Benjamin Fulford 4-23-13… “Desperate Sabbatean mafia tries to bribe Putin with offers of world power: gnostic illuminati”
The Satan worshiping mafia that seized control of the West’s financial system is literally offering the world to Russian President Vladimir Putin in a desperate attempt to keep in power, according to a gnostic illuminati grandmaster and an MI6 agent. That may be why Russia is officially going along with the obviously fake Boston bombing psychological warfare operation against the American people. It may also be why the green light has been given for Japan and Russia to settle a territorial crisis that has lasted since the end of World War 2.
However, any role for Putin greater than what he has now is extremely unlikely since the US military is not going to go along with Zionist schemes any longer.
It is also clear that a big showdown has secretly taken place in the US and the Zionists have blinked first and are now in a state of fear and submission. The evidence for this can be seen in many places.
One clear example is the situation in Syria where attempts to start a greater war are being dialed back. The Israeli psy-ops of accusing Syria of using chemical weapons in order to fool the US into invading that country for them, for example, has failed. The Israeli government has also become the laughing stock of the world for having repeated for well over 20 years now that “Iran is one or two months away from getting a nuclear bomb.”
Instead, the world’s military and intelligence community has finally figured out that “Islamic fundamentalist terror” is run by Zionists and not Muslims. The crypto-Jewish Saudi regime is also now under severe attack for its role in financing mayhem and murder. All male descendants of the Original Saudi King will be targeted for assassination if they do not cease and desist immediately, according to several different secret societies, including the Green dragon.
In any case, Zionist attempts to start World War 3 are failing on all fronts.
In Asia a flotilla of Zionist flunkies sent off to provoke China over a few tiny rocks in the ocean is being ignored. Mass visits to the Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo by politicians have failed to provoke more than a rational response by China asking for a sincere debate about the historical truth. Attempts to start nuclear terror in Asia and blame it on North Korea have also been quashed.
Instead Japan on April 28th Japan declared itself to be an independent country for the first time in 61 years.
This ceremony officially celebrates the signing of the San Francisco Peace Treaty in 1952 but in reality celebrates Japanese independence this year from secret Zionist rule by murder, bribery, propaganda and blackmail at the highest level.
The new move to strengthen relations with Russia is a good sign of that. The countries signed a peace agreement back in 1956 in which Russia agreed to return 2 of 4 disputed islands. The Japanese were forced to renege on this by the Zionists as part of a campaign to keep their Japanese colony isolated from its neighbours. Prime Minister Abe and President Putin have now announced they will work towards a peace treaty based on that previous agreement. That is why Russia and Japan have now agreed to go ahead and radically improve economic relations in the Far East. They have also agreed that, since they both share borders with China, they have a common interest in making sure China does not become a bully in the future.
The situation in North Korea is also stabilizing. The gnostic illuminati say they want to remove Kim Jong-un from power. Japanese military intelligence say Kim Jon-un has little real power and that provocative powerful generals are calling the shots. However, Chinese government and North Korean sources both say serious progress is being made in peacefully reunifying Korea and normalizing relations between the region and the world. Here is an example of what the North Koreans themselves are saying:
That is a far cry from the Zionist propaganda painting North Korea as a crazy regime bent on starting nuclear mayhem. It is also worth noting that the provocative US/South Korean military exercises have been stopped.
It is also clear that the Zionists are no longer supported by the vast majority of Europeans and Americans, including the Jews. Instead people are waking up to their plans to create a one world “New World Order” totalitarian dictatorship.
For example, a recent poll shows that the majority of French, Germans, Brits, Italians and Spanish do not trust the EU or should I say the EUSSR.
It is also clear that the attempts to terrorize the American people into accepting totalitarian rule are failing. A recent opinion poll carried out after the Boston fake bombing psy-ops show that instead of increasing American’s willingness to “give up freedom for security” it did the opposite.
There are also signs the Zionists are beginning to lose control of their magic money printing machines known as the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank. Last week arch financial criminal Henry Paulson (Goldman Sachs, US Treasury etc.) and war criminal Henry Kissinger appeared on Xinhua news meeting Chinese President Xi Jinping. Chinese government sources say they were on a begging mission but were sent away empty handed. The same sources say the Chinese government believes the earthquake seen in China last week was caused by an earthquake weapon and was part of a failed attempt to extort money from China. The ongoing “bird flu” biological weapons attack against China is seen in the same light.
The various bombs going off around the world are (Czechoslovakia, Iraq, Syria etc.) are best seen as the death throes of the dying Zionist terror machine and are part of a failing campaign to maintain control through fear. It is they who should be afraid because they are going down and going down hard.
I may also mention to Bill Gates that I am sick and tired of my Hotmail account being censored and controlled. People who I meet and ask to send me e-mails call me on the phone regularly to say the mail has been bounced back with a message saying “there are problems with that e-mail account.” The only mails that do seem to get through contain warnings of nuclear terror attacks. My Skype account has also been similarly hacked. You are wasting your time Mr. Gates and Satanic friends, the only important messages I send are hand-written and hand delivered by personal envoys.
The P2 Freemason lodge in Italy is admitting the “algorithms are broken” in the Western financial system and that some sort of agreement needed to be reached over the Global Collateral Accounts.
They suggested contacting a certain Sultan in South East Asia. That message has been forwarded. It is time to end the financial war and cut off Zionist terrorist financing. The people of the world want peace.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Monday, 29 April 2013
CIA Has Been Paying Afghans to Keep War Going
CIA Has Been Paying Afghans to Keep War Going
Posted by Stephen Cook on April 29, 2013Stephen: The idea that various governments, agencies or sections of the military-industrial complex have paid to create wars or finance one side over another is not news, but these clear revelations that tens of millions of dollars secretly went from the CIA to the Afghan PM to keep a war going – a war that has claimed the lives of thousands and thousands of every day Afghanis and coalition soldiers – is now making mainstream news headlines. This is way more than seeking ‘influence’ and it was ‘off-the-books’ – but it’s not a secret any more.
With Bags of Cash, C.I.A. Seeks Influence in Afghanistan
By Matthew Rosenberg, New York Times – April 28, 2013
KABUL, Afghanistan — For more than a decade, wads of American dollars packed into suitcases, backpacks and, on occasion, plastic shopping bags have been dropped off every month or so at the offices of Afghanistan’s president — courtesy of the Central Intelligence Agency.
All told, tens of millions of dollars have flowed from the C.I.A. to the office of President Hamid Karzai, according to current and former advisers to the Afghan leader.
“We called it ‘ghost money,’ ” said Khalil Roman, who served as Mr. Karzai’s deputy chief of staff from 2002 until 2005. “It came in secret, and it left in secret.”
The C.I.A., which declined to comment for this article, has long been known to support some relatives and close aides of Mr. Karzai. But the new accounts of off-the-books cash delivered directly to his office show payments on a vaster scale, and with a far greater impact on everyday governing.
Off-the-books cash delivered directly to President Karzai’s office shows payments on a vast scale. |
“The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan,” one American official said, “was the United States.”
The United States was not alone in delivering cash to the president. Mr. Karzai acknowledged a few years ago that Iran regularly gave bags of cash to one of his top aides.
At the time, in 2010, American officials jumped on the payments as evidence of an aggressive Iranian campaign to buy influence and poison Afghanistan’s relations with the United States. What they did not say was that the C.I.A. was also plying the presidential palace with cash — and unlike the Iranians, it still is.
American and Afghan officials familiar with the payments said the agency’s main goal in providing the cash has been to maintain access to Mr. Karzai and his inner circle and to guarantee the agency’s influence at the presidential palace, which wields tremendous power in Afghanistan’s highly centralized government. The officials spoke about the money only on the condition of anonymity.
It is not clear that the United States is getting what it pays for. Mr. Karzai’s willingness to defy the United States — and the Iranians, for that matter — on an array of issues seems to have only grown as the cash has piled up. Instead of securing his good graces, the payments may well illustrate the opposite: Mr. Karzai is seemingly unable to be bought.
Over Iran’s objections, he signed a strategic partnership deal with the United States last year, directly leading the Iranians to halt their payments, two senior Afghan officials said. Now, Mr. Karzai is seeking control over the Afghan militias raised by the C.I.A. to target operatives of Al Qaeda and insurgent commanders, potentially upending a critical part of the Obama administration’s plans for fighting militants as conventional military forces pull back this year.
But the C.I.A. has continued to pay, believing it needs Mr. Karzai’s ear to run its clandestine war against Al Qaeda and its allies, according to American and Afghan officials.
Like the Iranian cash, much of the C.I.A.’s money goes to paying off warlords and politicians, many of whom have ties to the drug trade and, in some cases, the Taliban. The result, American and Afghan officials said, is that the agency has greased the wheels of the same patronage networks that American diplomats and law enforcement agents have struggled unsuccessfully to dismantle, leaving the government in the grips of what are basically organized crime syndicates.
The cash does not appear to be subject to the oversight and restrictions placed on official American aid to the country or even the C.I.A.’s formal assistance programs, like financing Afghan intelligence agencies. And while there is no evidence that Mr. Karzai has personally taken any of the money — Afghan officials say the cash is handled by his National Security Council — the payments do in some cases work directly at odds with the aims of other parts of the American government in Afghanistan, even if they do not appear to violate American law.
Handing out cash has been standard procedure for the C.I.A. in Afghanistan since the start of the war. During the 2001 invasion, agency cash bought the services of numerous warlords, including Muhammad Qasim Fahim, the current first vice president.
“We paid them to overthrow the Taliban,” the American official said.
The C.I.A. then kept paying the Afghans to keep fighting. For instance, Mr. Karzai’s half brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, was paid by the C.I.A. to run the Kandahar Strike Force, a militia used by the agency to combat militants, until his assassination in 2011.
A number of senior officials on the Afghan National Security Council are also individually on the agency’s payroll, Afghan officials said.
While intelligence agencies often pay foreign officials to provide information, dropping off bags of cash at a foreign leader’s office to curry favor is a more unusual arrangement.
Afghan officials said the practice grew out of the unique circumstances in Afghanistan, where the United States built the government that Mr. Karzai runs. To accomplish that task, it had to bring to heel many of the warlords the C.I.A. had paid during and after the 2001 invasion.
By late 2002, Mr. Karzai and his aides were pressing for the payments to be routed through the president’s office, allowing him to buy the warlords’ loyalty, a former adviser to Mr. Karzai said.
Then, in December 2002, Iranians showed up at the palace in a sport utility vehicle packed with cash, the former adviser said.
The C.I.A. began dropping off cash at the palace the following month, and the sums grew from there, Afghan officials said.
Payments ordinarily range from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars, the officials said, though none could provide exact figures. The money is used to cover a slew of off-the-books expenses, like paying off lawmakers or underwriting delicate diplomatic trips or informal negotiations.
Much of it also still goes to keeping old warlords in line. One is Abdul Rashid Dostum, an ethnic Uzbek whose militia served as a C.I.A. proxy force in 2001. He receives nearly $100,000 a month from the palace, two Afghan officials said. Other officials said the amount was significantly lower.
Mr. Dostum, who declined requests for comment, had previously said he was given $80,000 a month to serve as Mr. Karzai’s emissary in northern Afghanistan. “I asked for a year up front in cash so that I could build my dream house,” he was quoted as saying in a 2009 interview with Time magazine.
Some of the cash also probably ends up in the pockets of the Karzai aides who handle it, Afghan and Western officials said, though they would not identify any by name.
That is not a significant concern for the C.I.A., said American officials familiar with the agency’s operations. “They’ll work with criminals if they think they have to,” one American former official said.
Interestingly, the cash from Tehran appears to have been handled with greater transparency than the dollars from the C.I.A., Afghan officials said. The Iranian payments were routed through Mr. Karzai’s chief of staff. Some of the money was deposited in an account in the president’s name at a state-run bank, and some was kept at the palace. The sum delivered would then be announced at the next cabinet meeting. The Iranians gave $3 million to well over $10 million a year, Afghan officials said.
When word of the Iranian cash leaked out in October 2010, Mr. Karzai told reporters that he was grateful for it. He then added: “The United States is doing the same thing. They are providing cash to some of our offices.”
At the time, Mr. Karzai’s aides said he was referring to the billions in formal aid the United States gives. But the former adviser said in a recent interview that the president was in fact referring to the C.I.A.’s bags of cash.
No one mentions the agency’s money at cabinet meetings. It is handled by a small clique at the National Security Council, including its administrative chief, Mohammed Zia Salehi, Afghan officials said.
Mr. Salehi, though, is better known for being arrested in 2010 in connection with a sprawling, American-led investigation that tied together Afghan cash smuggling, Taliban finances and the opium trade. Mr. Karzai had him released within hours, and the C.I.A. then helped persuade the Obama administration to back off its anticorruption push, American officials said.
