stand quietly on the squares.
Or shoes are placed as a symbol for the people who were killed.
What have discovered the protesters for the first time people have come together with completely different ideologies and agendas and are together engaged for democracy and freedom of expression.
Since most of the Turkish media failed to cover the protests, people brought the news from the Internet.
This form of mutual information has enraged Erdogan and he has described Twitter as a danger to society.
According to latest reports, the government is preparing a new law to restrict or ban all social media.
The vice-leader of the AKP, Ali Shin said, 'A false tweet is more dangerous than a bomb'.
The regulation of social media is now a must.
What Erdogan thinks of democracy he has expressed 1998 when he quoted, following a religious poem, attributed to Ziya Gokalp:
'The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers...'
RT reported about the water of the water cannons, a chemical irritant is mixed:
Chemical Shower: Turkish water cannons 'cause skin burns & insomnia'
The Turkish police crackdown has been widely condemned for its violent intensity - even riot control methods are not quite what they seem, as Irina Galushko reports. READ MORE:
related The Fight For Syria is A Fight For All The People Of The World
There are two factions in the United States, fighting for supremacy in foreign policy.
Some are controlled by the Zionist neo-cons who desperately want a big war in which Syria and The Iran should be attacked.
The others are the moderates, mainly in the military who know what a huge disaster this means.
So far could prevail the latter...
Parsifal, June 21, 2013
Not because they are peaceful and generally against war but in their eyes it is not yet opportune; the disadvantages are greater as the benefits.
Thus there is a constant back and forth, between the warmongers and those with less belligerence.
The question I ask myself because of the protests in Turkey is:
Are there external forces that are at work and what intentions they have ?
If the West wants, for example, a change of regime in Turkey, as already completed as in the Arab countries ?
Wanting someone better who dances to their tune ?
I do not think so because Erdogan makes everything he is ordered to.
The deputy of Erdogan, Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan, was also at Bilderberg in Watford, which suggests that the West stands to Erdogan.
The demonstrations appear to be a genuine expression of discontent in Turkey.
What is possible, Erdogan will try to find a distraction because of the nationwide protests.
The only distraction available to Erdogan is which is the distraction all despots using when they have big domestic problems.
A war with an external enemy.
Therefore, it is very likely Erdogan will command the invasion of Syria with Turkish troops soon.
He has tried several times through provocations to justify an attack, namely the penetration of the Phantom jet in Syrian airspace, the fire of their own territory with NATO grenades and with the assertion behind the terrorist attack of Reyhanli blaming the Syrian intelligence.
These false flag operations but have been sussed and have not led to real success.
If the protests continue in Turkey and the regime in Ankara can not suppress the riots, then Erdogan has to access the tools of distraction and accomplish the invasion of Syria.
Even some staged incident, for example, with poison gas they can easily blame Syria.
The only reason why no attack has taken place against Syria is because Washington did not signal the green light to do so.
There are forces there who think the risk is too great and the time is not ripe yet, mainly due to the resistance of Russia.
But the Zionists want an invasion of Syria in order to provoke Iran and also to persuade Russia to respond to.
It is quite clear, when Turkish troops invade Syria then Iran and Russia must act against Turkey.
This in turn results in a fall of the NATO alliance and a whole chain reaction of consequences with the inclusion of America.
But exactly the Zionists want the Great War, then the two power blocs eventually can collide in the world.
The goal is a complete mutual destruction and the Zionists remain as a Laughing Third Party, to take over all the power.
According to my observations and analysis could soon lead to a civil war in Turkey.
Namely, between the supporters of Erdogan plus the forces that want the Islamisation and those who defend a strict separation between religion and state, according to Atatürk.
A fight between the Islamists and the Secularists.
The pent-up emotions are so strong and the hatred between the parties as large, the conditions for a civil war are given.
This hateful emotions I experience every day by the fanatical supporters of Erdogan, the bombard me with emails and have even threatened with death, just because I criticize their 'dear leader'.
I've never seen something equal at a criticism of a government.
If I criticize Merkel, Obama or Cameron, then no German, American or Englishman feels insulted and threatened me for that.
They can distinguish between the government and the country.
Not if it is about Turkey.
As if one stir up a hornet's nest attack the assault troops of Erdogan and consider a criticism of his policies as a personal affront and an insult to the country.
