The Satan worshiping mafia that seized control of the West’s financial system is literally offering the world to Russian President Vladimir Putin in a desperate attempt to keep in power, according to a gnostic illuminati grandmaster and an MI6 agent. That may be why Russia is officially going along with the obviously fake Boston bombing psychological warfare operation against the American people. It may also be why the green light has been given for Japan and Russia to settle a territorial crisis that has lasted since the end of World War 2.
However, any role for Putin greater than what he has now is extremely unlikely since the US military is not going to go along with Zionist schemes any longer.
It is also clear that a big showdown has secretly taken place in the US and the Zionists have blinked first and are now in a state of fear and submission. The evidence for this can be seen in many places.
One clear example is the situation in Syria where attempts to start a greater war are being dialed back. The Israeli psy-ops of accusing Syria of using chemical weapons in order to fool the US into invading that country for them, for example, has failed. The Israeli government has also become the laughing stock of the world for having repeated for well over 20 years now that “Iran is one or two months away from getting a nuclear bomb.”
Instead, the world’s military and intelligence community has finally figured out that “Islamic fundamentalist terror” is run by Zionists and not Muslims. The crypto-Jewish Saudi regime is also now under severe attack for its role in financing mayhem and murder. All male descendants of the Original Saudi King will be targeted for assassination if they do not cease and desist immediately, according to several different secret societies, including the Green dragon.
In any case, Zionist attempts to start World War 3 are failing on all fronts.
In Asia a flotilla of Zionist flunkies sent off to provoke China over a few tiny rocks in the ocean is being ignored. Mass visits to the Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo by politicians have failed to provoke more than a rational response by China asking for a sincere debate about the historical truth. Attempts to start nuclear terror in Asia and blame it on North Korea have also been quashed.
Instead Japan on April 28th Japan declared itself to be an independent country for the first time in 61 years.
This ceremony officially celebrates the signing of the San Francisco Peace Treaty in 1952 but in reality celebrates Japanese independence this year from secret Zionist rule by murder, bribery, propaganda and blackmail at the highest level.
The new move to strengthen relations with Russia is a good sign of that. The countries signed a peace agreement back in 1956 in which Russia agreed to return 2 of 4 disputed islands. The Japanese were forced to renege on this by the Zionists as part of a campaign to keep their Japanese colony isolated from its neighbours. Prime Minister Abe and President Putin have now announced they will work towards a peace treaty based on that previous agreement. That is why Russia and Japan have now agreed to go ahead and radically improve economic relations in the Far East. They have also agreed that, since they both share borders with China, they have a common interest in making sure China does not become a bully in the future.
The situation in North Korea is also stabilizing. The gnostic illuminati say they want to remove Kim Jong-un from power. Japanese military intelligence say Kim Jon-un has little real power and that provocative powerful generals are calling the shots. However, Chinese government and North Korean sources both say serious progress is being made in peacefully reunifying Korea and normalizing relations between the region and the world. Here is an example of what the North Koreans themselves are saying:
That is a far cry from the Zionist propaganda painting North Korea as a crazy regime bent on starting nuclear mayhem. It is also worth noting that the provocative US/South Korean military exercises have been stopped.
It is also clear that the Zionists are no longer supported by the vast majority of Europeans and Americans, including the Jews. Instead people are waking up to their plans to create a one world “New World Order” totalitarian dictatorship.
For example, a recent poll shows that the majority of French, Germans, Brits, Italians and Spanish do not trust the EU or should I say the EUSSR.
It is also clear that the attempts to terrorize the American people into accepting totalitarian rule are failing. A recent opinion poll carried out after the Boston fake bombing psy-ops show that instead of increasing American’s willingness to “give up freedom for security” it did the opposite.
There are also signs the Zionists are beginning to lose control of their magic money printing machines known as the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank. Last week arch financial criminal Henry Paulson (Goldman Sachs, US Treasury etc.) and war criminal Henry Kissinger appeared on Xinhua news meeting Chinese President Xi Jinping. Chinese government sources say they were on a begging mission but were sent away empty handed. The same sources say the Chinese government believes the earthquake seen in China last week was caused by an earthquake weapon and was part of a failed attempt to extort money from China. The ongoing “bird flu” biological weapons attack against China is seen in the same light.
The various bombs going off around the world are (Czechoslovakia, Iraq, Syria etc.) are best seen as the death throes of the dying Zionist terror machine and are part of a failing campaign to maintain control through fear. It is they who should be afraid because they are going down and going down hard.
I may also mention to Bill Gates that I am sick and tired of my Hotmail account being censored and controlled. People who I meet and ask to send me e-mails call me on the phone regularly to say the mail has been bounced back with a message saying “there are problems with that e-mail account.” The only mails that do seem to get through contain warnings of nuclear terror attacks. My Skype account has also been similarly hacked. You are wasting your time Mr. Gates and Satanic friends, the only important messages I send are hand-written and hand delivered by personal envoys.
The P2 Freemason lodge in Italy is admitting the “algorithms are broken” in the Western financial system and that some sort of agreement needed to be reached over the Global Collateral Accounts.
They suggested contacting a certain Sultan in South East Asia. That message has been forwarded. It is time to end the financial war and cut off Zionist terrorist financing. The people of the world want peace.