After his release, Mr. Salehi jokingly came up with a motto that succinctly summed up America’s conflicting priorities. He was, he began telling colleagues, “an enemy of the F.B.I., and a hero to the C.I.A.”
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev first surrendered and then committed suicide ? Graphic Content
Thanks to Parsifal that posted this on one of our BRIDGES
Dzhokhar to be awake and communicates
Luckily the Police State's large contingent of Special Squads eventually found the alleged terrorist, so the boy, artificially ventilated, diligently writes his memoirs….
According to authorities Dzhokhar Tsarnaev shot himself in the mouth with suicidal intentions, but the bullet went out back through his neck and he survived.
Wow, a miracle !
Parsifal, April 22 2013
This blog is a continuation of my post
Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev alive at his arrest ?
Meanwhile, Monday, he has woken up from a coma.
The medicating doctors downgraded his condition of 'life threatening' to 'critical but stable'.
Since he can not speak due to injury, he should have answered the first questions of the Federal Bureau of Intimidation (FBI) in writing.
A lawyer, to represent his constitutionally guaranteed rights has been denied.
Image above: What is more remarkable, according to recordings made during his arrest, Dzhokhar looked uninjured when he got out of his boat.
Previously, he lifted his shirt so the police saw he had no explosives on the body and is unarmed.
But what happened that he then handcuffed and tied at the back badly injured and covered in blood lying on the ground ?
How could he shoot himself outside of the boat ?
The seriously injured Dzhokar Tsarnev after his arrest.
On the mudguard of the boat trailer, where Dzhokhar got out is a lot of blood to see.
In the photo above, but there is no blood.
He was after he surrendered and stood before the boat hit by a police bullet ?
Was no suicide but a murder attempt by the police ?
Much blood has been seen outside of the boot inside but none.
Dzhokhar apparently surrenders unharmed.
Then he lies with a bullet wound to the neck shackled to the ground.
The shot supposedly got out in the back of his neck.
Why should he first surrender and then commit suicide ?
Where the gun came from ?
The side of the bullet-riddled boat with blood below.
The police and the media tell us now, he shot himself first and then got out of the boat.
He has been seriously wounded, surrendered with perforated neck.
Then would have to be a lot of blood in the boat.
On the one side he was able to get out of the boat to be immediately after near the death and taken to hospital.
So please, the official story is all fishy !
More inconsistencies are:
Where is a photo of the white backpack ?
Of which exploded is black.
If there is to be a video where he puts his backpack on the ground, where is it ?
Why it is not shown ?
Where is the proof, the two have shot the MIT policeman and then had a wild shootout with the police ?
How could he steal a car and drive off, while his brother was already arrested and handcuffed on the ground and ran over his brother then ?
And, and, and ...
After the attack, the 19-year-old would have been all he himself and had trained in the university gym in the evening and had even gone to a party.
'He was completely relaxed,' said a fellow student.
He had also stayed until Thursday in his student hostel.
The media present this as normal 'behavior of an ice-cold killer'.
But you can interpret it as a sign that he had nothing to do with the attack.
A real assassin would immediately flee from the city and away from the country and not stay.
The coroner of the U.S. state of Massachusetts has until today not clarified the cause of death of Tamerlane Tsarnaev for now four whole days.
Very strange.
There are so many suspicious injuries and they have to invent a suitable story to it ?
The aunt of Tamerlane and Dzhokhar who lives in Canada, Maret Tsarnaeva has said over the alternative media 'Press for Truth', she is sure to 100 percent by the video, the man who was arrested naked and placed in the police car is her nephew Tamerlane.
Breaking Info on Boston Bombings! Tamerlan Tsarnaev and the Naked Man
They said they were conned.
The father of the two, Anzor Tsarnaev, told the UK's Channel 4, Tamerlane called his mother a few days after the bombing.
He told her that the FBI had contacted him and accused of involvement in the attack.
Dzhokhar said to have replied, 'that's your problem,' said the father.
Worried, he did not sound.
Reporter for the New York Daily News is procured access to the apartment and made shots of Dzhokhar’s interior.
The photos show nothing unusual, no bomb-making workshop, and no weapons.
You can see a certain disorder in clothes, sports equipment and many appliances and plates of leftovers on the table.
So could a typical athletes dorm room with track suits, sneakers, boxing, skiing and basketball equipment look like.
Dzhokhar studied medicine according to his father and wanted to open a doctor's practice afterwards.
The police chief of Boston claimed the two 'offenders' would have had tons of bombs, grenades and ammunition and they were planning further attacks.
According his narrative, 250 empty cartridges were found at the site of the confrontation and the floor would have been littered with non-ignited booby traps.
The only problem is, there was not a single proof of a gunfight been delivered or found weapons, shown grenades or bombs.
Nothing is presented what would confirm the official story of the carjacking or the raid on a shop.
There are unsubstantiated claims, tales that the media simply uncritically disseminate.
The last message of Dzhokhar:
'This will be my last message before the police get me.
I have never done it.
They tricked me.
Father please forgive me.
I'm sorry it's come to that'.
The photos and videos should be sent to the mainstream media, that everything else does not help preventing the full-swing Police State and Martial Law; help me in this effort.
Beyond the Boston Marathon Bombing Spin, we should not forget this event might be only an organized distraction from an even bigger showplace; it is pretty safe to say that - Parsifal.
Luckily the Police State's large contingent of Special Squads eventually found the alleged terrorist, so the boy, artificially ventilated, diligently writes his memoirs….
According to authorities Dzhokhar Tsarnaev shot himself in the mouth with suicidal intentions, but the bullet went out back through his neck and he survived.
Wow, a miracle !
Parsifal, April 22 2013
This blog is a continuation of my post
Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev alive at his arrest ?
Meanwhile, Monday, he has woken up from a coma.
The medicating doctors downgraded his condition of 'life threatening' to 'critical but stable'.
Since he can not speak due to injury, he should have answered the first questions of the Federal Bureau of Intimidation (FBI) in writing.
A lawyer, to represent his constitutionally guaranteed rights has been denied.
Image above: What is more remarkable, according to recordings made during his arrest, Dzhokhar looked uninjured when he got out of his boat.
Previously, he lifted his shirt so the police saw he had no explosives on the body and is unarmed.
But what happened that he then handcuffed and tied at the back badly injured and covered in blood lying on the ground ?
How could he shoot himself outside of the boat ?
The seriously injured Dzhokar Tsarnev after his arrest.
On the mudguard of the boat trailer, where Dzhokhar got out is a lot of blood to see.
In the photo above, but there is no blood.
He was after he surrendered and stood before the boat hit by a police bullet ?
Was no suicide but a murder attempt by the police ?
Much blood has been seen outside of the boot inside but none.
Dzhokhar apparently surrenders unharmed.
Then he lies with a bullet wound to the neck shackled to the ground.
The shot supposedly got out in the back of his neck.
Why should he first surrender and then commit suicide ?
Where the gun came from ?
The side of the bullet-riddled boat with blood below.
The police and the media tell us now, he shot himself first and then got out of the boat.
He has been seriously wounded, surrendered with perforated neck.
Then would have to be a lot of blood in the boat.
On the one side he was able to get out of the boat to be immediately after near the death and taken to hospital.
So please, the official story is all fishy !
More inconsistencies are:
Where is a photo of the white backpack ?
Of which exploded is black.
If there is to be a video where he puts his backpack on the ground, where is it ?
Why it is not shown ?
Where is the proof, the two have shot the MIT policeman and then had a wild shootout with the police ?
How could he steal a car and drive off, while his brother was already arrested and handcuffed on the ground and ran over his brother then ?
And, and, and ...
After the attack, the 19-year-old would have been all he himself and had trained in the university gym in the evening and had even gone to a party.
'He was completely relaxed,' said a fellow student.
He had also stayed until Thursday in his student hostel.
The media present this as normal 'behavior of an ice-cold killer'.
But you can interpret it as a sign that he had nothing to do with the attack.
A real assassin would immediately flee from the city and away from the country and not stay.
The coroner of the U.S. state of Massachusetts has until today not clarified the cause of death of Tamerlane Tsarnaev for now four whole days.
Very strange.
There are so many suspicious injuries and they have to invent a suitable story to it ?
The aunt of Tamerlane and Dzhokhar who lives in Canada, Maret Tsarnaeva has said over the alternative media 'Press for Truth', she is sure to 100 percent by the video, the man who was arrested naked and placed in the police car is her nephew Tamerlane.
Breaking Info on Boston Bombings! Tamerlan Tsarnaev and the Naked Man
They said they were conned.
The father of the two, Anzor Tsarnaev, told the UK's Channel 4, Tamerlane called his mother a few days after the bombing.
He told her that the FBI had contacted him and accused of involvement in the attack.
Dzhokhar said to have replied, 'that's your problem,' said the father.
Worried, he did not sound.
Reporter for the New York Daily News is procured access to the apartment and made shots of Dzhokhar’s interior.
The photos show nothing unusual, no bomb-making workshop, and no weapons.
You can see a certain disorder in clothes, sports equipment and many appliances and plates of leftovers on the table.
So could a typical athletes dorm room with track suits, sneakers, boxing, skiing and basketball equipment look like.
Dzhokhar studied medicine according to his father and wanted to open a doctor's practice afterwards.
The police chief of Boston claimed the two 'offenders' would have had tons of bombs, grenades and ammunition and they were planning further attacks.
According his narrative, 250 empty cartridges were found at the site of the confrontation and the floor would have been littered with non-ignited booby traps.
The only problem is, there was not a single proof of a gunfight been delivered or found weapons, shown grenades or bombs.
Nothing is presented what would confirm the official story of the carjacking or the raid on a shop.
There are unsubstantiated claims, tales that the media simply uncritically disseminate.
The last message of Dzhokhar:
'This will be my last message before the police get me.
I have never done it.
They tricked me.
Father please forgive me.
I'm sorry it's come to that'.
The photos and videos should be sent to the mainstream media, that everything else does not help preventing the full-swing Police State and Martial Law; help me in this effort.
Beyond the Boston Marathon Bombing Spin, we should not forget this event might be only an organized distraction from an even bigger showplace; it is pretty safe to say that - Parsifal.
Monday, 22 April 2013
Benjamin Fulford 4-23-13… 'Three more major terrorist incidents threatened after Boston and Texas'
Benjamin Fulford 4-23-13… 'Three more major terrorist incidents threatened after Boston and Texas'
A member of the Japanese Yakuza was contacted by members of the cabal last week and told to inform the White Dragon Society that “after Kennedy and Bush would come Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and one other.” Since the Boston terror psy-ops included a bombing of the Kennedy Library and the missile attack in Texas took place close to the Bush ranch, the warning seems to be a hint that some major attacks linked to these two other presidents and “one other,” were planned for the near future.
Somebody has also placed a $1 billion bet on a major US stock market plunge this week in what may be a sign of foreknowledge of further major terrorist events, according to an MI5 source.
There is also evidence of a huge information war between two major factions in the US over the bombing attacks in Texas and Boston. The Department of Homeland Security (SS) Sabbatean mafia faction staged the Boston attack in an attempt to create a psychological atmosphere favourable to martial law, while the opposition inside the agencies clearly tried to sabotage this attack and make it clear to all this was government staged.
In contrast to this increasing infighting and negative news in the US, there has been very good news coming out of Asia last week. A White Dragon Society representative returned from Beijing where talks with Chinese military leaders made it clear China was not going to be fooled into war by any Sabbatean (Israeli) false flag attack in the area. In addition, on the subject of North Korea it has been confirmed that talks with the South on reunification of the Korean peninsula are proceeding well. Furthermore, concrete moves are afoot for the normalization of relations between Japan and North Korea. The Pentagon has also given the green light for reunification of the Korean peninsula.
There is a lot we have been asked not to report at this time in order to prevent sabotage of the negotiations by Sabbatean agents. However, it will be major news when it does come out.
The Chinese military also said that even if they were forced to engage in military activity, they would not attempt anything big with their navy. Their navy is still so untested that during recent sea trials of their new aircraft carrier, most of sailors got seasick, on admiral offered as an example of their unpreparedness. If truly forced into war, they would use their overwhelming superiority in numbers on land, possibly in the Korean peninsula, the sources said. However, given the ongoing push for peace in the region, this was an extremely remote possibility.
The cabal attempts to ignite conflict in Korea and around the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands have failed miserably, they said. The only result is that Jean Cohen from the Hoche group, who was paying demonstrators in China 1200 yuan a day to stage anti-Japanese protests has been put on a blacklist.
Lord James Sassoon is also no longer welcome in Japan for having incited and financed anti-Chinese psy-ops using Japanese puppets.