Real bad these fanatical overreactions.
So I think at this intolerance and blind hatred of any who thinks otherwise, a civil war is likely.
Most likely.
If both sides in Turkey are completely intransigent and stubborn, Erdogan referred to the opposition as terrorists and enemies of the state and the opposition of Erdogan calling him a dictator which restricts the freedoms that it can only end in a bloody civil war.
The same happened in Muslim Broderhood (made in Britain) ruled Egypt and by the way there is an explosive mixture concocted.
Egypt clearly cruising into a civil war.
In Turkey, a civil war will immediately attract all radical Islamist forces from outside as opposed to Egypt.
What makes Erdogan with Syria infiltrate foreign terrorists into the country will happen with Turkey itself.
I have long warned that the policy of Erdogan will bring terror into his own house.
Who deals with the Islamist ideology knows their way of thinking and their goals.
They want to liberate Turkey from NATO and from the secular infidels.
They refer to the prophecy of Muhammad; a Muslim army will conquer Constantinople for the second time when the end has come.
But to conquer Constantinople, a civil war in Turkey is necessary as a prerequisite.
Should decide Erdogan, his retention of power is only possible with a war against Syria, the Civil War is given.
He shows yes no compromise and understanding towards his critics, whom he referred to as scum and terrorists that need to be cleared away by force.
The use of the army against the opposition he has also announced, which definitely would be a fatal step.
Erdogan sees himself as a great warrior who must lead battles.
He also refers constantly to the warlords of the Ottoman past.
Anyone who is not with him is an enemy which must be destroyed.
He is not a conciliatory personality which combines all Turks.
With his rhetoric he divides, splits and poured more gasoline on the fire.
How warlike Erdogan thinks is the choice of meeting place last Sunday where he said to his followers.
He gave the speech on a field on the outskirts, where 'Mehmet the Conqueror' launched his attack on Constantinople.
Erdogan sees the part of his own people who criticize him as mortal enemies that he must destroy militarily.
These are ordinary citizens who rebel against Erdogan, young and old, women, men, workers, employees, academics and students.
No more the militant left-wing groups or the Kemalists as in the past.
People realize the clique surrounding Erdogan is busy only with intrigue, power struggles and corruption, rather than to stabilize the country democratically and economically.
He himself leads practically an absolutist regime that tolerates no opposition.
He also is conducting a creeping Islamization of laws that restrict life.
But many do not want.
Even the pro-government newspaper 'Zaman' writes 'ErdoÄŸan inflicted the 'national psyche' an 'enormous damage'.
We have to see the whole situation in the historical context in Turkey and Syria.
Who knows the Qur'an and deals with the content of 'SÅ«rat al-Rum' knows what I mean.
It's about the war between Byzantium and Persia, and later the Ottomans, by the conquest of Constantinople.
With 'RÅ«m' which then meant 'Rome' and 'Byzantium' that we can understand NATO today.
The official name of Istanbul, the city was anyway given as late as 1930.
Do not forget the massacre of the Christian population of the Ottoman Empire at Constantinople in 1453, the transformation of the then 1.000 years old largest and holiest Christian Church, Hagia Sophia, into a mosque by the Ottomans what the true teachings of the Qur'an completely contradicts because Christianity is considered 'scriptural religion' and must be respected.
The misguided among the Muslims have since made a big mistake.
Every true Muslim adheres to the Koran is to defend the Christians, and as the massacre now taking place in Syria by the terrorists including the destruction of churches and monasteries, condone in no way.
Therefore, the so-called 'guardians of Islam' as the al-Nusra brigades and others who commit the worst atrocities in the name of 'Allah' are no Muslims, but vile and wicked criminals.
They will have to repent their mortal sins in eternal damnation.
Who the chop or cut off the heads and slice bodies of defenseless prisoners and eats their hearts and liver, has nothing to do with a believer in God.
The ruling sheikhs of the Gulf States that finance and arm, are puppets of the Zionist traitor to Islam and only worshipers of Mammon.
Who destroyed as the Wahhabis in Mecca and Medina, the entire Islamic history from the time of Muhammad, and blow into the air to build supermarkets and hotels it is not a Muslim.
An attack by Turkey against Syria will cause an unimaginable change in the region.
A Civil War is then the result.