Also, in a move related to efforts for peace, a major campaign is being waged against Goldman Sachs and their flunkies in South Korea, according to an executive at a Japanese securities company. This was taking place in the form of Korean bankers working under Goldman Sachs overlords diverting loans to their friends and associates, the executive said.
With Asia aiming for harmonious independence and Europe in a holding pattern of slowly sinking into financial quicksand, the focus of conflict is now in the US/Israeli Sabbatean nexus and their Middle Eastern proxies where it is clear a gigantic war for control is accelerating. The anti-Sabbatean forces in the Middle East are hoping to topple the Saudi regime in order to cut off the Sabbatean controlled oil money.
Also, the 180 nations BRICS alliance is busy creating an alternative to OPEC in order to liberate the global financial system from dependence on the Petro-dollar, Chinese government and CIA sources both say.
In the US, the cabal corporate propaganda machine was clearly dealt a vicious blow by the insider sabotage of the Boston bomb attack psychological warfare operation. In one example directly known to this writer, the MI6 operative “Alexander” called the Australian embassy in Tokyo one hour before the Boston attack and warned them it was coming in a call that must have been recorded as forensic evidence. There was also a press conference for the corporate media where it was to be announced that a single white male right-winger had been arrested for carrying out the attack, according to pentagon sources. However, when it became clear the scenario for this lone bomber had been leaked in advance, a last minute switch was made to “Chechens.”
In any case, so many people have torn holes into the “official” story that there is no need to repeat that here.
Rather, we need to realize the sabotage of the operation means very powerful groups within the intelligence/military community are now fighting against the cabal by sabotaging their psy-ops “events” like Sandy Hook and now Boston.
The sending of letters containing the poison Ricin to politicians including Obama, is eerily similar to the sending of anthrax letters after 911 and is probably also aimed at exposing the cabal by carrying out obvious acts like this.
In addition to this, we have seen the huge downplaying by the Sabbatean cabal corporate media of what was clearly a missile attack in Texas very close to the Bush ranch there. This may have been intended to take out a Bush military munitions dump, an MI5 source speculated.
There is clearly more in the works. The phone call I received immediately after the attacks warning about future attacks linked to Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton need to be taken seriously. The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan was in Hong Kong when this warning was issued and relevant parties were warned of a possible attack against it. An earthquake in California is another possibility. Places associated with the Clintons include Georgetown University and Little Rock, Arkansas.
What remains to be seen though, is a pentagon move into the Washington D.C. cesspool of corruption. Clearly the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and the Justice Department have been implicated in the Boston terror attack against the American people.
The pentagon and agency white hats say they have been waiting for the legal basis to make a move against the corrupt political establishment. However, with the US legal system under the control of bribed and corrupt people at the highest level, it is clear the terrorist Sabbatean mafia is only going to be removed by men with guns.
That may happen sooner rather than later. One US source said Obama was negotiating with the Saudi government for refugee status if he is ousted.
A member of the Japanese Yakuza was contacted by members of the cabal last week and told to inform the White Dragon Society that “after Kennedy and Bush would come Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and one other.” Since the Boston terror psy-ops included a bombing of the Kennedy Library and the missile attack in Texas took place close to the Bush ranch, the warning seems to be a hint that some major attacks linked to these two other presidents and “one other,” were planned for the near future.
Somebody has also placed a $1 billion bet on a major US stock market plunge this week in what may be a sign of foreknowledge of further major terrorist events, according to an MI5 source.
There is also evidence of a huge information war between two major factions in the US over the bombing attacks in Texas and Boston. The Department of Homeland Security (SS) Sabbatean mafia faction staged the Boston attack in an attempt to create a psychological atmosphere favourable to martial law, while the opposition inside the agencies clearly tried to sabotage this attack and make it clear to all this was government staged.
In contrast to this increasing infighting and negative news in the US, there has been very good news coming out of Asia last week. A White Dragon Society representative returned from Beijing where talks with Chinese military leaders made it clear China was not going to be fooled into war by any Sabbatean (Israeli) false flag attack in the area. In addition, on the subject of North Korea it has been confirmed that talks with the South on reunification of the Korean peninsula are proceeding well. Furthermore, concrete moves are afoot for the normalization of relations between Japan and North Korea. The Pentagon has also given the green light for reunification of the Korean peninsula.
There is a lot we have been asked not to report at this time in order to prevent sabotage of the negotiations by Sabbatean agents. However, it will be major news when it does come out.
The Chinese military also said that even if they were forced to engage in military activity, they would not attempt anything big with their navy. Their navy is still so untested that during recent sea trials of their new aircraft carrier, most of sailors got seasick, on admiral offered as an example of their unpreparedness. If truly forced into war, they would use their overwhelming superiority in numbers on land, possibly in the Korean peninsula, the sources said. However, given the ongoing push for peace in the region, this was an extremely remote possibility.
The cabal attempts to ignite conflict in Korea and around the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands have failed miserably, they said. The only result is that Jean Cohen from the Hoche group, who was paying demonstrators in China 1200 yuan a day to stage anti-Japanese protests has been put on a blacklist.
Lord James Sassoon is also no longer welcome in Japan for having incited and financed anti-Chinese psy-ops using Japanese puppets.
Also, in a move related to efforts for peace, a major campaign is being waged against Goldman Sachs and their flunkies in South Korea, according to an executive at a Japanese securities company. This was taking place in the form of Korean bankers working under Goldman Sachs overlords diverting loans to their friends and associates, the executive said.
With Asia aiming for harmonious independence and Europe in a holding pattern of slowly sinking into financial quicksand, the focus of conflict is now in the US/Israeli Sabbatean nexus and their Middle Eastern proxies where it is clear a gigantic war for control is accelerating. The anti-Sabbatean forces in the Middle East are hoping to topple the Saudi regime in order to cut off the Sabbatean controlled oil money.
Also, the 180 nations BRICS alliance is busy creating an alternative to OPEC in order to liberate the global financial system from dependence on the Petro-dollar, Chinese government and CIA sources both say.
In the US, the cabal corporate propaganda machine was clearly dealt a vicious blow by the insider sabotage of the Boston bomb attack psychological warfare operation. In one example directly known to this writer, the MI6 operative “Alexander” called the Australian embassy in Tokyo one hour before the Boston attack and warned them it was coming in a call that must have been recorded as forensic evidence. There was also a press conference for the corporate media where it was to be announced that a single white male right-winger had been arrested for carrying out the attack, according to pentagon sources. However, when it became clear the scenario for this lone bomber had been leaked in advance, a last minute switch was made to “Chechens.”
In any case, so many people have torn holes into the “official” story that there is no need to repeat that here.
Rather, we need to realize the sabotage of the operation means very powerful groups within the intelligence/military community are now fighting against the cabal by sabotaging their psy-ops “events” like Sandy Hook and now Boston.
The sending of letters containing the poison Ricin to politicians including Obama, is eerily similar to the sending of anthrax letters after 911 and is probably also aimed at exposing the cabal by carrying out obvious acts like this.
In addition to this, we have seen the huge downplaying by the Sabbatean cabal corporate media of what was clearly a missile attack in Texas very close to the Bush ranch there. This may have been intended to take out a Bush military munitions dump, an MI5 source speculated.
There is clearly more in the works. The phone call I received immediately after the attacks warning about future attacks linked to Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton need to be taken seriously. The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan was in Hong Kong when this warning was issued and relevant parties were warned of a possible attack against it. An earthquake in California is another possibility. Places associated with the Clintons include Georgetown University and Little Rock, Arkansas.
What remains to be seen though, is a pentagon move into the Washington D.C. cesspool of corruption. Clearly the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and the Justice Department have been implicated in the Boston terror attack against the American people.
The pentagon and agency white hats say they have been waiting for the legal basis to make a move against the corrupt political establishment. However, with the US legal system under the control of bribed and corrupt people at the highest level, it is clear the terrorist Sabbatean mafia is only going to be removed by men with guns.
That may happen sooner rather than later. One US source said Obama was negotiating with the Saudi government for refugee status if he is ousted.
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev alive at his arrest ?
Thanks to Parsifal that posted this on one of our BRIDGES
The following video shows a young man how he totally naked and dissipated by the police and placed in a police vehicle.
The recording was made on the night of the 18th to the 19th there where supposedly the 26 year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shown.
But he is clearly alive and unharmed.
Parsifal, April 21, 2013
Image top: Is this Tamerlan Tsarnaev ?
The police and the media claim, Tsarnaev was shot by the police and then run over by his younger brother on the run with a stolen SUV as he lay shackled with handcuffs on the ground.
He died from these injuries.
A flagrant contradiction.
Is it the same person ?
Boston suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev seen walking to police car naked and handcuffed
If the video disappears it can be seen here
How can an uninjured person in police custody turn into a fatally injured corpse in the hospital ?
The body of Tamerlan Tsarnaev
So someone looks that was run over ?
His chest is not flat down and not his head.
How does this photo at all come to the public ?
Dzhokar Tsarnaev can not talk
According to official has the second suspect, Dzhokar Tsarnaev, who is severely wounded in the same hospital, an injury to the neck and possibly can no longer talk.
Anyway, a questioning by the FBI is currently not possible, they say.
Tamerlan is dead, his brother Dzhokar has no voice, isn't this super !
We will never know what really happened and whether they are the perpetrators, or just framed Patsies as the mother and the father of the two said.
The mother Zubeidat Tsarnaeva said her sons would never perpetrate a terrorist attack.
It is a trap.
The FBI has controlled for years her elder son Tamerlan and knew what he did.
Her sons would have called them every day and tell her everything.
No word on Jihad or terror.
Here the interview on RT with the mother:
Boston bombing suspects' mother: My sons are innocent, this is a set up
Both brothers lived in the United States since 2002, over 10 years.
Dzhokar got U.S. citizenship and Tamerlan the green card.
On the basis of a reference of the Russian authorities in 2011, the FBI checked Tamerlan, but found no suspicious activity.
The mother tells her older son was from then on under constant supervision by the FBI.
How could both then prepare a bombing under the nose of security agencies and perform ?
That was a huge failure of the anti-terror apparatus !
Why are the police and FBI celebrated now as heroes ?
Despite the whole upgrading to a militarized police state, they could prevent nothing.
An entire army chased two young people.
Overkill !
Tamerlan wanted to represent his new Home, the United States as martial artist at the Olympics and trained for this.
He had a wife and child for which to live is worth.
The younger Dzhokar was a popular athlete as a wrestler who earned even a scholarship for the University.
And suddenly they are terrorists ?
Something is upper queer on the whole process of the bombing and the subsequent search for the suspected perpetrators.
The common practice of intelligence and security agencies is, they recruit unsuspecting supernumeraries and tell them, it is about an anti-terror exercise.
They should appear at a particular place and time.
Then the exercise 'goes live' and the supernumeraries are transformed into perpetrators who are being hunted.
The scapegoats realize this and run for their lives, because they know they may not survive and tell the truth.
Maybe the Police State Apparatus should have arrested these guys ?
LOOK ! Proof That Craft or Blackwater Agents did the Boston Marathon Bombing Event !
The recording was made on the night of the 18th to the 19th there where supposedly the 26 year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shown.
But he is clearly alive and unharmed.
Parsifal, April 21, 2013
Image top: Is this Tamerlan Tsarnaev ?
The police and the media claim, Tsarnaev was shot by the police and then run over by his younger brother on the run with a stolen SUV as he lay shackled with handcuffs on the ground.
He died from these injuries.
A flagrant contradiction.
Is it the same person ?
Boston suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev seen walking to police car naked and handcuffed
If the video disappears it can be seen here
How can an uninjured person in police custody turn into a fatally injured corpse in the hospital ?
The body of Tamerlan Tsarnaev
So someone looks that was run over ?
His chest is not flat down and not his head.
How does this photo at all come to the public ?
Dzhokar Tsarnaev can not talk
According to official has the second suspect, Dzhokar Tsarnaev, who is severely wounded in the same hospital, an injury to the neck and possibly can no longer talk.
Anyway, a questioning by the FBI is currently not possible, they say.
Tamerlan is dead, his brother Dzhokar has no voice, isn't this super !
We will never know what really happened and whether they are the perpetrators, or just framed Patsies as the mother and the father of the two said.
The mother Zubeidat Tsarnaeva said her sons would never perpetrate a terrorist attack.
It is a trap.
The FBI has controlled for years her elder son Tamerlan and knew what he did.
Her sons would have called them every day and tell her everything.
No word on Jihad or terror.
Here the interview on RT with the mother:
Boston bombing suspects' mother: My sons are innocent, this is a set up
Both brothers lived in the United States since 2002, over 10 years.
Dzhokar got U.S. citizenship and Tamerlan the green card.
On the basis of a reference of the Russian authorities in 2011, the FBI checked Tamerlan, but found no suspicious activity.