In multi-ethnic state consisting besides the Turks Kurds, Zaza, Syrians, Laz, Armenians, Greeks, Circassians, Albanians, Bosnians, Arabs, Chechens, Jews, Roma and numerous other ethnicities, old resentments will come forth and violently then discharged and lead to a similarly torn State as the neighboring Syria.
Plus, this Civil War as said above will be attracting a large number of radical jihadists from everywhere.
Erdogan has already established a gathering place for them on the border with Syria.
Just as they spread their terror in Syria, they can then raging in Turkey.
But it will not only cause a violent commotion in the whole region, it will unavoidably bring about the beginning of World War III.
It will let the two superpowers clash and as said above, this is just what the Zionists want.
The protests continue in Turkey, but it is another method used.
The state violence has chased away the protesters, but the will to express themselves remains.
There is the silent protest in which they stand quietly on the squares.
Or shoes are placed as a symbol for the people who were killed.
What have discovered the protesters for the first time people have come together with completely different ideologies and agendas and are together engaged for democracy and freedom of expression.
Since most of the Turkish media failed to cover the protests, people brought the news from the Internet.
This form of mutual information has enraged Erdogan and he has described Twitter as a danger to society.
According to latest reports, the government is preparing a new law to restrict or ban all social media.
The vice-leader of the AKP, Ali Shin said, 'A false tweet is more dangerous than a bomb'.
The regulation of social media is now a must.
What Erdogan thinks of democracy he has expressed 1998 when he quoted, following a religious poem, attributed to Ziya Gokalp:
'The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers...'
RT reported about the water of the water cannons, a chemical irritant is mixed:
Chemical Shower: Turkish water cannons 'cause skin burns & insomnia'
related The Fight For Syria is A Fight For All The People Of The World
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
G-8 Summit - or 7 against 1 ?
Thanks to Parsifal that researched, created and posted this at one of our BRIDGES. I'm so grateful for he works tirelessly for making the ones that only read what the mainstream media and watch TV aware what really is happen and how THEY lie to us.
The G8 Summit and the Potemkin villages
During the period of communism in the GDR it was known when the party chairmen were announced on a visit to a city, then they have the facades of the houses on the streets where the big shots would travel along previously dressed and painted beautifully.
But only up to the height that could be seen from the state bodies from their limousines.
Parsifal, June 17, 2013
Image top: Looks like a well-stocked butcher, but is only a dummy photo
The party leadership with Genosse (Comrade) Honecker at the top should not see decay and the misery they have caused.
It is not to believe, but with the cities and villages in Northern Ireland where the G8 summit currently taking place, it is just as, if not worse.
To cover the complete collapse of the economy and the society there, dummies were placed in the windows of empty shops.
Here is a café filled with faked guests
The retail stores are fake.
Dozens of street sections having loads of empty shops in the area of Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, where the leaders of the G8 countries meet superficially been transformed into thriving shopping streets, where in the shop windows have been put dummies photos.
For this, the facades were cleaned and repainted and the neglected green areas planted with flowers.
British Prime Minister David Cameron to host the meeting tries to disguise the degree of total economic decline in Northern Ireland, where virtually all the shops and small businesses have gone bankrupt, thanks to the financial criminals on Wall Street and The City Of London.
£ 2 million has been spent on this fake.
Instead of funding to build real shops again, where people can actually buy something, the money was spent on a delusion and bullshit.
For me this is a sign, now it is later as 5 to 12 and the end is there, if they have to resort to such desperate measures.
But the bad state is not only in Northern Ireland so anyway but all over the British Isles.
My Croatian friend had seen an equal bleakness because of the Bilderberg conference during his stay in Watford.
The Main Street of the town consists only of betting shops, pawn shops, gold purchasers and discount stores to offer junk.
As a Potemkin village is called something that is spruced up to hide the real, devastating condition.
The same miserable condition I've also seen last December in Germany in the inner cities of the Lower Rhine and Ruhr.
Every second shop is empty and there is no business.
A baker's shop has long become history in Northern Ireland
This denial of the reality, the majority of the population in Europe and the United States is captured, can be called only as pathological.
The whole store is in collapse mode but it does so as if nothing was wrong, as it was in the GDR.
A final and quick cover-up, a paint shop and provided is the illusion as if there was something in the shop windows.
And just like communism as a house of cards has collapsed, it will also be made in the West.