The mother tells her older son was from then on under constant supervision by the FBI.
How could both then prepare a bombing under the nose of security agencies and perform ?
That was a huge failure of the anti-terror apparatus !
Why are the police and FBI celebrated now as heroes ?
Despite the whole upgrading to a militarized police state, they could prevent nothing.
An entire army chased two young people.
Overkill !
Tamerlan wanted to represent his new Home, the United States as martial artist at the Olympics and trained for this.
He had a wife and child for which to live is worth.
The younger Dzhokar was a popular athlete as a wrestler who earned even a scholarship for the University.
And suddenly they are terrorists ?
Something is upper queer on the whole process of the bombing and the subsequent search for the suspected perpetrators.
The common practice of intelligence and security agencies is, they recruit unsuspecting supernumeraries and tell them, it is about an anti-terror exercise.
They should appear at a particular place and time.
Then the exercise 'goes live' and the supernumeraries are transformed into perpetrators who are being hunted.
The scapegoats realize this and run for their lives, because they know they may not survive and tell the truth.
Maybe the Police State Apparatus should have arrested these guys ?
LOOK ! Proof That Craft or Blackwater Agents did the Boston Marathon Bombing Event !
Texas Fertiliser Explosion: Militarized Blast? Plane? Drill?…
Thanks to Stephen Cook, seems there is also still not all clear what was really happen.
Stephen: Warning – some of these videos below contain graphic content and may cause distress. I have included them because they are an integral evidential part of this article, although you can still get the gist of things by just reading through. What is most significant here is that an eyewitness to this blast (on Video 2) says there was “a plane”; while another story I read suggested an unconfirmed helicopter had gone down in the area soon after the blast..
This story also points out that – just like September 11, the London bombing, Sandy Hook and last Monday’s Boston bombing – there was a military ‘drill’ in action in the area… and claims this is evidence of “an advanced governmental-sponsored false flag event”- although I would question whether it was government but, rather, other (cabal) forces. I also read elsewhere today that the owners of this fertilser plant may have been involved in a previous legal case against Monsanto over its pricing of the product ‘Round Up’. The plot thickens.
But whatever happened here, due to the current energies (and the impact of social media), the truth will come to the surface far quicker than anyone who may have staged these events could ever realise.
By Shepard Ambellas, Founder, – April 20, 2013
WEST — A massive blast that measured 2.1 on the Richter scale hit the small Texas town on Wednesday leveling buildings and other structures, killing and injuring a number of civilians in what most local witnesses could only describe as a “bomb blast”. In fact, some witnesses have even stated on video when asked that, “It was a plane”.
Although it has been reported as a fertilizer plant fire explosion by the entire mainstream media and government sources, there could be more to the story as local reports suggest otherwise. While it is important to note that the factory did have a history of safety problems, audio and video analysis from the explosion suggests the possibility of something else.
Good people in the area are questioning the events that took place on that grim day, and for good reason. reporter Matthew Short’s investigation concludes with video evidence that emergency response vehicles were in the area before the explosion at the fertilizer plant in West and drills were being ran as stated by the hospital’s CEO in an interview.
This is the same fingerprint we have seen during events such as the attacks on September 11, 2001, the London bombings in July of 2005, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, and even the Patriot’s Day bombing in Boston most recently.
These examples show the classic layout of an advanced governmental-sponsored false flag event, which in turn is used to further subject the populace to surveillance and the removal of our god given rights and freedoms by a government which now seems to be overran by a tyrannical force.
Information also exists the suggest nuclear preparedness mass casualty drills were being ran in the area. According to the North Central Texas Trama Regional Advisory Council’s official website the regional full scale exercise took place on the dates of April 17th and 18th, 2013;
Information has been brought to light that the explosion was triggered by another source rather from the fertilizer plant fire itself.
The videos display the lack of chemical reaction, ignition from an internal point in the plant, but rather from an outside point, possibly from the sky.
This video was filmed by a family in their car. It captures the impact of the huge explosion.
At (06:49) into the next video an eyewitness states, “It was a plane”. WARNING: Graphic Content
You can also see by the damage to the building in the video that it was a massive blast, reminiscent of some militarized technology.
According to Matthew Short, reporter for (as stated during a radio interview) people in the area are now coming to him for answers, demonstrating the need for information as locals are not buying the official story either.
Another key piece of evidence is an actual emergency transmission from that day. In the audio to disbatch the firefighter states, “We need every ambulance we can get this way. A bomb just went off inside here, it’s pretty bad. We got a lot of firemen down.” (Audio of this is featured in video below)
Texas Fertiliser Explosion: Militarized Blast? Plane? Drill?…
This story also points out that – just like September 11, the London bombing, Sandy Hook and last Monday’s Boston bombing – there was a military ‘drill’ in action in the area… and claims this is evidence of “an advanced governmental-sponsored false flag event”- although I would question whether it was government but, rather, other (cabal) forces. I also read elsewhere today that the owners of this fertilser plant may have been involved in a previous legal case against Monsanto over its pricing of the product ‘Round Up’. The plot thickens.
But whatever happened here, due to the current energies (and the impact of social media), the truth will come to the surface far quicker than anyone who may have staged these events could ever realise.
West Texas Explosion Might Have Been Triggered by Militarized Blast, Eyewitness Says ‘It Was a Plane’
Independent video of the tragic explosion that devastated the small town of West shows that the plant was likely detonated from an outside source, and/or a possible bomb or missile.By Shepard Ambellas, Founder, – April 20, 2013
WEST — A massive blast that measured 2.1 on the Richter scale hit the small Texas town on Wednesday leveling buildings and other structures, killing and injuring a number of civilians in what most local witnesses could only describe as a “bomb blast”. In fact, some witnesses have even stated on video when asked that, “It was a plane”.
Although it has been reported as a fertilizer plant fire explosion by the entire mainstream media and government sources, there could be more to the story as local reports suggest otherwise. While it is important to note that the factory did have a history of safety problems, audio and video analysis from the explosion suggests the possibility of something else.
Good people in the area are questioning the events that took place on that grim day, and for good reason. reporter Matthew Short’s investigation concludes with video evidence that emergency response vehicles were in the area before the explosion at the fertilizer plant in West and drills were being ran as stated by the hospital’s CEO in an interview.
This is the same fingerprint we have seen during events such as the attacks on September 11, 2001, the London bombings in July of 2005, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, and even the Patriot’s Day bombing in Boston most recently.
These examples show the classic layout of an advanced governmental-sponsored false flag event, which in turn is used to further subject the populace to surveillance and the removal of our god given rights and freedoms by a government which now seems to be overran by a tyrannical force.
Information also exists the suggest nuclear preparedness mass casualty drills were being ran in the area. According to the North Central Texas Trama Regional Advisory Council’s official website the regional full scale exercise took place on the dates of April 17th and 18th, 2013;
Regional Full Scale EMTF Exercise – Black RainThe NCTTRA also released this announcement after the explosion;
Start Date/Time: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 9:00 AM
End Date/Time: Thursday, April 18, 2013 5:00 PM
Recurring Event: One time event
Importance: Normal Priority
Category: Exercises
Location: NCTTRAC Offices
Description: Regional Full Scale EMTF Exercise – Black Rain
Scenario: The North Central Texas region is impacted by a radiological catastrophe at Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant. The blast and residual fallout results in many injuries and fatalities within the immediate hazard area and the densely populated DFW Metroplex area is affected by blackouts and rolling brownouts due to loss of power generation. Blast and fallout damage results in a critical taxing of the medical community and generates a potential need for medical evacuation and vast number of worried well within the metropolitan population. Region 2 of the Texas Emergency Medical Task Force (EMTF) must activate and deploy its Ambulance, AMBUS and MMU Strike Teams to assist with the first response and contamination monitoring efforts of the medical community.
NCTTRAC Statement – West, TXAnd if that information is chilling to you, you might want to sit down to read the rest of this article.
The North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council (NCTTRAC) wants to extend its heartfelt condolences and prayers to the victims and their families, the first responders, and the community of West, Texas for their unspeakable loss. West, Texas is a community familiar and dear to many of us in the emergency medical management and response community, and we’re only beginning this morning to assess the devastation of that community.
Because of the sensitivity to the ongoing event, the response from many north central Texas assets including components of Emergency Medical Task Force (EMTF) -2 , and the potential for additional asset requests today, NCTTRAC is scaling back the remainder of the exercise we have in progress today to support activity onsite of the mobile medical units and the clinical teams in a more limited role. However, we will not have any of today’s planned EMS activities using the ambulance strike teams or the ambulance buses (AMBUSes).
The VIP tours scheduled this afternoon from noon until 3:00 pm will still take place as scheduled during this time for the mobile medical units; however we will not have any of the AMBUSes or ambulance strike teams available for touring.
NCTTRAC appreciates the support received in this event, which has provided an opportunity to highlight the excellent work accomplished in north central Texas in emergency medical planning and response. The tragedies this week are exactly why this community prepares, supports, and responds and will continue to do so.
Information has been brought to light that the explosion was triggered by another source rather from the fertilizer plant fire itself.
The videos display the lack of chemical reaction, ignition from an internal point in the plant, but rather from an outside point, possibly from the sky.
This video was filmed by a family in their car. It captures the impact of the huge explosion.
According to Matthew Short, reporter for (as stated during a radio interview) people in the area are now coming to him for answers, demonstrating the need for information as locals are not buying the official story either.
Another key piece of evidence is an actual emergency transmission from that day. In the audio to disbatch the firefighter states, “We need every ambulance we can get this way. A bomb just went off inside here, it’s pretty bad. We got a lot of firemen down.” (Audio of this is featured in video below)
Friday, 19 April 2013
Beloved Sisters~, Brothers~, Friends~ I thought to title this weekend message Heavenly WEEKEND GREETINGS from the BOLE because after having had no internet connection for five days and now we can again serve you with what we feel needs to be served over our network really feels like HEAVEN. When I was coming back online, I was very much in joy because I have seen that as we were offline for so many days, we didn't had less visitors that wanted to read what we have on our MENU-CARD and would fill their hungry bellies with some good food for thought or new creations created by someone on this planet. Sometimes the food for thought is not easy to swallow, but by chewing it throughout and the right attitude, it is always easy to digest. Having said that all what I said above, it remains only to offer you my gratitude for being with us whenever you have some time wherever you are in connection with us. As most of you know, we are not only present on our HUB but also on all the networks I provide you here below the links too. I also will offer ALL OF YOU my gratitude that provide us articles you are posting on those places that are seen in below links as this are our BRIDGES. My Gratitude is also for all of those that are NOT on our network or in one of our bridged networks present but provide tirelessly articles that help us all to make Planet Earth again a better place and are serving Humanity with love. Without you I couldn't do what I am doing and our MENU would be not the way it is. |
our SUBGROUPS are to find at: |
Now for making this weekend letter complete, I will invite you to see the latest Video I created if you haven't seen it yet. It is a short introduction what the BOLE IS all about. ENJOY the SHOW and know LOVE is the ENERGY that thrives US SiNeh~ |
Photos: Private military operatives hired to 'work' the Boston marathon with black backpacks, radiation detectors, tactical gear
Thursday, April 18, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)
(NaturalNews) Natural News has now confirmed that at least five private military contractors were operating on scene at the Boston marathon, and that they all carried black backpacks which look very similar to the backpack carrying the pressure cooker bomb (see pictures below).
The mainstream media is completely censoring any mention of these "Craft" operatives, pretending they don't even exist. Only the alternative media is conducting real investigative journalism on these bombings. The mainstream media isn't interested in the truth; they only want to spin the attack into a new way to somehow blame conservative Americans for something they had no part in.
Thanks to the help of researchers posting on 4Chan, plus a bit of our own analysis, we've been able to bring new research to light as you'll see in the photos below.
We were able to get a close-up of the object in his hand:
With a bit of research, we were able to confirm this object is an "Inspector Radiation Alert" device that detects the kind of radiation which would be produced in a dirty bomb attack or a nuclear attack:
This immediately brings up all sorts of questions, such as: Who hired this guy? Whose side is he on? Why would he anticipate the need for a nuclear radiation detector? What kind of private military operative routinely carries such expensive gadgets?
Here's a picture of three of these men reacting to the explosion. The one in the middle is the same guy in the radiation detector photo, above:
There are several things worth noting in this image:
1) All three of the men look surprised, even shocked by the events. This might argue against their prior knowledge of the bombings.
2) The object in the right hand of the man in the middle may resemble a small handgun, but I'm sure it isn't. Why? Because no highly trained private military operative would carry a handgun with a "pincer" grip as appears in the photo. A proper grip on a handgun is far deeper into the palm. This object is most likely the same radiation detector shown above, just captured from a weird angle with a flapping leather case of some sort.
3) The man on the left, an older gentleman, appears to be holding an object in his right hand which seems capable of being actuated with his thumb.
4) The man on the right reveal "The Craft" skull logo on his shirt because his jacket just happened to open up for this photo (see below).
Here's a photo comparison of "The Craft" logo on his shirt:
Here are two more operatives on the scene, wearing the exact same uniform:
If you look at the hat for one of these men, you can clearly see "the Craft" skull logo on his hat:
Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle was also a member of The Craft. He was murdered by one of his close friends a few months ago. The appearance of The Craft operatives at the Boston marathon bombing raises new questions about Chris Kyle's death:
Here's Chris Kyle on national TV wearing the "Craft" hat:
Here's the Craft motto, which says "Violence does solve problems."
If you still doubt these are "Craft" operatives, check out The Craft website where all these images, logos and uniforms are instantly confirmed.
Here's another view of the "Craft" skull logo on a training shirt, taken from their own website:
This photo shows The Craft operatives at a trade show. Everybody is wearing the trademark tan combat boots and tan BDUs:
How are photos of actual people at the event a conspiracy theory?
They aren't. In real police work, they're called "evidence," and the people in these photos should be persons of interest.
But they aren't. The entire mainstream media and law enforcement apparatus is now pretending these men don't exist. (Now that's their conspiracy theory!)
We all know, however, that The Craft operatives don't work for free. They aren't a band of volunteers. And that means somebody paid them to be at the event.
Who paid The Craft to be there? And what was their mission?
Why is their existence at the Boston marathon being memory-holed? Why are they not "persons of interest" in the investigation?
Why do they carry radiation detectors? What's in their backpacks? (A ham sandwich?)
The fact that the media refuses to even acknowledge the existence of these private military operatives is quite telling all by itself.
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)
(NaturalNews) Natural News has now confirmed that at least five private military contractors were operating on scene at the Boston marathon, and that they all carried black backpacks which look very similar to the backpack carrying the pressure cooker bomb (see pictures below).
The mainstream media is completely censoring any mention of these "Craft" operatives, pretending they don't even exist. Only the alternative media is conducting real investigative journalism on these bombings. The mainstream media isn't interested in the truth; they only want to spin the attack into a new way to somehow blame conservative Americans for something they had no part in.
Thanks to the help of researchers posting on 4Chan, plus a bit of our own analysis, we've been able to bring new research to light as you'll see in the photos below.
Who is this guy and what is he holding in his hand?
The following photo was snapped mere moments after the first bomb detonation. Many people are asking, "Who is this guy?" and why is he dressed in combat boots and military BDUs (pants)? More importantly, what is he carrying in his hand?We were able to get a close-up of the object in his hand:
With a bit of research, we were able to confirm this object is an "Inspector Radiation Alert" device that detects the kind of radiation which would be produced in a dirty bomb attack or a nuclear attack:
This immediately brings up all sorts of questions, such as: Who hired this guy? Whose side is he on? Why would he anticipate the need for a nuclear radiation detector? What kind of private military operative routinely carries such expensive gadgets?
Four more operatives with the exact same uniforms
As we browsed through the photos, we located four more private military operatives with the exact same dress: Tan combat boots, tan BDUs, black jackets, black backpacks and tactical communications gear.Here's a picture of three of these men reacting to the explosion. The one in the middle is the same guy in the radiation detector photo, above:
There are several things worth noting in this image:
1) All three of the men look surprised, even shocked by the events. This might argue against their prior knowledge of the bombings.
2) The object in the right hand of the man in the middle may resemble a small handgun, but I'm sure it isn't. Why? Because no highly trained private military operative would carry a handgun with a "pincer" grip as appears in the photo. A proper grip on a handgun is far deeper into the palm. This object is most likely the same radiation detector shown above, just captured from a weird angle with a flapping leather case of some sort.
3) The man on the left, an older gentleman, appears to be holding an object in his right hand which seems capable of being actuated with his thumb.
4) The man on the right reveal "The Craft" skull logo on his shirt because his jacket just happened to open up for this photo (see below).
Here's a photo comparison of "The Craft" logo on his shirt:
Here are two more operatives on the scene, wearing the exact same uniform:
If you look at the hat for one of these men, you can clearly see "the Craft" skull logo on his hat:
Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle was also a member of The Craft. He was murdered by one of his close friends a few months ago. The appearance of The Craft operatives at the Boston marathon bombing raises new questions about Chris Kyle's death:
Here's Chris Kyle on national TV wearing the "Craft" hat:
Here's the Craft motto, which says "Violence does solve problems."
If you still doubt these are "Craft" operatives, check out The Craft website where all these images, logos and uniforms are instantly confirmed.
Bomb bag resembles the black backpacks worn by The Craft operatives
Here's where all this gets incredibly spooky: The backpack that carried the pressure cooker bomb looks very similar to the black backpacks worn by The Craft operatives:Here's another view of the "Craft" skull logo on a training shirt, taken from their own website:
This photo shows The Craft operatives at a trade show. Everybody is wearing the trademark tan combat boots and tan BDUs:
What does it all mean?
First off, let's get the attacks of the moron trolls out of the way -- people who will say these photos are a "conspiracy theory."How are photos of actual people at the event a conspiracy theory?
They aren't. In real police work, they're called "evidence," and the people in these photos should be persons of interest.
But they aren't. The entire mainstream media and law enforcement apparatus is now pretending these men don't exist. (Now that's their conspiracy theory!)
We all know, however, that The Craft operatives don't work for free. They aren't a band of volunteers. And that means somebody paid them to be at the event.
Who paid The Craft to be there? And what was their mission?
Why is their existence at the Boston marathon being memory-holed? Why are they not "persons of interest" in the investigation?
Why do they carry radiation detectors? What's in their backpacks? (A ham sandwich?)
The fact that the media refuses to even acknowledge the existence of these private military operatives is quite telling all by itself.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Sirius Film Team Announces Atacama Humanoid Age & Sex Determined
Sirius Film Team Announces Atacama Humanoid Age & Sex Determined
The team behind the forthcoming documentary 'Sirius,' which features the work of Dr. Steve Greer and his effort to drive disclosure regarding UFO's, ET's and their technology, today announces additional conclusive DNA & Scientific analysis findings: The 'Atacama Humanoid' featured in 'Sirius,' was male and survived post-birth 6 to 8 years.
Los Angeles ,CA (PRWEB) April 16, 2013
Last week, the upcoming documentary film team behind 'Sirius' released an announcement about the scientific study of a DNA sequenced humanoid of unknown classification, known as the 'Atacama Humanoid.'The announcement went viral immediately, quickly becoming the most popular story on the Huffington Post for three days, generating 4,300 comments, 32,000 FB 'Likes' and additional coverage by various other news agencies. The film's trailer on YouTube, has now generated a combined 1.1 million views. In response to the numerous questions raised by the film's trailer release, Dr. Steven Greer and the team behind 'Sirius' are now revealing more details about the results of the scientific studies that are documented in the film.
Today, the team has elected to share the following additional 'Atacama Humanoid' conclusive findings: 'Ata' was male and survived post-birth 6 to 8 years.
Speaking specifically to Internet controversy over 'Ata,'..While it's size led many to suggest that it was an aborted fetus, bone density and epiphyseal plate studies have already concluded that this creature survived post-birth 6 to 8 years.
There will be considerably more DNA analysis results information released to the public on 'Ata,' the 'Atacama Humanoid,' as the team is calling him, between today and the 22nd.
In addition to documenting this ongoing scientific study, 'Sirius' explores the subject of UFO and ET visitation, the disclosure of secret UFO files, and the investigation of advanced energy and propulsion technologies extraterrestrial civilizations are using to travel to Earth. Based on an abundance of evidence and credible witness testimony, gathered across two decades by physician and Disclosure Project founder Dr. Steven Greer, 'Sirius'reveals how and why these energy technologies are being suppressed in favor of maintaining the current petrochemical system.
'Sirius' takes the oft-ridiculed or misrepresented subject of UFOs and extraterrestrials and subjects it to an unprecedented level of scientific rigor, as evidenced by the credentials of the scientists behind the study of the 'Atacama Humanoid,' capable of spearheading the ground-breaking scientific revelation of a never-before classified intelligent species.
The 'Sirius' film premieres in Los Angeles at the prestigious Regal Premiere Cinema at LA Live on Earth Day and will be released online and in select theaters worldwide, starting April 22.
To view the most recent 'Sirius' trailer and for more information, visit:
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Benjamin Fulford 4-15-13... 'North Korean nukes, Syrian chemical weapons all linked to desperate Zionists'
Benjamin Fulford
The systematic take-down of the criminal Sabbatean Satan worshipping Zionist cabal that seized power in the West through control of the financial system is continuing despite their ongoing threats of mass murder.The latest casualty, a victim of murder according to MI5, is Nat Rothschild, until recently the presumptive heir to the Rothschild dynasty. This information has not been confirmed by other sources but the most recent public appearance this writer could find of him on the internet was March 26th. If he was killed, then he joins the former Pope, 26 US generals, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and countless others in being removed from the apex of power in recent months.
One possible hint that more cabal purges are in the works is the fact that Japan’s Imperial Household Agency has still not said whether or not the Crown Prince will accept an invitation to the coronation of the new Dutch King Willem-Alexander on April 30th even though an answer was supposed to have been given by the end of March.
This may be related to an intensifying campaign to remove the Windsor (Saxe-Gotha/Rothschild) family from the British throne, the house of Saud from control of the Arabian oilfields and stooge president Obama from the White House, according to gnostic illuminati, MI5 and Vatican P2 lodge sources.
The cabal has been trying desperately to start a major war to keep in power but nobody in control of serious military power is being fooled any more. The people in the pentagon know that it is the Zionist cabal that is behind both the North Korean nuclear threats and the talk of chemical weapons being used in Syria. They are not going to be manipulated into Zionist wars anymore, pentagon sources say.
Skull and Bones closet homosexual Nazi stooge US Secretary of State John Kerry was in Asia last week stirring up trouble but was not being taken seriously. Kerry and his fellow Zionist agent Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad were both involved in the “October surprise” sabotage of the 1980 rescue mission of US hostages being held by the Iranian government, according to MI5. During the Iranian hostage crisis Ahmadinejad was one of the hostage takers. Ahjadinejad reported to CIA agent Tim Ozman (aka Osama Bin Laden) who in turn reported to George Bush Sr. during that operation according to both CIA and MI5 sources. Kerry worked on the US side of this operation to ensure the hostages were not freed until after Bush and Reagan were elected.
It appears that Kerry’s visit to Asia was timed to coincide with a psychological warfare operation that was scheduled for April 13th but was aborted. Japanese TV stations had cancelled their regular TV programming for what was supposed to be a special announcement at 9 PM on the 13th. Several Japanese government offices also sent out false reports on that day that North Korea had launched a missile. However, nothing happened and the official North Korean news agency website was taken off the internet for a while when it became clear the North Koreans were no longer following the Zionist script.
Obama’s messengers had given North Korea $3 billion to stage provocations but the North Koreans stopped cooperating when they found out that Israeli nuclear submarines were planning to stage nuclear terror attacks to blame on them, according to Japanese military intelligence.
Here is a message to you Kerry: you are a common criminal and you are going to go to jail along with your Nazi buddies.
Pope Francis has the idea that George Bush Sr. (Kerry’s boss) will be charged with something soon, according to an Italian aristocrat close to the Vatican. The new Pope also does not support Obama, according to this source.
Perhaps that is why anonymous sources in the UK and Brussels fed a well-meaning but misguided group known as the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCC) information supposedly linking Pope Francis to the acquisition of Exocet missiles in Argentina during the Falklands war.
While it is almost certain that P2 lodge members were involved in the missile deal, the Catholic church at the time spent most of its considerable energy and influence stopping the Argentine fascist junta from invading their neighbour Chile and trying to save innocent Argentines from regime murder squads.
The new pope these days is evading his security guards and running around in a disguise of jeans and a sweatshirt trying to find out what is really going on, according to a Vatican source.
The source admits the former president of the Vatican bank was engaged in money laundering and that money laundering was still going on there. “The Vatican has been laundering money for different kings and armies for centuries,” the source said adding that “after it is laundered it can be used for good.”
The other person under attack these days is Queen Elizabeth and her family. A gnostic illuminati source says the Saxe Gotha/Rothschild dynasty had criminally seized the throne and had to be removed. One of their members sent the following UK TV documentary as partial proof:
It basically says the kingship was usurped centuries ago by Edward IV. Other sources, including the daughter of abdicated King Edward VII, say the line was usurped again in the 19th century by the Rothschild and the German Saxe Gotha families.
This may all be true but, in Asia the belief is that whoever sits on the throne at present has the de facto “mandate of heaven.” It is up to the English people and the Privy Council to decide who sits on the throne.