The financial system, the whole economy and society consists only of inflated only with air bubbles in it.
Or in the U.S., like the city of Detroit.
Who is visiting there thinks it was held a war, so broken, many neighborhoods.
40 percent of the roads are not lit up, 210 of the 317 public parks are closed, 70.000 buildings stand empty and neglected.
Detroit is a typical example of how America looks into the future.
A country with rotting, dying drowning in debt cities the are broke.
Meanwhile, for me the entire Western society is only a Potemkin village, a façade, only appearance in order to conceal the utter bankruptcy of the policy.
How blind and deaf one has to be to lie to themselves and make believe it's still good ?
Look but the stock markets.
The record prices have nothing to do with the real economy.
Another forgery is the G8 summit itself.
The Group of Eight summarizes the major industrial nations of the world and the group describes itself as a 'forum for coordinating,' discusses the issues of the world economy by consensus.
So theoretically it comes to stimulating the economy, which would be positive, but in fact is the main theme in Enniskillen WAR, something very negative !
The 6 belligerent NATO countries Germany, France, Italy, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States plus Japan, try to convince Russia to need to to war against Syria.
Therefore, the G7 summit should really be called 7 against 1.
Or the group of warmongers against the single that wants no war.
The host of the group David Cameron vehemently pushing to arming the terrorists (as if they already do it for a long time) and will put a no-fly zone over Syria into force.
We all know what that means from Iraq and Libya.
Putin says so far No, that does not come in question.
Let's see if it will remain until the end of the summit like that.
At the joint press conference with Cameron on Monday Putin condemned in strong words the utter immorality of the British government.
He said, how can you support and arm people, which kill their enemies eat their organs and yet also film the whole ?
This has nothing to do with the cultural values that otherwise represents Europe.
For Russia, this is unacceptable.
If I were Putin, I would have added sarcastically, why does not the West arm the opposition in Turkey and impose a no-fly zone to overthrow Erdogan ?
The opposition claims, too, he is a dictator must go.
Oh I forgot, for the West, there are good and bad dictators.
The good must stay in power, so that obey the commands of the West, and the others, with the civilians are bombed away and murdered.
What governments do when their country plunges into an economic crisis and collapses ?
Well dear boys and girls, you were paying attention in the history lessons ?
Can you spell all the words W-A-R ?
Yes I know you can.
Governments prefer to make war to distract rather than to be confronted with the harsh consequences of its mismanagement.
Politicians are just cowards.
The best example is the Great Depression in the 30s and the subsequent 2nd World War.
The conditions today are as bad as then.
War is the best business and boost the economy again.
We could have a really big war again if the U.S. goes crazy, like a drowning man wildly thrashes around and decide once and for all, you can Kiss my ass and Iran, China or who else hit straight in the face.
'If they do not want our dollars and promissory notes, how about some atomic bombs ?'
Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange New York, who attended the activists in Watford, has moved on to the G8 summit in Northern Ireland and reported on this fake:
G8 Fake Store Fronts in Belfast to Boost Economy
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Fed Up Citizens Taking Action Across America
Peaceful non compliance is the best strategy. It neutralizes tyranny - Parsifal.
The article:
June 14, 2013 Bradlee Dean
Someone once said, the Declaration of Independence “doesn’t guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself.”
There is no doubt America is being assaulted by an administration that is tyrannical, attempting to rule through personal policy initiatives – not law – only because the American people have become rebels against their own foundational principles and have eaten the fruit of their own ways.
But all is not lost.
Let’s take a look at what took place just last week in America on the behalf of a people of America.
Instead of magnifying crimes – which only strengthens tyranny – the American people are beginning to magnify the law unto judgment in order to establish righteousness and peace (Isaiah 51:4):
Operation Rescue let out a press release this week stating that in 2013 alone, 30 abortion clinics have been closed down, more than doubling the amount of closures over all of last year.
A tea party group in southern California held an “Impeach Obama” demonstration on a major freeway overpass, holding signs such as “Remember Benghazi” and “Obama Lies.”
Their protest brought so much attention that some claim it backed up traffic for more than 10 miles.
It was also reported that officials in eight northern Colorado counties united in opposition to the state’s new gun control laws and oil and gas regulations, going so far as considering seceding and forming a new state, North Colorado.