The increased attacks on the Queen may be linked to an intensifying investigation of the aborted nuclear terror attack on the UK Olympic Games last summer. The investigative trail has now led to former London Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner John Yates. Yates caused the wrongful arrest of the top SAS anti-terror agent in London by falsely blaming him of leaking information to the press that was actually leaked by Yates. Yates is now in Bahrain teaching the government there how to suppress demonstrators.
Yates did a post-graduate in applied criminology at Cambridge along with Sarah Thornton, the woman who was promoted after UK bioweapons expert David Kelly was killed in her district.
We have also been contacted by MI6 to let us know that when, as we reported previously, their agent Alexander Moore went to the Australian Embassy in Tokyo and asked them to inform Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of an impending nuclear terror attack against Japan, the embassy never passed the information on to Rudd. Instead they sent it straight to Washington and that led to Rudd’s removal, MI6 says. Rudd himself was only aware of plans to use new energy technology to turn Australia’s deserts green.
One final note, Google has been confirmed to be evil because it is actively hiding truth about cabal mass murder. That means several top Google executives are now destined for jail or even worse fates.
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Includes Possible Alien life disclosure, enhanced brain performance and rogue geo-engineering.
Will the disclosure be real or fake...?
Who is doing the 'rogue geoengineering?
If this is about SRM why do they spray at night...?
Aurora Flight Sciences specializes in the design and construction of unmanned aircraft. Aurora has been established for 20+ years and their headquarters is at the Manassas Airport in Manassas, VA.
Warning: Contains a swear word.
Includes Possible Alien life disclosure, enhanced brain performance and rogue geo-engineering.
Will the disclosure be real or fake...?
Who is doing the 'rogue geoengineering?
If this is about SRM why do they spray at night...?
Aurora Flight Sciences specializes in the design and construction of unmanned aircraft. Aurora has been established for 20+ years and their headquarters is at the Manassas Airport in Manassas, VA.
Warning: Contains a swear word.
Monday, 8 April 2013
Benjamin Fulford April 8 2013 - Sabbatean mafia plans to stage nuclear terror, blame North Korea
The Sabbatean mafia that illegally seized control in the West is planning to stage nuclear terror attacks and blame them on North Korea, intelligence agency sources say. Google chief Eric Schmidt and basketball start Dennis Rodman recently visited North Korea as envoys of US President Barak Obama, MI6 and Japan-based North Korean sources say
The Sabbatean mafia that illegally seized control in the West is planning to stage nuclear terror attacks and blame them on North Korea, intelligence agency sources say. Google chief Eric Schmidt and basketball start Dennis Rodman recently visited North Korea as envoys of US President Barak Obama, MI6 and Japan-based North Korean sources say (shortly after Schmidt’s visit to North Korea, there was an attack on South Korean banking and media websites that was originally blamed on North Korea and China turns out to have originated in the US, most likely courtesy of Google).
The visits were aimed at encouraging North Korea to make nuclear provocations so that it could later be plausibly blamed for nuclear terrorist attacks carried out by the Sabbatean mafia, the sources say. To under-score this, the Mossad linked website had an article last week that basically threatened a North Korean nuclear terror attack unless Israeli interests were served.
Here is, in part, is what it said:
“So long as the Obama administration sticks to its current separate policies on Syria and Iran, Iran and Korea, Moscow and Beijing won’t lift a finger to apply the brakes to Kim Jong-Un before he drives the world to catastrophe.”
This is not even a fig-leaf of plausible deniability; why would North Korea risk nuclear annihilation to serve Israeli interests?
Both the official North Korean News Service and the pentagon are dialing back tensions even as the Zionist media continues its hysterical campaign to demonize North Korea. The fact of the matter is that two Sabbatean/Zionist/Nazi submarines have been sent to carry out nuclear terror attacks to protect Zionist’s fascist rule of the West. The Navy Intelligence information/disinformation site Sorcha Faal says the submarines are likely to attack either Yokohama (i.e. the US Yokota naval base in Yokohama, Japan), Busan in South Korea, Portland Oregon or Los Angeles.
Nobody will be fooled though and the Gnostic Illuminati are promising a retaliatory attack against Jerusalem if the Sabbateans try to pull off another nuclear terror attack. A South Korean government official also said his government knows North Korea is not planning any attack.
The same cabal is spreading bio-weapons in China, dumping nuclear waste in Japan and threatening to trigger an earthquake in California in a sign of vicious desperation.
The desperation is being triggered by an international dragnet that is closing in on them from all directions. The attacks against the cabal are being carried out by multiple intelligence and police agencies using various covers. For example, the US agency backed hacker group anonymous has hacked Israeli database and found the names of 30,000 Mossad agents around the world. These names have been forwarded to the relevant authorities. Anonymous has also announced an attack on Israel’s web presence.
The other big agency attack against the Sabbateans took the form of a release by the “International Consortium of Investigative Journalists,” of the names of holders of offshore bank accounts worth $32 trillion dollars (over twice the US GDP). Before the website was taken down and put up again in sanitized form, it released the details of accounts held by people like Barak Obama, Tony Blair, the Governor of the Bank of England, Hillary Clinton etc. For example, the Obama offshore account totals $30 billion and is held under the name Henry Ansbacher.
Another attack was the release by Wikileaks of millions of documents linked to arch-cabalist Henry Kissinger including such juicy Kissinger quotes as “the illegal we do overnight, the unconstitutional takes longer.”
The financial attack on the cabal is also intensifying. The widely reported physical gold shortages, such as the line ups at gold outlets in Thailand, are being caused by cabalists desperately trying to use their fiat paper currencies to buy physical gold. In the case of Thailand, the Saudi Royal family and their buddies the Bushes are working with Japanese crime syndicates to buy Thai and Persian royal family gold.
The wife of the Prime Minister of a major Asian country even phoned this writer last week to ask where gold could be found (Hong Kong, Switzerland and Indonesia was my best guesstimate answer).
In Japan, the big monetary easing announced by the Bank of Japan last week is actually a massive move to protect Goldman Sachs and the Rockefellers, according to the executive of a Japanese securities company. Goldman Sachs is in severe trouble in South Korea, Japan and elsewhere and is using yen in a desperate move to keep itself afloat, he said.
“The entire South Korean financial system is controlled by Goldman Sachs and it is imploding under bad debt,” he said. A South Korean government official denied this.
However, a White Dragon Foundation delegation to Seoul was recently shown photographs of large amounts of gold for sale supposedly held at a secret location in South Korea. However, the South Korean side, including representatives of the 6 largest conglomerates and the South Korean government, were unable to provide a photograph of a recent newspaper being held in front of the gold.
There is also a desperate move by North and South Koreans in Japan to liquidate their yen holdings and either buy South Korean won or gold before their money is confiscated by the Japanese tax authorities, the executive said.
The Japanese monetary easing and the attempts to grab Korean assets are a sign of desperation by cabalists stooges in the Japanese political scene who see their Sabbatean bosses being pulled down above their heads.
Until this battle is finally over and the cabal is dealt with, the world faces real risks of another major terror attack. Asked for his reaction to the ongoing takedown of the cabal, a senior member of the fascist P2 freemason lodge said “take a look at the radiation in Fukushima and the flu in China.” He then continued, “millions will die in America on the West Coast.”
Here is a counter prediction: “thousands will be arrested or killed until the cabal surrenders.”
source »Benjamin Fulford 4-8-13
The Sabbatean mafia that illegally seized control in the West is planning to stage nuclear terror attacks and blame them on North Korea, intelligence agency sources say. Google chief Eric Schmidt and basketball start Dennis Rodman recently visited North Korea as envoys of US President Barak Obama, MI6 and Japan-based North Korean sources say (shortly after Schmidt’s visit to North Korea, there was an attack on South Korean banking and media websites that was originally blamed on North Korea and China turns out to have originated in the US, most likely courtesy of Google).
The visits were aimed at encouraging North Korea to make nuclear provocations so that it could later be plausibly blamed for nuclear terrorist attacks carried out by the Sabbatean mafia, the sources say. To under-score this, the Mossad linked website had an article last week that basically threatened a North Korean nuclear terror attack unless Israeli interests were served.
Here is, in part, is what it said:
“So long as the Obama administration sticks to its current separate policies on Syria and Iran, Iran and Korea, Moscow and Beijing won’t lift a finger to apply the brakes to Kim Jong-Un before he drives the world to catastrophe.”
This is not even a fig-leaf of plausible deniability; why would North Korea risk nuclear annihilation to serve Israeli interests?
Both the official North Korean News Service and the pentagon are dialing back tensions even as the Zionist media continues its hysterical campaign to demonize North Korea. The fact of the matter is that two Sabbatean/Zionist/Nazi submarines have been sent to carry out nuclear terror attacks to protect Zionist’s fascist rule of the West. The Navy Intelligence information/disinformation site Sorcha Faal says the submarines are likely to attack either Yokohama (i.e. the US Yokota naval base in Yokohama, Japan), Busan in South Korea, Portland Oregon or Los Angeles.
Nobody will be fooled though and the Gnostic Illuminati are promising a retaliatory attack against Jerusalem if the Sabbateans try to pull off another nuclear terror attack. A South Korean government official also said his government knows North Korea is not planning any attack.
The same cabal is spreading bio-weapons in China, dumping nuclear waste in Japan and threatening to trigger an earthquake in California in a sign of vicious desperation.
The desperation is being triggered by an international dragnet that is closing in on them from all directions. The attacks against the cabal are being carried out by multiple intelligence and police agencies using various covers. For example, the US agency backed hacker group anonymous has hacked Israeli database and found the names of 30,000 Mossad agents around the world. These names have been forwarded to the relevant authorities. Anonymous has also announced an attack on Israel’s web presence.
The other big agency attack against the Sabbateans took the form of a release by the “International Consortium of Investigative Journalists,” of the names of holders of offshore bank accounts worth $32 trillion dollars (over twice the US GDP). Before the website was taken down and put up again in sanitized form, it released the details of accounts held by people like Barak Obama, Tony Blair, the Governor of the Bank of England, Hillary Clinton etc. For example, the Obama offshore account totals $30 billion and is held under the name Henry Ansbacher.
Another attack was the release by Wikileaks of millions of documents linked to arch-cabalist Henry Kissinger including such juicy Kissinger quotes as “the illegal we do overnight, the unconstitutional takes longer.”
The financial attack on the cabal is also intensifying. The widely reported physical gold shortages, such as the line ups at gold outlets in Thailand, are being caused by cabalists desperately trying to use their fiat paper currencies to buy physical gold. In the case of Thailand, the Saudi Royal family and their buddies the Bushes are working with Japanese crime syndicates to buy Thai and Persian royal family gold.
The wife of the Prime Minister of a major Asian country even phoned this writer last week to ask where gold could be found (Hong Kong, Switzerland and Indonesia was my best guesstimate answer).
In Japan, the big monetary easing announced by the Bank of Japan last week is actually a massive move to protect Goldman Sachs and the Rockefellers, according to the executive of a Japanese securities company. Goldman Sachs is in severe trouble in South Korea, Japan and elsewhere and is using yen in a desperate move to keep itself afloat, he said.
“The entire South Korean financial system is controlled by Goldman Sachs and it is imploding under bad debt,” he said. A South Korean government official denied this.
However, a White Dragon Foundation delegation to Seoul was recently shown photographs of large amounts of gold for sale supposedly held at a secret location in South Korea. However, the South Korean side, including representatives of the 6 largest conglomerates and the South Korean government, were unable to provide a photograph of a recent newspaper being held in front of the gold.
There is also a desperate move by North and South Koreans in Japan to liquidate their yen holdings and either buy South Korean won or gold before their money is confiscated by the Japanese tax authorities, the executive said.
The Japanese monetary easing and the attempts to grab Korean assets are a sign of desperation by cabalists stooges in the Japanese political scene who see their Sabbatean bosses being pulled down above their heads.
Until this battle is finally over and the cabal is dealt with, the world faces real risks of another major terror attack. Asked for his reaction to the ongoing takedown of the cabal, a senior member of the fascist P2 freemason lodge said “take a look at the radiation in Fukushima and the flu in China.” He then continued, “millions will die in America on the West Coast.”
Here is a counter prediction: “thousands will be arrested or killed until the cabal surrenders.”
source »Benjamin Fulford 4-8-13
Sunday, 7 April 2013
Absolutely disgusting - straight from Huxley's Brave New World: MSNBC host says children belong to 'us', not the parents
Absolutely disgusting - straight from Huxley's Brave New World: MSNBC host says children belong to 'us', not the parents
Melissa Harris-Perry is regurgitating the Obama “you didn’t build that” meme. “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that,” Obama said during a campaign stop in Roanoke, Virginia. “Somebody else made that happen,” it was not the result of individual initiative. “The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.”'