Citizens also successfully petitioned to recall two senators, Senate President John Morse and Sen. Angela Giron who continuously ignored their constituents and voted for gun control legislation.
The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) filed a lawsuit against the IRS on behalf of 25 tea party groups that were targeted when seeking tax-exempt status. Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the ACLJ, stated, “The IRS and the federal government are not going to get away with this unlawful targeting of conservative groups. …
The lawsuit sends a very powerful message to the IRS and the Obama administration – including the White House: Americans are not going to be bullied and intimidated by our government.”
Monday, 10 June 2013
Benjamin Fulford June 10 2013 - 'Open battle raging between Sabbatean Cabal and military industrial complex'
The recent cabal controlled corporate media frenzy of “disclosure” about things like NSA eavesdropping, politically targeted IRS tax investigations and the Bilderberg meeting are signs of full blown panic. All these disclosures seemed to be timed to distract public attention from last week’s pentagon and US agency supported love fest summit meeting between US President Barak Obama and Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
The erupting trade war between Europe and China and the posse of economic hit-men trying to ruin Japan’s economy are also signs of and intensifying battle over control of the world’s financial system and thus the future of our species.
The attacks on Japan’s economy are motivated by the fact the Abe government just announced $32 billion in economic assistance for Africa in a sign Japan is no longer handing its foreign currency to the cabal in order to finance Zionist wars. They are also motivated by the fact that Japan’s government has just begun to do the obvious and eliminate its “200% GDP debt” with the stroke of a pen. Well known mainstream economist Jeffery Sachs last week admitted to this writer, at a Japan Foreign Correspondent’s Club press conference, that there was no theoretical reason why Japan’s government could not just print yen, buy up all the outstanding Japanese government bonds and put them in the garbage. Sachs, who heads the Earth Institute at Columbia University, was also very enthusiastic about the big Japanese plans to modernize Africa saying they were very concrete, detailed and realistic. Of course the corporate propaganda media representatives, or more likely their bosses, did not want to let the world know that Japan’s government had made a decision to break free from Sabbatean debt slavery. Unlike tiny Iceland, Japan is the world’s third largest economy and its biggest creditor nation. Its’ breaking of ranks with the G7 debt-slavery cabal is truly historical.
The other big move in Asia that was under-reported was the resumption of negotiations between North Korea, Japan and South Korea. The goal supported by all parties, including China, Russia and the Pentagon, is regional peace.
To this end, North Korean authorities are rumored to have told the Japanese government they are willing to return over 30 kidnap victims, the remains of over 50 Japanese and 200 relatives of these people as a part of a normalization of relations with Japan. The need for US forces in the region is also being debated at a high level with many arguing that if push came to shove the pentagon would not fight China over Korea and Japan.
Also, given the fact the US military industrial complex has basically proposed marriage with China, the Japanese government has forged military agreements with Russia and India to make sure Japan does not become some sort of dowry gift to the Chinese.
Needless to say, of course, all the countries in Asia support peaceful co-existence and governments, including those of China and Japan, have agreed not to allow outside forces (ie Zionists) provoke war in the region.
This tectonic shift coming from Asia is also affecting the old power centers like Washington D.C. and certain European countries. That brings us to the recent rash of corporate propaganda media attacks on the military industrial complex and their spokespuppet Obama.
The so-called revelations that the NSA has been spying on all Americans and Europeans are very old news suddenly rehashed. All e-mails, phone calls, financial records etc. have been monitored around the world since at least the 1990’s. The reason the Zionist propaganda media have suddenly taken interest is because the agencies doing the eavesdropping are no longer working for them or their masters.
That brings us to the Bilderberg meeting that took place last week in England at the same time Obama was meeting Xi in California. The simultaneous timing of these meetings was no coincidence.
Obama met Xi in California because Xi refused to go the chaotic cesspool that is Washington D.C. according to Chinese and US government sources. There was also the very real concern Xi would have been poisoned had he gone to Washington. The Chinese view is that even though Obama is a puppet, he currently represents the government of the US and thus protocol meant he should be the face of Chinese/US government to government negotiations. The official Chinese and US government pronouncements about the meeting were that the two governments would forge peaceful, equal relations and work towards a better run planet.
The Chinese also understand Obama might soon be stepping down as part of the ongoing regime change in the US. Obama is supposed to be making some big confessions to the American people on July 4th, according to a CIA source. His reputation in the history books will depend on whether he finally tells the truth about his past and the non-democratic process that put him in the presidency.