And this happen just two days ago in the UK and as far I know it's happen almost daily.
UK Column Live: Another day ... another child ... another outrage
The new norm in police state child-for-sale Britain and it is happening all over the world.
A must-watch to the end.
Published on 5 Apr 2013 by ukcolumn
Please watch all of this, and then act. Many people will find this video disturbing and may feel they cannot watch it to the end. But if you don't watch it you have become part of the problem of a society denying the reality of what is happening on a daily basis.
They took this baby on the grounds of "possible future emotional harm" because of the mother's learning difficulties. The parents are good people, who have done nothing to cause harm to anyone.
This is an example of the precautionary principle in action. From wikipedia: "The formal concept [of the precautionary principle] evolved out of the German socio-legal tradition in the 1930s". Does anything else need to be said?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~They took this baby on the grounds of "possible future emotional harm" because of the mother's learning difficulties. The parents are good people, who have done nothing to cause harm to anyone.
This is an example of the precautionary principle in action. From wikipedia: "The formal concept [of the precautionary principle] evolved out of the German socio-legal tradition in the 1930s". Does anything else need to be said?
And more here
Mass Arrest and Gun And Child Confiscation Has Begun In America
'The police state starts out by throwing the book at selected groups like liberty lovers and veterans, pot smokers and gun owners alike.
'Children are being abducted by the nanny state as the tyranny escalates. History demonstrates that the tyranny does not stop at these groups but soon every citizen falls victim to police state terror. The police state isn’t coming, it’s already here!'
Published on 5 Apr 2013 by TheAlexJonesChannel
Tyranny is rising. The examples we have seen from the 20th century by Hitler's Nazi Germany, Stalin, Mao and other despots are surfacing in America today. The police state starts out by throwing the book at selected groups like liberty lovers and veterans, pot smokers and gun owners alike. Children are being abducted by the nanny state as the tyranny escalates. History demonstrates that the tyranny does not stop at these groups but soon every citizen falls victim to police state terror. The police state isn't coming, its already here!
World Must Unite Against US-Saudi-Israeli Proxy War in Syria (mirrored)
Thanks to Parsifal that posted this on one of our BRIDGES
US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel have conspired to destroy Syria by way of arming sectarian extremists since 2007.
While the West has attempted to portray the full-scale conflict beginning in Syria in 2011 as first, a "pro-democracy uprising," to now a "sectarian conflict," recent atrocities carried out by US-Saudi-Israeli proxies have shifted the assault to include Sunni Muslims unable or unwilling to participate in the destruction of the Syrian state.
Such attacks included a mortar bombardment of Damascus University, killing 15 and injuring dozens more, as well as the brutal slaying of two prominent Sunni Muslim clerics - the latest of which was beheaded, his body paraded through the streets of Aleppo, and his head hung from the mosque he preached in.
While the West attempts to mitigate these events by labeling the victims as "pro-government," the reality is that the forces fighting inside Syria are funded, armed, directed, and politically supported from abroad - and therefore do not represent any of the Syrian people's interests, including those Syrians who do not support the government.
It is abundantly clear that the West's goal is neither to institute "democracy," nor even take sides in a "sectarian conflict," but rather carry out the complete and permanent destruction of Syria as a nation-state, sparing no one, not even Sunnis.
Such a proxy war exists contra to any conceivable interpretation of "international law."
The world is left with a moral imperative to not only denounce this insidious conflict brought upon the Syrian people, compounded and perpetuated entirely by external interests, but demands that concrete action is taken to ensure that this act of aggression is brought to an end.
The US, UK, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have admitted to colluding together, flooding Syria with thousands of tons of weapons via Jordan to Syria's south, and NATO-member Turkey to Syria's north.
And in an otherwise inexplicable conundrum, while the likes of US Secretary of State John Kerry insist this torrent of weapons is being directed to "moderates," neither the US nor its allies are able to explain why Al Qaeda terror front Jabhat al-Nusra has emerged as the most heavily armed, best equipped militant organization in the conflict.
AP reported specifically in their article, "Officials: Arms shipments rise to Syrian rebels," that:
US Secretary of State John Kerry said on the sidelines of a Syrian opposition meeting in Italy last month that the weapons are ending up in the hands of secular groups.
"I will tell you this: There is a very clear ability now in the Syrian opposition to make certain that what goes to the moderate, legitimate opposition is in fact getting to them, and the indication is that they are increasing their pressure as a result of that," he said, without elaborating.
But even AP admits that:
Syrian opposition activists estimate there are 15-20 different brigades fighting in and around Damascus now, each with up to 150 fighters.
Many of them have Islamic tendencies and bear black-and-white Islamic flags or al-Qaeda-style flags on their Facebook pages.
There is also a presence of Jabhat al-Nusra, one of the strongest Islamic terrorist groups fighting alongside the rebels.
The US State Department's own statement regarding the designation of al-Nusra as a listed Al Qaeda terror organization states:
Since November 2011, al-Nusrah Front has claimed nearly 600 attacks – ranging from more than 40 suicide attacks to small arms and improvised explosive device operations - in major city centers including Damascus, Aleppo, Hamah, Dara, Homs, Idlib, and Dayr al-Zawr.
According to the US State Department, al-Nusra is carrying out hundreds of attacks with a wide array of weaponry, across the entire nation of Syria, indicating a massive front and implying an equally massive network of logistical support, including foreign sponsorship.
What's more, is that the US State Department acknowledges al-Nusra's presence even in cities close to Syria's borders where the CIA is admittedly overseeing the distribution of weapons and cash.
The New York Times, in their June 2012 article, "C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition," reported that:
A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.
And in New York Times' more recent March 2013 article, "Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With Aid From C.I.A.," it is admitted that weapons are being funneled into Syria across both its borders with Turkey and Jordan:
With help from the C.I.A., Arab governments and Turkey have sharply increased their military aid to Syria’s opposition fighters in recent months, expanding a secret airlift of arms and equipment for the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, according to air traffic data, interviews with officials in several countries and the accounts of rebel commanders.
The article would also state:
Although rebel commanders and the data indicate that Qatar and Saudi Arabia had been shipping military materials via Turkey to the opposition since early and late 2012, respectively, a major hurdle was removed late last fall after the Turkish government agreed to allow the pace of air shipments to accelerate, officials said.
Simultaneously, arms and equipment were being purchased by Saudi Arabia in Croatia and flown to Jordan on Jordanian cargo planes for rebels working in southern Syria and for retransfer to Turkey for rebels groups operating from there, several officials said.
The US State Department acknowledges that the well armed, prominent terror front al-Nusra is operating in the very areas the CIA is feeding weapons and cash into.
Image: (Left) West Point's Combating Terrorism Center's 2007 report, "Al-Qa'ida's Foreign Fighters in Iraq" indicated which areas in Syria Al Qaeda fighters filtering into Iraq came from. The overwhelming majority of them came from Dayr Al-Zawr in Syria's southeast, Idlib in the north near the Turkish-Syrian border, and Dar'a in the south near the Jordanian-Syrian border. (Right) A map indicating the epicenters of violence in Syria indicate that the exact same hotbeds for Al Qaeda in 2007, now serve as the epicenters of so-called "pro-democracy fighters" and also happen to be areas the US CIA is admittedly distributing weapons and other aid in.
Such a reality directly contradicts the US State Department's official position, and no explanation is given as to how "moderates" can be provided with such extensive support, and still be eclipsed militarily and logistically by terror-front al-Nusra. That is, unless of course, the US, British, Saudi, and Qatari weapons aren't simply just handing the weapons directly to terrorists, precisely as planned as early as 2007.
The Destruction of Syria Began in 2007, Not 2011
While the West has attempted to reclaim Syria as part of its sphere of influence for decades, concrete plans for the latest proxy war were laid at least as early as 2007.
It was admitted in 2007 that the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel conspired together to fund, arm, and direct sectarian extremists including militants "sympathetic" to Al Qaeda, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood, against the governments of Iran and Syria.
In Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh's 2007 New Yorker article, "The Redirection: Is the Administration’s new policy benefiting our enemies in the war on terrorism?" the conspiracy was described as follows:
To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East.
In Lebanon, the Administration has cooperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran.
The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria.
A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.
Hersh also cited US, Saudi, and Lebanese officials who indicated that, "in the past year, the Saudis, the Israelis, and the Bush Administration have developed a series of informal understandings about their new strategic direction," and that, "the Saudi government, with Washington’s approval, would provide funds and logistical aid to weaken the government of President Bashir Assad, of Syria.
The report would also state:
Some of the core tactics of the redirection are not public, however.
The clandestine operations have been kept secret, in some cases, by leaving the execution or the funding to the Saudis, or by finding other ways to work around the normal congressional appropriations process, current and former officials close to the Administration said.
Mention of the Muslim Brotherhood already receiving aid even in 2007 was also made:
The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, a branch of a radical Sunni movement founded in Egypt in 1928, engaged in more than a decade of violent opposition to the regime of Hafez Assad, Bashir’s father.
In 1982, the Brotherhood took control of the city of Hama; Assad bombarded the city for a week, killing between six thousand and twenty thousand people. Membership in the Brotherhood is punishable by death in Syria.
The Brotherhood is also an avowed enemy of the U.S. and of Israel.
Nevertheless, Jumblatt said, “We told Cheney that the basic link between Iran and Lebanon is Syria-and to weaken Iran you need to open the door to effective Syrian opposition.”
There is evidence that the Administration’s redirection strategy has already benefitted the Brotherhood.
The Syrian National Salvation Front is a coalition of opposition groups whose principal members are a faction led by Abdul Halim Khaddam, a former Syrian Vice-President who defected in 2005, and the Brotherhood.
A former high-ranking C.I.A. officer told me, “The Americans have provided both political and financial support.
The Saudis are taking the lead with financial support, but there is American involvement.”
He said that Khaddam, who now lives in Paris, was getting money from Saudi Arabia, with the knowledge of the White House. (In 2005, a delegation of the Front’s members met with officials from the National Security Council, according to press reports.)
A former White House official told me that the Saudis had provided members of the Front with travel documents.
The Wall Street Journal in 2007 would also implicate the Muslim Brotherhood and more specifically, the so-called "National Salvation Front," in its article, "To Check Syria, U.S. Explores Bond With Muslim Brothers."
It is clear that the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel planned to use sectarian extremists against the nation of Syria starting at least as early as 2007, and it is clear that now these sectarian extremists are carrying out the destruction of Syria with a massive torrent of weapons and cash provided by the US and its regional allies, just as was described by Hersh's report.
A Moral Imperative to Save Syria
Syria is under attack by an insidious, premeditated foreign assault, intentionally using terrorist proxies in direct and complete violation of any conceivable interpretation of both national and international law.
The world has a moral imperative to support the Syrian people and their government as they fight this assault - both politically and logistically.
While US Secretary John Kerry is unable to account for how his nation's support for moderates has left Al Qaeda's al-Nusra front the premier militant faction in Syria, he has demanded that Iraq help stem the flow of alleged aid Iran is providing the Syrian government as it fights these terrorists.
Does US Secretary of State John Kerry deny that Syria is fighting a significant (and continuously growing) Al Qaeda presence within their borders, which according to the US State Department's own statement, is operating in every major city in the country?
What conceivable explanation or excuse could be made to justify the blockading of aid sent to Syria to fight Al Qaeda terrorists?
In fact, why isn't the US aiding the Syrian government itself in its fight against Al Qaeda - a terrorist organization the US has used as an excuse to wage unending global war since 2001 when Al Qaeda allegedly killed some 3,000 American civilians?
Does Secretary Kerry believe that further arming "moderates" is a legitimate strategy to counter Al Qaeda's growing presence in Syria when these "moderates" openly defend Al Qaeda's al-Nusra? The US' own hand-picked "Syrian opposition leader," Mouaz al Khatib, demanded the US reconsider its designation of al Nusra as a terrorist organization.
Retuers reported in their article, "Syrian opposition urges U.S. review of al-Nusra blacklisting," that:
The leader of Syria's opposition coalition urged the United States on Wednesday to review its decision to designate the militant Islamist Jabhat al-Nusra as a terrorist group, saying religion was a legitimate motive for Syrian rebels.
"The decision to consider a party that is fighting the regime as a terrorist party needs to be reviewed," Mouaz Alkhatib told a "Friends of Syria" meeting in Morocco, where Western and Arab states granted full recognition to the coalition seeking to oust President Bashar al-Assad.
The US is directly responsible for the emergence and perpetuation of Al Qaeda and other extremist groups in Syria. The statements of Secretary John Kerry are made merely to maintain an increasingly tenuous "plausible deniability."