In any case, old world order powerbrokers gathering at Bilderberg last week were clearly in a panic over the developments in the US and Asia. The clearest sign that something has changed concerning the old world order is the massive publicity given to the Bilderberg meeting in the propaganda press. Cabal news outlets like AP, Reuters, the BBC etc. were all there. Suddenly, instead of denying there was even a meeting going on, these propaganda outlets started saying that the most powerful people in the world were gathering there. There was also unprecedented publicity given to controlled opposition forces like Alex Jones and David Icke. Jones, for example, was widely promoted in Zionist outlets like the Drudge Report, BBC etc. in what appeared to be an orchestrated campaign. Jones is linked to the Zionist liquor smuggling Bronfman gangster family.
I do not agree with the anti-Jewish slant of the above article but I will say that my grandmother, who personally knew members of the previous generation of the Bronfman family, thought of them as gangsters. They made their fortune by smuggling Canadian booze to Al Capone.
David Icke, for his part, has been linked to the Rockefeller crime family.
What both these controlled opposition figures have in common is that they take true conspiracy information, like the fact that central banks are privately owned monopolies, and then, in a bait and switch maneuver, ultimately put the blame on “aliens” without providing any credible evidence for this claim.
What can be proven with overwhelming evidence is that many of the families behind the privately owned central banks support eugenics, population reduction and war. They have further been decisively linked to the 911 and 311 mass murder terror attacks. They have also utterly failed to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and develop latent human potential. Tomorrow is 611 and they better not try anything stupid. They must bow out.
We have now started a weekly subscription newsletter. We will experiment at first with the following pricing policy: All subscribers will agree to pay whatever monthly subscription price they can afford. Those who are really poor can get it for free. If the service earns enough money we will use it to hire reporters and upgrade the quality of both the free and subscription news we provide.
- Monday every week(except below : The fifth week, Year end and new year)
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We go by the motto,“if it appears in writing,somebody has beaten us to the story.”Our reports will be based on information from a broad range of sources including: the yakuza, MI6, Freemasons, the CIA, KGB,Mossad, the triads, the Chinese government, Japanese military intelligence etc.
The reports will provide updates and summaries from an Asian perspective of the latest events in the ongoing secret war for the planet earth. We will also provide our own analysis and opinion.
‘Weekly geo-political news and analysis’ is completely independent and is not affiliated with any governmental organization or secret society.
Monday, 3 June 2013
Benjamin Fulford June 3 2013 - 'More Chaos As Cabal Crumbles'
Financial war escalates with riots in Turkey, a blockade of European Central Bank, assassinations and arrests amid clouds of disinformation
Reposted from: Benjamin FulfordLast week multiple high level sources all confirmed an intensifying battle for control of the global financial system and thus the future of humanity. In the public sphere this is appearing in the form of riots in Turkey, blockades of the European Central Bank and massive global protests against Monsanto among other things. Under the surface there has been a rash of intrigues, arrests, threats and counter-threats. New alliances have also been reached between previously opposing forces, according to multiple high level sources.
In Asia, China, South Korea, Japan and the United States have all agreed on forcing regime change in North Korea, according to a senior Chinese government agent. This was confirmed by a gnostic Illuminati grandmaster and Russian FSB agent who said that Kim Jong-un would have to be removed. The North Koreans, now run by an elderly general, want peace.
In the Middle East, meanwhile, apart from the riots in Turkey and Russian troops in Syria, there were separate assassination attempts in Iran against President Mahmoud Ahmajidenad and his ally Saeed Jalili, according to the Mossad linked site Debka.
There are also 11 members of the One People’s Public Trust, the people behind the so-called galactics pushing for their version of a new financial system
on the run from both hitmen and law enforcement agents in Ethiopia, according to a CIA source. A senior Italian P2 Lodge member says the people in Ethiopia are there in an effort to find the “original Ark of the Covenant.” At least both sides agree that there is some form of high level intrigue going on in Ethiopia of all places. We will try to find out more next week.
Meanwhile, a member of the Dragon family came forth this week to provide some background. The man who goes by the name Count Albert but insists he is not the fraudulent “Count Albert Zvonko Berdik” sent by the Federal Reserve Board to Hong Kong a while ago. According to him, the Dragon family goes back 3400 years and is headed by a single individual going by the code name M1. He says the Dragon family has now formed an alliance with the Five Star Trust run by the non-Bush part of the CIA.
He also says that China has already started to use new energy technology to turn the desert regions of China green.
In any case, what Count Albert says fits in with claims by Chinese, Russian and British Agents about high level anti-cabal moves around the world.
In the Anglo Saxon world, for example, there is a push to remove politicians believed to be Sabbatean agents. In particular Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard is under criminal investigation,
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is charged with stealing his last election
and British Prime Minister David Cameron is under attack for involvement in war crimes among other things.
There is also a still festering sex scandal in the UK that has embroiled 81 BBC staffers but has yet to reel in any politicians.–half-work-corporation.html
However, it is just a matter of time before politicians start coming down like dominoes, the MI5 source says.
There is also a renewed push to remove Rockefeller front man Obama from the US presidency, according to multiple US agency and military sources. At the recent national conference of Sherriffs, for example, it was proven that that the only birth document Obama has ever publicly prevented is a fraud.
Here is a summary of the evidence as sent to me a while back by Dr. Michael Van de Meer in what turned out to be his last e-mail to me before he was killed:
Now, I couldn’t care less about the President’s Birth Certificate, which was a story first dredged up by Hillary Clinton during their bitter Presidential campaign. However, since the White House has made such a ridiculous display of claiming to produce it, please read this over and tell me what you think. If you honestly think this is just plain stupid, then point out why these 4 questions shouldn’t matter. I’ll wait….
1. Back in 1961 people of color were called ‘Negroes.’ So how can the Obama ‘birth certificate’ state he is ‘African-American’ when the term wasn’t even used at that time? The correct term would be “Malado” one black parent, one white parent
2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama’s birth …as August 4, 1961 It lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. No big deal, right? At the time of Obama’s birth, it also shows that his father is aged 25 years old, and that Obama’s father was born in “Kenya, East Africa”. This wouldn’t seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama’s birth, and 27 years after his father’s birth.
How could Obama’s father have been born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the “British East Africa Protectorate”.
3. On the birth certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is “Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital”.
This cannot be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called “KauiKeolani Children’s Hospital” and “Kapi’olani Maternity Home”, respectively. The name did not change to Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978?
4. Why hasn’t this been discussed in the major media?
Perhaps a clue comes from Obama’s book on his father. He states how proud he is of his father fighting in WW II. I’m not a math genius, so I may need some help from you. Barack Obama’s “birth certificate” says his father was 25 years old in 1961 when he was born. That should have put his father’s date of birth approximately 1936. Now we need a non-revised history book—one that hasn’t been altered to satisfy the author’s goals—to verify that WW II was basically between 1939 and 1945.
Just how many 3 year olds fight in wars? Even in the latest stages of WW II his father wouldn’t have been more than 9. Does that mean that Mr. Obama is a liar, or simply chooses to alter the facts to satisfy his imagination or political purposes (still qualifies as a “liar”).
There can be no doubt the United States political system has been destroyed and the only hope for that country lies with the law enforcement agencies and the pentagon. Please, kick the bums out.
Chinese leader Xi Jinping is scheduled to meet Obama later this week in California. No doubt the cabal will offer everything that China wishes in an effort to get the Chinese to continue propping up the bankrupt corporate D.C. government. Several sources claim the cabal will once again offer world rule to the Chinese communist government.
No doubt the Bilderbergers meeting in England just before this summit have put high hopes on a Chinese/Sabbatean cabal alliance to rule the world.
However, the Russians, Indians and Japanese, who all share borders with China, have already formed military alliances and are making is very clear they are not going to go along with cabal plans to offer world control to China. The Chinese also are smart enough to know the cabal will only lift them up until they get a chance to betray them.
The situation in the Middle East is also quickly spinning out of cabal control. The riots in Turkey were about Turkish government support for Bush faction Al CIAda terrorists in Syria using chemical weapons like Sarin gas and not about some shopping mall. Russian troops are on the ground in Syria to prevent the Nazi/Muslim brotherhood takeover and to ensure that Israel does not set off any more nuclear bombs.