The precedent being set by the US and its allies is one of using full-scale proxy invasions, that if successful in Syria, will be directed into Iran, up through the Caucasus Mountains in Russia, and even onto China's doorstep via extremists the West is cultivating amongst the Uighurs.
It is also clear that the West is directly responsible for the extremists within their own borders, and that these extremists are being used as a political tool against the people of the West, just as they are being used as a mercenary force abroad.
A united front between nations against this wanton state sponsorship of terrorism is needed - with nations pledging political and logistical support to the Syrian people to defeat this open conspiracy.
Individually, we can identify, boycott, and permanently replace the corporate-financier interests who conceived of and are driving this agenda. Failure to stop such wide scale criminality against the Syrian people now, will only invite greater criminality against us all in the near future.
Thank you Tony for the Copyrights - Parsifal
Image Islamic State Flag of Iraq, now Syria (Al-Qaeda aka Al-CIA-da) source
The West now admits it, along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have provided thousands of tons of weapons to militants in Syria - while also conceding that Al Qaeda's Syrian franchise, Jabhat al-Nusra is the best armed, most well equipped militant front in the conflict.
US, Saudi, Israeli-backed terrorists are now committing a myriad of horrific atrocities against all of Syria's population, including Sunni Muslims - meaning neither "democracy" nor even "sectarianism" drives the conflict, but rather the destruction of Syria in its entirety.
US State Department acknowledges Syria faces threat from Al Qaeda, demands blockade of arms/aid from reaching government to fight terrorists the US State Department admits are present in every major Syrian city.
While the West has attempted to portray the full-scale conflict beginning in Syria in 2011 as first, a "pro-democracy uprising," to now a "sectarian conflict," recent atrocities carried out by US-Saudi-Israeli proxies have shifted the assault to include Sunni Muslims unable or unwilling to participate in the destruction of the Syrian state.
Such attacks included a mortar bombardment of Damascus University, killing 15 and injuring dozens more, as well as the brutal slaying of two prominent Sunni Muslim clerics - the latest of which was beheaded, his body paraded through the streets of Aleppo, and his head hung from the mosque he preached in.
While the West attempts to mitigate these events by labeling the victims as "pro-government," the reality is that the forces fighting inside Syria are funded, armed, directed, and politically supported from abroad - and therefore do not represent any of the Syrian people's interests, including those Syrians who do not support the government.
It is abundantly clear that the West's goal is neither to institute "democracy," nor even take sides in a "sectarian conflict," but rather carry out the complete and permanent destruction of Syria as a nation-state, sparing no one, not even Sunnis.
Such a proxy war exists contra to any conceivable interpretation of "international law."
The world is left with a moral imperative to not only denounce this insidious conflict brought upon the Syrian people, compounded and perpetuated entirely by external interests, but demands that concrete action is taken to ensure that this act of aggression is brought to an end.
The US, UK, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have admitted to colluding together, flooding Syria with thousands of tons of weapons via Jordan to Syria's south, and NATO-member Turkey to Syria's north.
And in an otherwise inexplicable conundrum, while the likes of US Secretary of State John Kerry insist this torrent of weapons is being directed to "moderates," neither the US nor its allies are able to explain why Al Qaeda terror front Jabhat al-Nusra has emerged as the most heavily armed, best equipped militant organization in the conflict.
AP reported specifically in their article, "Officials: Arms shipments rise to Syrian rebels," that:
US Secretary of State John Kerry said on the sidelines of a Syrian opposition meeting in Italy last month that the weapons are ending up in the hands of secular groups.
"I will tell you this: There is a very clear ability now in the Syrian opposition to make certain that what goes to the moderate, legitimate opposition is in fact getting to them, and the indication is that they are increasing their pressure as a result of that," he said, without elaborating.
But even AP admits that:
Syrian opposition activists estimate there are 15-20 different brigades fighting in and around Damascus now, each with up to 150 fighters.
Many of them have Islamic tendencies and bear black-and-white Islamic flags or al-Qaeda-style flags on their Facebook pages.
There is also a presence of Jabhat al-Nusra, one of the strongest Islamic terrorist groups fighting alongside the rebels.
The US State Department's own statement regarding the designation of al-Nusra as a listed Al Qaeda terror organization states:
Since November 2011, al-Nusrah Front has claimed nearly 600 attacks – ranging from more than 40 suicide attacks to small arms and improvised explosive device operations - in major city centers including Damascus, Aleppo, Hamah, Dara, Homs, Idlib, and Dayr al-Zawr.
According to the US State Department, al-Nusra is carrying out hundreds of attacks with a wide array of weaponry, across the entire nation of Syria, indicating a massive front and implying an equally massive network of logistical support, including foreign sponsorship.
What's more, is that the US State Department acknowledges al-Nusra's presence even in cities close to Syria's borders where the CIA is admittedly overseeing the distribution of weapons and cash.
The New York Times, in their June 2012 article, "C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition," reported that:
A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.
And in New York Times' more recent March 2013 article, "Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With Aid From C.I.A.," it is admitted that weapons are being funneled into Syria across both its borders with Turkey and Jordan:
With help from the C.I.A., Arab governments and Turkey have sharply increased their military aid to Syria’s opposition fighters in recent months, expanding a secret airlift of arms and equipment for the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, according to air traffic data, interviews with officials in several countries and the accounts of rebel commanders.
The article would also state:
Although rebel commanders and the data indicate that Qatar and Saudi Arabia had been shipping military materials via Turkey to the opposition since early and late 2012, respectively, a major hurdle was removed late last fall after the Turkish government agreed to allow the pace of air shipments to accelerate, officials said.
Simultaneously, arms and equipment were being purchased by Saudi Arabia in Croatia and flown to Jordan on Jordanian cargo planes for rebels working in southern Syria and for retransfer to Turkey for rebels groups operating from there, several officials said.
The US State Department acknowledges that the well armed, prominent terror front al-Nusra is operating in the very areas the CIA is feeding weapons and cash into.
Image: (Left) West Point's Combating Terrorism Center's 2007 report, "Al-Qa'ida's Foreign Fighters in Iraq" indicated which areas in Syria Al Qaeda fighters filtering into Iraq came from. The overwhelming majority of them came from Dayr Al-Zawr in Syria's southeast, Idlib in the north near the Turkish-Syrian border, and Dar'a in the south near the Jordanian-Syrian border. (Right) A map indicating the epicenters of violence in Syria indicate that the exact same hotbeds for Al Qaeda in 2007, now serve as the epicenters of so-called "pro-democracy fighters" and also happen to be areas the US CIA is admittedly distributing weapons and other aid in.
Such a reality directly contradicts the US State Department's official position, and no explanation is given as to how "moderates" can be provided with such extensive support, and still be eclipsed militarily and logistically by terror-front al-Nusra. That is, unless of course, the US, British, Saudi, and Qatari weapons aren't simply just handing the weapons directly to terrorists, precisely as planned as early as 2007.
The Destruction of Syria Began in 2007, Not 2011
While the West has attempted to reclaim Syria as part of its sphere of influence for decades, concrete plans for the latest proxy war were laid at least as early as 2007.
It was admitted in 2007 that the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel conspired together to fund, arm, and direct sectarian extremists including militants "sympathetic" to Al Qaeda, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood, against the governments of Iran and Syria.
In Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh's 2007 New Yorker article, "The Redirection: Is the Administration’s new policy benefiting our enemies in the war on terrorism?" the conspiracy was described as follows:
To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East.
In Lebanon, the Administration has cooperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran.
The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria.
A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.
Hersh also cited US, Saudi, and Lebanese officials who indicated that, "in the past year, the Saudis, the Israelis, and the Bush Administration have developed a series of informal understandings about their new strategic direction," and that, "the Saudi government, with Washington’s approval, would provide funds and logistical aid to weaken the government of President Bashir Assad, of Syria.
The report would also state:
Some of the core tactics of the redirection are not public, however.
The clandestine operations have been kept secret, in some cases, by leaving the execution or the funding to the Saudis, or by finding other ways to work around the normal congressional appropriations process, current and former officials close to the Administration said.
Mention of the Muslim Brotherhood already receiving aid even in 2007 was also made:
The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, a branch of a radical Sunni movement founded in Egypt in 1928, engaged in more than a decade of violent opposition to the regime of Hafez Assad, Bashir’s father.
In 1982, the Brotherhood took control of the city of Hama; Assad bombarded the city for a week, killing between six thousand and twenty thousand people. Membership in the Brotherhood is punishable by death in Syria.
The Brotherhood is also an avowed enemy of the U.S. and of Israel.
Nevertheless, Jumblatt said, “We told Cheney that the basic link between Iran and Lebanon is Syria-and to weaken Iran you need to open the door to effective Syrian opposition.”
There is evidence that the Administration’s redirection strategy has already benefitted the Brotherhood.
The Syrian National Salvation Front is a coalition of opposition groups whose principal members are a faction led by Abdul Halim Khaddam, a former Syrian Vice-President who defected in 2005, and the Brotherhood.
A former high-ranking C.I.A. officer told me, “The Americans have provided both political and financial support.
The Saudis are taking the lead with financial support, but there is American involvement.”
He said that Khaddam, who now lives in Paris, was getting money from Saudi Arabia, with the knowledge of the White House. (In 2005, a delegation of the Front’s members met with officials from the National Security Council, according to press reports.)
A former White House official told me that the Saudis had provided members of the Front with travel documents.
The Wall Street Journal in 2007 would also implicate the Muslim Brotherhood and more specifically, the so-called "National Salvation Front," in its article, "To Check Syria, U.S. Explores Bond With Muslim Brothers."
It is clear that the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel planned to use sectarian extremists against the nation of Syria starting at least as early as 2007, and it is clear that now these sectarian extremists are carrying out the destruction of Syria with a massive torrent of weapons and cash provided by the US and its regional allies, just as was described by Hersh's report.
A Moral Imperative to Save Syria
Syria is under attack by an insidious, premeditated foreign assault, intentionally using terrorist proxies in direct and complete violation of any conceivable interpretation of both national and international law.
The world has a moral imperative to support the Syrian people and their government as they fight this assault - both politically and logistically.
While US Secretary John Kerry is unable to account for how his nation's support for moderates has left Al Qaeda's al-Nusra front the premier militant faction in Syria, he has demanded that Iraq help stem the flow of alleged aid Iran is providing the Syrian government as it fights these terrorists.
Does US Secretary of State John Kerry deny that Syria is fighting a significant (and continuously growing) Al Qaeda presence within their borders, which according to the US State Department's own statement, is operating in every major city in the country?
What conceivable explanation or excuse could be made to justify the blockading of aid sent to Syria to fight Al Qaeda terrorists?
In fact, why isn't the US aiding the Syrian government itself in its fight against Al Qaeda - a terrorist organization the US has used as an excuse to wage unending global war since 2001 when Al Qaeda allegedly killed some 3,000 American civilians?
Does Secretary Kerry believe that further arming "moderates" is a legitimate strategy to counter Al Qaeda's growing presence in Syria when these "moderates" openly defend Al Qaeda's al-Nusra? The US' own hand-picked "Syrian opposition leader," Mouaz al Khatib, demanded the US reconsider its designation of al Nusra as a terrorist organization.
Retuers reported in their article, "Syrian opposition urges U.S. review of al-Nusra blacklisting," that:
The leader of Syria's opposition coalition urged the United States on Wednesday to review its decision to designate the militant Islamist Jabhat al-Nusra as a terrorist group, saying religion was a legitimate motive for Syrian rebels.
"The decision to consider a party that is fighting the regime as a terrorist party needs to be reviewed," Mouaz Alkhatib told a "Friends of Syria" meeting in Morocco, where Western and Arab states granted full recognition to the coalition seeking to oust President Bashar al-Assad.
The US is directly responsible for the emergence and perpetuation of Al Qaeda and other extremist groups in Syria. The statements of Secretary John Kerry are made merely to maintain an increasingly tenuous "plausible deniability."
The precedent being set by the US and its allies is one of using full-scale proxy invasions, that if successful in Syria, will be directed into Iran, up through the Caucasus Mountains in Russia, and even onto China's doorstep via extremists the West is cultivating amongst the Uighurs.
It is also clear that the West is directly responsible for the extremists within their own borders, and that these extremists are being used as a political tool against the people of the West, just as they are being used as a mercenary force abroad.
A united front between nations against this wanton state sponsorship of terrorism is needed - with nations pledging political and logistical support to the Syrian people to defeat this open conspiracy.
Individually, we can identify, boycott, and permanently replace the corporate-financier interests who conceived of and are driving this agenda. Failure to stop such wide scale criminality against the Syrian people now, will only invite greater criminality against us all in the near future.
Thank you Tony for the Copyrights - Parsifal
Image Islamic State Flag of Iraq, now Syria (Al-Qaeda aka Al-CIA-da) source
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