Overall, what we are witnessing is chaos as the old cabal power structures continue to unravel. It will be a confusing time. In any case, expect more turbulence in the coming weeks as battles continue between agents on the ground, armies on the march and protestors on the streets
As usual there is a lot we cannot report but you will notice more and more senior cabal members vanishing from public view over the coming weeks. There is nowhere either on or off this planet for them to hide and surrender is their only option.
The good guys are winning but we need to push hard on all fronts until it is truly over.
Also, beware of June 11, there is likely to be something very nasty planned by the cabal for 611 and we need to make sure it does not happen.
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Let Go Of The Baggage - Or Go Down With The Sinking Ship
It’s a very freaky time right now. I’m really removed in every way possible away from mainstream anything. The only news I follow is alternative sites, and much of that is esoterica or practical ideas for the real world we should be living in now and how to go about it.
Being so removed has also brought on some very profound new sensations.
We’re well into our second month of detoxing again from life in the US and it’s a very strange experience at this time. Almost immediately, besides the exhilaration of a beautiful and humble new land to learn about and explore, it’s as if the static is gone and I can feel the real spiritual atmosphere the planet is experiencing.
And despite the local peace, it’s not a good overall vibe.
I thought it was the location I was in but I don’t think so anymore. It feels like there’s this creeping crescendo of oppressive darkness that’s getting exerted on the planet, like a gravitational or magnetic pull downward. It’s the same feeling you get when you watch an ominous storm gathering on the horizon, only it’s all around and pulling downwards. Very much the old gloom and doom scenario, only in this subtle, almost visible inky heaviness seeping out of the earth and trying to draw everything down.
Maybe, Maybe Not
It’s hard to quantify intuitive feelings like this. I’ve also had a series of incredibly clear dreams that have gone along with this sensation, so it could signify things I’m going through personally, which no doubt is to some extent true. Someone was commenting on Is It Ever Too Late To Wake Up about a similar experience they’re having and that’s what triggered this article. And I quote:I have this feeling that peaks and then subsides a bit. I have quit watching any news (just to see what is being fed to the masses) and stopped swinging by MSM websites to see the latest “story”. Yet, it is as though I can feel the waves of BS rolling in. There is a storm off the shore for sure. The waves are more powerful and coming in faster and faster. I scream louder, but others cannot hear me over the crashing sounds. I am hoping the salt water gets in their eyes to distract the hypnotized eyes and allow them to see for a moment before the storm rolls on shore. I want to slap people, but I know it won’t really matter. So, I throw out a statement here and there to get a mind that has even began to peek out to find the food it needs. We all have to keep trying. I agree with Martine – anything is better than nothing. It all adds to the collective that we want to raise vibrations and hurts the collective that is bringing us down. Tilt the scale, one little ol’ pea at a time. – Little MamaWell put. What I’m sensing and trying to describe here sure fits this climate we’re witnessing in the world today. The forces of darkness are exerting more and more draconian control mechanisms to where there’s no way things can be reversed without some sort of conflagration. Too much has been set in motion, which is why I keep repeating to prepare accordingly, as it will give you great peace of mind.
Letting Go – Or Else
That’s why letting go of this world is so important right now. This gravitational inertia is pulling on a lower dimensional level. Only those who operate in that vibrational field will be seriously affected by it. When someone awakens to conscious Truth and awareness the matrix crap starts to fall away.But there are a lot of conscious choices to make in the process.
How much stuff should I have? Are my finances out of the reach of the banksters? Where should I live and with whom? What will I give my daily energy and attention to? How can I help further the awakening and lend a helping hand to this wonderful spiritual revolution? Is my ego still in charge rather than my consciousness? Am I as fully a part of the solution as I can be, and not still part of the problem?
When thinking about this whole subject I was reminded of those that grabbed their valuables and jumped off the Titanic, only to sink all the faster. If this increasing gravity has anything to hold on to it’s going to take down whomever won’t let it go.
That’s a Huge Lesson for Us All!
Disengage, disassociate, disconnect. That’s all I can say. The parasitic beast is consuming everything in its path that exhibits inertia.We need to let go of the net of shallow understanding lest it catch the evil birds of control and draw them in. We need to relax our egoic contractions to these affronts by the controllers’ snares and sidestep their idiocy in conscious awareness.
We are intrinsically free.
Seriously, free.
Get it? Free.
Now do it. Don’t delay.
Love, Zen
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